
May 30, 2012

Atsuko Maeda's Kimi wa Boku da PV

Well well well.. Look at me doing nothing but fangirling all day. This is really bad I can feel it. No matter how much I tell to myself to start working with my thesis, I just ended up slacking off the whole day. I can't control myself anymore. Ugh!

But oh well.. I guess I'll just go with the flow.. I wonder what will happen to me in the future but I guess I'll just have to deal with it. But for now let me cherish the remaining days of this summer vacation. Haha!

Acchan's PV of Kimi wa Boku da was released and I got to download in a high quality video. Good thing I have connections [evil grin]
I really enjoyed the PV! Gawd Acchan is so cute and gorgeous!!! She's stunning and I can feel that she really enjoy what she is doing. Being a comedian on this PV is really a new dimension for Acchan, well I say that it's really different from variety shows. Because this time she's fully acting it out what the character has to portray and I think she really did well! I'm kinda happy that the PV went well with her acting [Gawd! She has gotten better and better!] I bet she's also proud of the results.
The goofy Acchan as well as her doll are just soo kawaii!!!! kyaaaa! [doki doki]

May 29, 2012


Woot after how many months a new book was released. If you haven't seen the previous volumes then go to this links ---><--- Details you need to know all about Scandal Mania [Vol 1-4 are shown as well]

Click here for Vol. 5--->

As much as possible I'll try to update for more details from my sources. For now, here are the photos from the vol. 6. [spread thy love, heart]

May 28, 2012

Keismagic TV

Just so you know, I have launched Keismagic TV where in I'll be sharing some of my video collections from my HDD. I have plenty of SCANDAL vids, a few of Kpop vids, and several AKB48 videos as well. I'm thinking that my guitar covers will be part of the episodes too. In short anything about my fandom and works will be shared!!

As of now, I have posted two episodes on May 25 and 27, they are all about SCANDAL. But let me correct your expectations about this, Keismagic TV will not only focus about SCANDAL! Since I have friends and several scandal fans from my page Scandal Magic, I have thought that it'll be a good thing to launch two episodes for a success start. [As if, it was successful? lol]

Also I'm thinking that starting this week I will post new episodes every weekends only.... You know, I think it'll be better that way.. Everyone will have a pleasant peaceful weekdays [for busy people] and after a tiring 5 days here goes the new episodes!! Haha!

For now, what do you guys think about the two episodes? [I hope you all like them, I need feedback and suggestions/requests on what episodes you want to see next]
Just comment below, and I'll try to find something that will sooth you.. [heart]

May 27, 2012

Black Is My Pleasure

Hmm.. this is a one exciting blog entry for me. My heart is thumping [doki doki]. Kya!!!
Well to tell you all honestly I actually like men and women who wore black clothes. When my favorite artists which I fan girl so much wear such clothing my always reaction is [OMG! I can die peacefully], [Why are you seducing me!!], [This guy/girl is going to have an intimate love from me], [Oh boy! You're MINE!!]....
Haha! I know it's quite really funny, but I am really serious here okay? [LOL] I love black! Black is definitely sexy for me! It's like they are tempting me to do have evil~ish desire and pleasure! HAHAHAHA
[If only you could imagine how much I want to scream out loud seeing my favorite artists wearing this color]HNGGG.... Just imagine out in the middle of the night where everyone's resting.. then a photo update pops out my news feed showing my favorite artist wearing black... FUUUUU!!! [screaaaaaammmmmm]

But of course I love to see my favorite people to wear different colors of clothing too, as long as those clothes suit them then there's no disagreement on it. Blue, yellow, orange, green, or whatever color it is I love them all. They bring different vibes or characters on me. Cute, gorgeous, stunning, but the sexy and hot character would always be from the black clothing. Well actually any dark color is acceptable for me [I'm not choosy at all] LOL!

Why? I don't know, [lol] But seeing my favorite artists wearing such clothes really is pleasurable to me. I just can't stop giggling at the same time lure over their amazing photos in black! GAH! I LOVE IT!!!!!

Oh well, here let me show you the artists I adore and love with them on black clothes.

 Oh Siwon I'll give you everything, my heart, my soul, my body! [trololol] Just please marry me!! HAHAHA! This gorgeous, amazing, HOT, SEXY, guy is absolutely one of my favorite man who wore black clothes. Formal or casual, I just love it!! He's tall and manly enough to look great in that wearing. Ugh! But of course I wouldn't mind if he won't wear black suits as well.. a nude one I think will still be acceptable.. [trolololol] Oh! I'm sorry! My evil side is coming out again... hmmm... [silence]

May 26, 2012

Great Music! Real Music! Mindy Gledhill!

Hello everyone, today I feel like posting my favorite musician these days that I listen to. And nope! It isn't about KPOP or JPOP okay? I say real music for this time. I think these songs are incomparable, for they are truly high-graded songs for me. Pure class! From the moment I first heard and understood the meaning of the songs are so heart warming. I seriously can cry because of the wonderful lyrics and melody! I hope you guys will try these songs too! :)

Mindy Gledhill truly is a great musician. The playful lyrics as well as the meaning of her songs.. Augh! I admire her so much! I just I wish I have such talents.. Oh amazing voice as well!! Mindy!!!!! YOU'RE SO AMAZING!!!!

Hourglass by Mindy Gledhill

May 24, 2012

New Outfits Mean New Beginning?

Recently, the 2012 "LIVE IDO LIVE" Tour of SCANDAL started at Caparvo Hall at Kagoshima. Aside from  rocking the place they also sport NEW outfits and hair styles!

Oh dear, that new hair color gives a cooler vibe on me, Haru. You look gorgeous! I think the outfit's color compliments with her great appearance. And also I don't really mind whether she will wear sleeveless or not.

If I'll Have the Chance...

Hello. Im here again to tell you how much I love AKB48 again. Seriously because my fandom over them is getting higher and higher everyday.. I barely see my great future [LOL]. Damn I need someone to stop and tame me for a while until I finish my thesis proposal. [sad]. I've never experienced this high level of fandom.. [Yes, I do believe it is higher than my previous addictions]. I really am going crazy now!!!! I can't concentrate on my work because what I only want to do is fangirl this amazing group and my oshimen Acchan!!! [heart]
waaah! I LOVE AKB48!!!! [I don't know until when but for now and I'm sure until tomorrow I'm still a huge fan]. GAH!
My friend updated me about the contest AKB48 is up to now. Looking for the #1 fan of the members across the globe. Rules are: Participants needed to give a heart-felt [definitely] message to their oshimen and if they got the highest no. of +1 then  the winner will have a "thank you" message directly from his/her oshi. GAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! The most happiest thing about being the winner is that he/she will be able to go to Japan and be an exclusive reporter to the happenings on AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert [Now, that's fucking AWESOME!!! I'm going crazy!!!!]

May 23, 2012

Who's the next CENTER?

Thinking about this really gives me a headache. = =
I'm not really quite sure what to do when Acchan leaves the spotlight. Who will be the next center? But as Acchan said before.. even she was at the center if the fans have someone else as their oshi then they will be the center on their eyes. [So probably, Acchan's saying that it's just a formation after all].
But still Acchan, you're the best and the fittest member to be on the center.  You dance gracefully without exaggerating the choreography [which I somehow see on Yuko when she was at the center at Heavy Rotation], Acchan has a fit height and great body and face!!! So I just can't imagine someone to be on that position yet. D; NOOOO!!!

May 22, 2012

[AKB-Discoveries] 1

Now. Now. = = I really feel like updating out in here and just reveal my random thoughts about certain topic or anything random. LOL
I'm wide awake and reading photocopied pages of plenty of books for my thesis.= = Yes, I'm sure enough that I was bored reading and get myself attached to my laptop again and do this shit. LOL

I was quite busy the whole day because I was recording my new guitar cover which will be fully uploaded later this morning. I also read quite a lot of blog entries from my favorite bloggers around there. :) I've learned quite a lot. [Oh God! Please give me this much interest on my thesis, FUU].

Mariko trolling around again. She shocked her twitter fans as she said she'll be away in twitter as things went well [probably haters comments are the reasons] but in less than 23 hours... look who's back. LOL!
She also said that she forgets everything that happened after a long sleep. LOL much really! Mariko you're such a troll! = =''

May 21, 2012

My 1st Ever AKB48 fingerstyle guitar cover :D

Hohoho~ I'm sorry I just can't restrain myself from posting it. You know that feeling right? If you're a guitarist/musician and you played a song from your favorite IDOL group for the 1st time in fingerstyle you'll feel very happy and excited about it. Playing this song for the whole day yesterday was really enjoyable yet so fcking painful on my fingers. I can't even practice just early this morning..  = = And my sleep last night was terrible because my right arm was really numb..= = Augh. I guess that's the effect of playing the whole day.. Yeah it did hurt a lot because my fingers and arms were not used to playing the guitar anymore.. I did stopped playing quite a while now.. Huhu *regretful*

And yes I'm proud to present you this song.. :) I learned it by ear in just 2 hours (yes, it is an achievement for a noob like me). And I did try to play it the whole day so that I can master the transitions of my fingers.. It's kinda hard because my left hand's fingers were really in pain..= =''

Okay anyways here it is... FOR NOW IT IS IN PREVIEW MODE!!!! Because it is Mami's birthday today, I think it's a bit weird to post an AKB guitar cover of mine and yet I don't have anything to present to Mami..wwaaaahhh Gomenasai Mami!! T.T

I already finished this song, so the WHOLE GUITAR COVER for this will be available by tomorrow!
Please give comments about it, so I can change some few notes if there are some quite off to you. I'll record a new one by tomorrow if there are any suggestions of changes from you guys :D
AKB48- Kei's Fingerstyle Guitar Cover [Preview] HEAVY ROTATION 


I really have nothing special in here, no edited video special for her like last year. T.T
Well it's not like I forgot about her birthday, it's just that I was really lazy to do something like editing video or a photo either. Hmm.. *re-reads my previous sentence* Oh I mean I'm busy!! REALLY~ busy... you know thesis papers and all?? fufufu~~~

Let me just say:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY the ever goddess of female lead guitarists!!! Daisuki MAMI! Happy 22 years of living in this cruel yet amazing world. I wish you every greatness and happiness in the world, achieve your awesome dreams with SCANDAL band!"

May 17, 2012

That Precious Smile

This is the last day and night I'm going to bum around at our house and just blog all day long. I let this happen because I'm really happy that my proposed site for my thesis was already approved by my awesome thesis adviser. But bumming around ends here.. after this blog entry and after I woke up later this morning.. I'll continue by then my thesis works... I'll be more serious with stuff or else.. I'm gonna die this coming semester. LOL!

So before I move myself away from blogging for this coming weeks, here let me share you something that makes my heart beats so fast. Acchan! WHY YOU SO GORGEOUS!~~ I really envy this girl, maybe she's not the prettiest girl alive, not perfect like kpop girls, not pretty as me (lolwut? HAHAHA) but I really love her! She's amazing! I love everything about her! Even though she's prone to kissing scenes (acting career) and sexy "rated r" poses (idol career), I will accept it and just sulk in the corner when I can't handle it anymore. LOL!

I really love seeing Acchan smile and laugh. Every smile and laugh she's showing are all sincere and very precious.. She was said to be one of the most moody idol in AKB48, she will not smile at something she's pissed off or at something she does not want to do (Even if they are bound to do so, Idol life sucks for some time - -). She really can't control her expressions, and that attitude might have gone to Aki-p and said that acchan maybe just need to focus on her acting career. Maybe he said that because Acchan can't be tamed no more? Or maybe he can't please Acchan to stay any longer at AKB48 (lol) Oh well.. Acchan I don't fucking care whatever this pervert is thinking or saying , just express what you want to express.. be moody, or not I will still accept you from the bottom of my heart.. *yieee cheesy much* lol!

THAT SINCERE SMILE FROM ACCHAN.. Oh god I can die happily~~ *heart* kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa

May 16, 2012


Since there were quite a lot of comments coming from SCANDAL fans out there on this blog entry--> I guess it is time to update your favorite category! ;)

I'm having a break today and do everything I wanted away from school works (thesis papers), because my site was somehow approved by our thesis adviser.. (I say somehow). I feel like he approved on it because he said that I'll just occupy the adjacent site if it was needed as our design process develops. See? It means I already have the consent to use that site I have proposed. :)) hohoho~~

I was really nervous waiting for the reply of my thesis adviser. I had a talk with one of my classmates that he has submitted 2 other proposed sites before his 3rd site got approved. I was like *uwaaaaat the ef?* So I was really nervous by it, I was thinking I'll be having the same fate.. but it was all success! Thank goodness!!!

Okay back now with the real topic. Let me present to you guys quite awesome photos of SCANDAL. They are from different sources, like SCANDAL MANIA Iphone/android application, scandal blog and other scandal sites. So I would like to thank all of those! ;) Arigatou Gozaimashita ne~ *heart*

Let's start with the photos from the SCANDAL MANIA application.. well maybe lots of you have seen this already.. well as for me.. it's my 1st time to see "some" of these photos.. trololol..

These photos were still part of the Baby Action Virgin Hall Tour last year. This -->

Majisuka Gakuen S 1

Woot! Actually I finished this Jdorama just this Monday of the week. Majisuka Gakuen sure is entertaining in a lot of different ways. Okay, let me give you a note here.. I just finished the season 1 okay? So don't rush me to watch season 2 yet. I'm not yet ready... :))

So let me give you my first impression about this drama.
"LOL" <--- a very simple word that best describe my feelings for this drama.. Episode one was fucking FUNNY!! Tahahaha! I was really laughing literally over the "story" of this drama. wahahaha! I'm really sorry but this was what I really felt when I saw the 1st episode.
Story-line is kind of a bit OFF!
Acting skills (included Acchan's) were a bit terrible
Fight Scenes are too simple and somehow it's so unbelievable that they are Yankee or gangs... whatevs?
Even the names of the Yankees are really funny..

But despite the negative impact of the episode 1 to me, I still continued watching the drama. Since I'm waiting for "ATSUMINA" scenes, I really have to calm myself and just get with the flow as the episodes pass by. Also maybe because I was laughing so hard that I was entertained? *ohhh told you, there are different kinds of entertainment, but the common denominator always is that you're happy with it.* riiiight.... XD

My favorite character was of course Acchan from the very beginning. Even though I don't like that "Are you serious?" concept wherein Acchan will take off her glasses and started to evolve like having the strength of the hulk or something. trololol. *I always laugh on this, I'm so sorry Acchan... I'm ready for your punishment* LOVE PUNISHMENT~~~ :3

May 15, 2012

Korean Guys I Love! 2PM Issue! Taecyeon Ok

Once in a while is it okay to post here my pleasurable desires over cute and hunky guys? Trololol. I just had a feeling that I have quite a lot of MALE readers out there since I'm continuously posting blog entries about my favorite girls on different entertainments. From SCANDAL to Suzy, and now AKB48.. and to think about it I seldom update this blog with my husbands as the topic. HAHAHA! So yeah excuse me boys, it's time for the girls to have some wild fun! :)))

I really like guys that has great sex appeal (trololol, what a good way to start this HAHAHA). Nahh seriously it is, I find them very appealing when they have this great bodies, bad-ass attitude and GODLY face! Too good to be true ne? But I think it is fate that brings these boys around my vision. WAHAHAHA *girly much* XDD *wild wild fun* :)))

How can I not like the 2pm guys? They are monsters *cough* I mean.. they are sooo MANLY!! Those popping muscles everywhere, their faces are somehow very appealing and gawd, they are just so gorgeous! Nice bodies are really trending with korean idols out there.. if you don't have great body might as well have cute-lovely-killing face (is there such thing? lol).. you know what I mean right?

The most appealing guy for me in 2pm is none other than.... ten-ten-ten~~ Taecyeon! *heart*
Even though that I don't like him for Suzy, I still want him for myself TROLOLOL!

I think he's the perfect one for me. He has this bad-ass charisma, not that much handsome but it's perfectly fine with me. I think in that way, I won't fight with other girls out there for his good looks. But still I find him really appealing and cute at some point. :))
I love his perfect body and stature! Damn tall guys are always awesome for me!!! Fuuuu!!! Taecyeon please marry me! HAHAHA or DIE if you're not going to! :)))
I'll give you all the coca-cola on earth! So marry me NOOOW!!! Hahahah!

What's next for Atsuko Maeda?

I actually thought that Acchan is having a rest for a long while since the announcement of her graduation. But I guess not? Recently I've read quite a lot of projects that Acchan's involved with. Despite the graduation controversy, I guess it really is needed to move forward and not sulk around the corner. I always hope the best for you Acchan! And I'm really really glad for the projects coming in your way.

May 13, 2012

Dream High Song Sam Dong

Song Sam Dong portrayed by Kim Soo Hyun definitely gives a huge impact to everyone. Even though that Kim Soo Hyun started as an actor from different dramas way before DH, he was not able to gain fans no matter how skillful his acting abilities were. It was Dream High that definitely gave him a break on the Korean Entertainment.

Since Dream High was produced by one of the biggest agencies in Korean entertainment which is JYP, it was really easy to gain popularity to the people. Luckily, the "unknown" Kim Soo Hyun before was casted for DH Season 1. Kim Soo Hyun expresses his Song Sam Dong character very well which leads people liked him even more. Even he is competing love with Jin Guk (2PM's Taecyeon), the media still was holding on the infamous Kim Soo Hyun..

So let me give you reasons why people loved the "SONG SAM DONG" character of Kim Soo Hyun:

1st: Since Sam Dong was from province, people loved the way he was different in the drama. He's really pure when it comes to dealing with people which gives a huge "nice guy" appeal to the watchers. He also displays love for family and friends.

Your Favorite Keismagic Blog Category?

I love blogging. I love writing and expressing my thoughts to everyone. But it's more lovely when there are people who are really bothering going here to read my articles from time to time. I'm really thankful that I have avid readers who are keep on supporting my page whatever the topic may be. My blog isn't that popular as every other trending blogs out there, but I must say I'm really proud by gaining a few page hits everyday. My stats are really going very well and I'm really happy! Thanks really!!

Aside from expressing my gratitude over my avid readers, I also wanted to say I really am sorry for those who are quite disappointed when their favorite categories are not being written about for long now. When I'm really addicted to someone or something, I really can't hide it and worst make numerous blog entries here consecutively. As of now I'm addicted to AKB48, and obviously I can't stand a day without reading articles and share my thoughts about them with you. Making blog entries about AKB48 is really risky but I still continue to do so because I'm happy to what I'm writing about them. My blog is NOT fully devoted to single artist nor some specific category, but is about variety of topics. I'm just adapting to where I am well entertained and happy in writing. I don't really know either what will happen to my present addiction in the future, so what I'm doing now is just enjoying it as much as I can. Haha.

My friend told me that the reason why I get easily bored with someone or some topic is because of too much obsession and addiction. She said I was fully devoted to one topic and gave every time I have to them. Which I do really agree because I know myself. XD Though for the best, I'm really trying to balance every fandom I have even though it's really hard. I feel like I'm really in a relationship with my current obsession that I fully forget about other things. LOL! I don't know if it's good or not though. *sigh*

Please watch out for my new blog entries in the future, YOROSHIKU ONEGAISHIMASU! ~


Top 5 Highly Paid AKB48 Members

So who in here wants to know about this? I was greatly shocked when I saw this news.. I don't know if it is accurate but it was reported just May 8, 2012. So yeah, I guess this is really updated.

Here's the source for the news just in case you have doubts. LOL!

Let's start this!
#1 Obviously, who would not think that the ACE (Atsuko Maeda/Acchan) is the no. 1 highly paid member? Seriously?
Hahaha! Aside from the promotions from AKB48 group, she's also active on different dramas and other television programs. She's also a highly paid commercial artist in Japan and is part of a huge number of magazines. So there is no wonder about the no. one spot for this category. XD
ANNUAL INCOME: 40 Million Yen

May 12, 2012

Please Take Responsibilities!!!

This is really ridiculous. I'm totally shredding papers into pieces. = =
If it wasn't because of my friend, I won't be able to make a blog entry that is full of anger. LOL!
Thanks to her, I'm going to prove that it is WRONG to blame ATSUKO MAEDA for having  "low ratings" for the drama entitled "Saiko no Jinsei no Owarikata ~Ending Planner~. Since I am new to AKB, I was not aware of these news from before, so yeah it is somehow not an update to some of you. But THIS IS NOT a news update really, I'm doing this entry because I wanted to share my raging anger over this craaazzzy terrible news!!
I say.. WHAT THE FUCK!?? Seriously, why did Johnny's Entertainment blamed all the fucking single digit ratings to Acchan? They even blacklisted her on working with Johnny's artists. Hell this is a crap! The SO CALLED next Takuya Kimura was not even blamed once. Actually I really don't mind if he was not blamed for the low ratings, he's really popular despite his "stone-acting-facial expressions". I'm actually a little fan of Yamapi but I can't believe that he's totally all blown away by his agency. They are all washing their hands over this controversy. It would not become a controversy at all if they did not cause a stir over this.

May 11, 2012

Takamina's dream!!!!!

All I can do today is to blog all day long because my laptop is now at the repair shop. I don't even know if the technician can revive my laptop. Huhuhuhu. I just wish he'll be able to do so, if not I will blog about him and his shop that they are all crap. Damn useless shop!!!!! Wahahahahah. I'm using my dad's iPad the whole day, I'm not really used to it at all, besides I can't watch nor do stupid things because he'll definitely will see my craziness. Lol. Oh well let's just erase the history,, haha sorry pops, you won't get any secrets from me!!! XD

AtsuMina/ TakAcchan

Heehee. Can't stop giggling, finally I'm able to make a blog entry about these two. Well honestly I really like their friendship, or more than that? trololol. "Strong friendship" is one of the characteristics I loved about AKB48, they are all for real. Maybe some haters think they are just acting it out.. but I say they really are for real! *cries*

Since Takamina was considered as the leader of AKB48, there are many story behind her close friendship with the other members. I've read quite a lot of articles about them, but for now I'll just focus on these two because they are both my favorite. If I'll rank them of course ACCHAN still is my ichiban on AKB and there TAKAMINA follows. :) It's always so good to see them together in AKB, they are the 1st generation members of the group so it's understandable to see their good friendship. The combination of the ACE and the LEADER, I sure will miss that. They're inseparable! They support each other since the both of them gets the most heavy duty and responsibility on their shoulders. They sure have the greatest amount of pressure, and I'm glad to see that they always accompany each other. Such great friends! Huhu. Acchan please don't graduate.. but oh well.. takaminaaaa (T.T) *please be strong* I'll support the both of you in your different paths. :((

May 9, 2012

No Acchan anymore?

This is bad! This is really bad!!!! Just today AKB48's new commercial under Haruyama was released, the concept was about girls in men's wear Cool Biz. 7 members from the Senbatsu were part of it. I was really sad to see Yuko was the one in the center and not Acchan anymore. Acchan was not part of the commercial either, now I can really feel the absence of Acchan. I have an awful feeling right now *sobs in the corner* Acchan I miss you! It would have been cute to see you on men's wear too!! waaaaaaaah!!!
They should have just get 6 members really, so it would not be painful to see the center. Augh. I wonder what Acchan feels after seeing this.. GAAAAHH Screw you Aki-P for doing this!!!. I bet she's now sad, ugh! Don't worry Acchan you're better than all of them! Daisuki!!! *heart*

My Favorite AKB48 PVs

Oh yeaaah! Yesterday was again an adventure day for me. It was actually the most tiring adventure I had more than my last trip. Even though that it's nearer at our place, heck it was more tiring than I thought. We stayed the whole day at the city hall and looked for our respective sites for our thesis. It was really tiring because we go to different rooms for assistance and talking to the architect of the City was actually "WTF"? I've learned quite a lot from him actually but few stories that he's talking about is quite exaggerating at the same time becoming off-topic. I'm so sorry for my awful attitude, but I did tried to laugh at his jokes really. (even though I did not get some of them) LOL!
And btw, I would like to thank my bestfriend Nathaniel for making my trip to their City a success. Without his help I would not be able to go to the places inside the city as well as my routes for going back home. LOL! You're the best! This may sound exaggerating but I'm really really thankful for your help, hahah! Maybe it's really hard on your part to teach me the ways again and again, so I'm sorry too. :)) I'm not really good at directions Uwaaaa T.T So yeah thanks for the patience! 

Okay, let's get onto the topic now. If you are one of my avid readers of this blog (a fan that reads my blog without having their bias artists on topic) then you'll be able to realize how much I love AKB48 now. It's really sad though that my laptop got broken (inverter problem) and I still am not sure whether I can salvage the files like the most important things now on my laptop.. MY THESIS FILES and AKB48 FILES... OMG, I'm going to cry now.. FUUUUU!!

So in order to make myself happy I'm using my big bro's laptop right now, and download everything I needed. LOOOL! I'm also watching AKB48 videos, and it really is fun! So yeah let me share you my ALL-TIME favorite Music Videos of AKB48!!

I think this is my favorite of all (so far, I guess?) I love the costumes, the dance step, formation of the members as well as the song itself! It also gives the vibe of ACCHAN being the QUEEN of AKB48. All the members are on their knees and look up to her. It was so amazing! I REALLY LOVE IT! She's so pretty and dances gracefully, she's amazing and there's no doubt about it! SHE'S THE FACE of AKB48!! Daisuki Atsuko Maeda!!!

May 6, 2012

Latest addiction!

I swear I'll enjoy myself with this latest phase of my addiction.. I don't know what actually might happen in the future. As you can see I easily can change my fandom priorities from one to another, maybe because of too much addiction I got tired of them and found something that makes me feel loved and well entertained. I guess that's what it is all about.. I'M GOING TO ENJOY AKB48 to the max I can.. until another artist comes my way.. *still wondering who she/he will be though, I guess you're lucky* LOL! 

But hey! Please don't think I've fallen out of LOVE from my previous addiction, they are still part of me and I'm still willing to update about them as much as I can.

Somehow I feel like every transition of my addiction to another artist is somewhat thrilling to some of my readers. Haha! Because when I'm addicted to something or someone, I really am willing to put A LOT of time in researching about them (I wish I have this attitude on my thesis T.T) and am going to blog about them in here!!! More information will come your way!!!! I'm new to AKB (new in this much of addiction) so please take care of me to those who knows a LOT about them. But don't worry! I'll do my best to compete as well as surpass all of you! TROLOLOL!

May 5, 2012

AKB addiction!!!

Today I think I spent the whole day, researching and downloading files of AKB48. They are too many to research about but I was eager to know more about them. Especially the 12 senbatsu characters/members. Some of the videos I'm downloading now are their performances, so I was able to see too much members going on the same stage. The transition of the members' performances, how the girls prepare themselves and all. I was really having a headache, LOL! Can't believe they can focus with that much people around. They can even invade the whole hallway and soon maybe they can be the audience themselves. trololol. But hey I love this group, so I guess I'll just have to get used to it right?? :)

Since there are too many members to research about, I'll just stick with these people:

 Acchan/Atsuko Maeda (to be my no. 1 priority), 

SCANDAL VEVO channel on Youtube

It's good to see SCANDAL having their own official VEVO channel on youtube. Isn't it awesome? Finally no more shutting down of youtube channels when someone uploads a music video for them. VEVO is under Sony, Universal, EMI etc so the music videos that will be updated under this channel will not be under copyright infringement. And yeah, they'll only upload the official music videos, I'm not sure if they'll also upload personal videos like performances and other promotional ones but I'm still hoping. Though I'm really happy for this news, I still wished they've created a personal channel, you know like AKB and other artists in the kpop industry. They all have official channel not just under VEVO. When that happened we are sure to get updates directly from them.. much better right? Oh well for now let's get used to VEVO first at least we'll get to see how many views their PVs can get further as time passes by.

Hye Mi- Sam Dong Dream High memories

Finally got the mood to update the Hyun-Zy couple or known as Song Sam Dong and Go Hye Mi couple. Even though that I've watched this drama for a long time ago, Dream High season 1 still is catching a lot of hearts from different parts of the globe. Few countries just started airing the said program. So yeah since I'm a Hyun-Zy shipper, I'll also continue showing support on them here on my blog. Ready??

I'll be sharing more photos of this couple from DREAM HIGH. :)

May 4, 2012

Get out of your comfort zone!

Today is a wonderful day! I feel so awesome and free!! I started the month of May productively! Yattaaa!!!! *tears of joy* Haaaa, I think I'm now growing at the same time maturing. lololol. This day is a very important day for me because I was able to get out of my comfort zone. The truth is, I'm really afraid of traveling different parts of the metropolitan but I was able to do so just earlier! HAHAHA! I'm so proud of myself, because I came out all by myself. trololol. The fun part is I was smiling and giggling to myself when I started to commute using a bus. My travel route is from south to north part.. Hahah it was really a looooong journey. It was my first time to ever reach that place. It has become a very precious place for me. *heart

My main purpose for going there is because I needed to get information about my thesis project. :) And I did learned a lot! I was able to meet awesome people as well, which were also involved with successful businesses in our country. It was really fun. I can't express how happy and proud I am for myself. GAAAAAH!! It was one of my greatest achievement!!!! Haha! And to tell you honestly, I am not good with directions at all. I'm an awful map. LOL! Gladly my brain did function very well earlier, I was so cool! lalalala~ (praising myself because I'm proud of it!!). Well I'm sorry if I was raised always having someone with me when I'm traveling.. besides I'm not originally from this place at all.. I came from a different city and province away from the main city of the country. *I was living like a princes, I was spoiled* <---fcking confession? T.T

May 2, 2012

Rina Suzuki x KojiHaru?

Hahah! I found out some cool stuffs last night and one of them is about this blog entry. I love Rina Suzuki from SCANDAL band and Kojima Haruna from AKB48, and I was shocked to discover that they are both following one another on twitter. Kojima is currently following 38 people now in twitter, so I was eager to know who she was following and I was shocked when I saw Rina's name. Other than Rina there are no other scandal band member that was on her list. Hahaha! I'm following Rina and SCANDAL for a long time now and I didn't notice any news about her being acquainted with Kojima. I was really happy seeing this, maybe they were friends or something in reality what do you guys think? If you have facts or speculations out there make sure to let me know okay? I'm really curious how these two are connected to each other. :))

Certified Acchan's avid fan!!!

Waaah!!! Still haven't moved on to Acchan's (Atsuko Maeda) graduation. Dang it. But still I have become a very huge fan of her. I don't know but my perspective and respect to this girl have reached its peak, and I'm here to announce that I'm going to support her now here on my blog. Seriously, "the more you hate, the more you love" really gives a damn impact to me. I ended up liking things that I once hated. If I hated one person because of bad impression and judgment, at the very end I will end up liking/loving him/her when we get closer or get to know him/her better. Waaa! This event is really getting a habit of mine. I think it's already a part of me. T.T I hated Acchan before, because of my misjudgment. I did not like her because I can't think of a reason what other people sees in her that makes them love so much. (If you know what I mean). I think I'll support and love her as where my fandom leads me.