
January 2, 2014

Struggles Of Being Maeda Atsuko

I've been thinking about what will be my first post for the year 2014. w
I was about to blog about Yuko's graduation announcement at Kohaku, but then again I refused to do so because it's too depressing. Sigh.

Don't get me wrong, what I'm about to tackle right now isn't positive either. haha

Today, I did not go to work because I needed this day in order to fully rest and catch up some energy. So I managed to read some articles about my various japanese fandom. But since I am too dedicated to someone named Atsuko Maeda, I end up reading articles about her. And what made it interesting was, I end up reading about Atsuko's lovelife or what everyone knows "Atsuko's first romance".

It's actually my first time to see myself reading and talking about this matter, since I don't quite give a damn about her relationship/s. Unless that'll be Atsumina or sort of related with the 48girls. w Well it surprises me for this odd behavior as well, I guess I'm just bored? That might be it. And it's also a first time I'm searching Onoe Matsuya on google and didn't close the tab for quite a while. I should be considering this my first achievement in 2014. I shock myself at concluding that this guy looked good too. Just OMG!

SO here let me start this.

I read this Matsuya Onoe's mother approves of her son getting married to Atsuko Maeda (Josei Jishin) article and made me once again realize how tough it is to be Atsuko. Just reading the comments solely bringing up about her "talent" or acting from this issue is quite stressful. I wish she's not reading these kind of comments though, it'll be too bad to handle everyday. And to bring out yet another burden for her, I read this: Atsuko Maeda's NHK period drama "Asakiyumemishi" struggling to get good ratings which I'll sadly quote these:
We didn't imagine that Atsuko Maeda couldn't bring in the ratings..., This is what we get for using her just because of the label 'former AKB center
there are also some reviews saying that she acts like a vegetable and that her lines are hard to pick up. Some people have even gone to the extent of saying that "We should've just cast Yuko Oshima instead
I know it's just normal to be pressured by the huge expectations from the bosses and fans if you're one of the frontman of the casts. But still, if this is true, it's quite saddening to realize or imagine that the productions were"just using" or casting her in attempting to get higher ratings and then when their expectations weren't met in the end they'll just regret and sell the girl out. And worst comparing her to yet another soon-to-be ex-AKB member, Yuko.

I wish that Maeda's not really getting such treatment right now. I hope someday these producers will just hire her not just in attempting to get higher ratings but also because of her acting and personality. But then again at some point, I thank these people who casted her for just whatever reasons because somehow it became an instrument for Atsuko's learning and improving her acting skills more.

Okay, now back at Maeda's first romance. lol

I can't help but laugh at some of the comments though from that article. haha That these people started speculating about Matsuya and her mother's just about to ripe off Atsuko's earnings in the future. lol It's entertaining how these people starts to conclude such with Matsuya's mother's statements. Not that I'm against such speculations, in fact they're building rather a huge light of hope inside of me. hahahaha Oh gosh, seriously kei?

But then again, I did not say I want Atsuko's partner/s today and in the future to just use her for such reasons such as money and fame. Of course I still want her true happiness, though I'm quite expecting this isn't going to be her first and last romance. Too young for marriage, but who knows what exactly this girl is thinking.? Did she fell that deep in love to consider marriage? (she did: SDK episode) ww I wish I could read what's in her mind.

Also what made me laugh really hard on this matter were these comments:
What happened to the report about Maeda-san's goukon party at the karaoke?
I wonder if he isn't concerned that she's Takeru Sato's hand-me-down
But Atsuko Maeda will definitely go head over heels for Takeru Sato if he just approaches her again
I thought she liked those gentle-looking ikemen types like Takeru Sato w
 And this comment posted by
it'll be interesting if Matsuya is actually Maeda's experiment subjects for flirting and cooking department so she'll have enough experience to win Sato Takeru's heart in not-so-far future

Seemed like the "scandal" really gave that sanity to lots of people. If by then, Atsuko really has fallen in love with Sato Takeru before, AtsukoxMatsuya shouldn't be called her first romance. Hmm I therefore conclude this Atsuko's 1st romance should be divided into two:

1st failed romance and 1st successful romance. Meh

No not the marriage again!

It'll never be that easy for Atsuko to get some peace around having romance with people continuously criticizing and judging the guy and the relationship. I guess it's tougher for the man unless he's a total dickhead.

But I like it how she's wanting everything to be private in order to do not cause a stir.

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand you. Well, at least about this topic.
    I think we,as fans, don't really know what's going on with her. But as any other celebrities rumors start and then scandals and what now.
    She is a very fragile girl. She personally said it many times. So I really wish and hope she ignores about it. It's hard since she was at the top and she has to cover 'people's expectations' but I really wish she can do what she loves to do and don't even worry about anyone says.
    Plus, as you said, I wish the producers and directors of dramas/movies soon recognize her talent and personality and call her not for being "ex-AKB48 center" but only for being Maeda Atsuko.
    She's a great actress, I mean I just saw 'The Complex" a few days ago and man! Not because I'm a fan of her but she made me feel scared! The movie it's not REALLY scary, but her facial expressions and specially her EYES made me feel scared. She has this BIG potential in her that it's just wow! Maybe for this role in "Asakiyumemishi" was difficult to her, maybe even made her feel nervous and all, but if it's true that the producers/directors only used for the ratings, I just hope she takes this as a good experience and make her improve her acting.
    I really hope she's fine, whether she actually reads the bad comments or not. We will never know how she feels, but I hope she keeps walking on.
    I feel so many things about your post that IDK how to put it in words... so I hope this was enough and not all over the place! ><
