
May 5, 2012

Hye Mi- Sam Dong Dream High memories

Finally got the mood to update the Hyun-Zy couple or known as Song Sam Dong and Go Hye Mi couple. Even though that I've watched this drama for a long time ago, Dream High season 1 still is catching a lot of hearts from different parts of the globe. Few countries just started airing the said program. So yeah since I'm a Hyun-Zy shipper, I'll also continue showing support on them here on my blog. Ready??

I'll be sharing more photos of this couple from DREAM HIGH. :)

Aw, I wonder if they'll be able to make project together again. *sigh, but I think it is possible.. Let's just hope lots of fans will demand for them so that their management and other producers will consider this. :)
Dream High Season 3 would not be bad if it's a continuation of the Sam Dong -Hye Mi story. Right? 

Uwaaa.. Song Sam Dong's cute wink.. all his eyes winked lol. is that even a wink? trololol. Such a cutie. On the other hand, Hye Mi's wink is really from a tough character. lol
Nice one Sam Dong! Go kiss her already!! :))) *evil plan XD

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