January 16, 2012

I dont want to REVIEW for exams!!

Yeah the title says it all.. AAAGH no matter what I do I just can't concentrate! Nothing's going on my head because I'm thinking too much of what to do next!! There are sooo many things to do and I dont know how will I be able to face them all, when I'm stuck here reviewing for the exams!! AGH! I'm going crazyyyyyy.. I need a doctor! LOL!

Sigh, I want to breakfree! that's why I'm doing this blog entry... I want to share my feelings.. LOL! Seriously If only I was born to be a genius and has this photographic memory, my life would have been easy. I should have spent my whole life doing things I wanted... But well, that's life for me.. We can't get anything we wanted so easily, we need first to sacrifice our leisure and work hard enough to achieve our wants and needs.. Augh, growing up is soo stressful! Omy! I miss childhood.. *cries*

Anyways I'll post RANDOM photos that I wanted to share, so standby and enjoy looking at the pics.. chyeah.. fandom alert! 2pm, MISS A Suzy, and Kim Soo Hyun *saranghae* :))))
I need inspiration, so please come to me,.,....!!! = =



augh! that's it folks, I just died there!! LOL!
Sigh.. back to reality, I need to review now, or else my grades will go down and my world is gone forever! LOL! (grade-freak? naaah! I'm just being cautious,)


1 comment:

  1. I'll never be able to study while looking at those guys in the picture. They are all so handsome, and the girls are just as pretty. Hehe! I still have tons to review, and I can't get started! LOL.


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