August 7, 2012

Lemme Comment! [Randomness] Issue 1

Today is just like some other day, it's still raining.. and it's really hard.. geez.. if this continues lots of inappropriate things might happen. I hope everyone will be safe even with floods around them.. Well luckily here at our place we're near the airport.. so it's expected that we're on a high plain than the others.. but our province's also experiencing this heavy rain and I just hope my family out there is safe as well.. hmmm..

Anyways.. today I also wanted to post randomness again.. honestly I wanted to create another blog for my non sense posts and galleries and so forth.. but I can't since I'm thinking that it'll be difficult for me to update 2 blogs at a time.. but I really wanted it.. lolz. pardon my stubbornness.. hihi..

So let me begin this randomness, by allowing me to comment on different photos I've been drooling about.. trololol. 
^ This photo, I really wanted a High Resolution for it.. I want to make it as my profile picture at FB but unfortunately it won't allow me because the size is too small.. D; UWAAAA... She's so freakin' hot and sexy! Sooo gorgeous my oshi!! [hearts! lots of hearts!]

Smile Acchan! Smile!! She's so kawaii... dang it.. she's like a kid playing at the pool.. ahaha I wonder where's her Taka-toy.. 

Somehow looking at Acchan's photos makes it so refreshing with me.. ahihihi I dunno why... maybe I'm really crazy about my ichiban.. her smile is the best!!! ~ ooohhhh

Fly to the skkkyyyyy....

I love it when my oshi smiles and then wrinkles on her nose appears.. kyaaaa... super kawaii!! /faint /dies...ugh, 

:D Smile for Takamina, she's still young in here.. right now at the present, I seldom see her smile like that.. you know maybe she's sad about the upcoming graduation? I hope she's not regretting about her decision.. She'll definitely miss these people.. akb48.. :'( 

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