October 12, 2011

Yamapi and Nishikido leaving NEWS

Sigh.. it's kinda sad to actually saw the news.. i'm sad coz I've known this group ever since I've known J-pop my whole life. I'm actually not a fan of NEWS though i'm really affected by the disbandment. I've known Yamapi because of his appearances from different J-drama and Nishikido from my favorite drama 1 litre of Tears, I only accidentally see them on Music Station when I was in Highschool and loved some of their songs, they are somehow catchy and all.. but of course nothing beats captivating songs from SCANDAL. uwii hah!

I still am wondering why they disband, after the long years they've been together, having fun and all.. I'm actually not convinced on Yamapi and Nishikido's reason of having unmatched schedule to their own solo projects to NEWS schedules. It's really odd for me to actually believe that.. I'll understand their reasons if it's about having problems with their entertainment company or band members or whatever deeper reason. But oh well I guess they just wanted to protect themselves or one another from massive ISSUES to come. and maybe they dont want to talk about it anymore. oh well.... sigh....

and the thing is I believe Yamapi and Nishikido are the popular ones in NEWS, I bet the "new" NEWS would have difficulties to start over again without their ACES.. But well yeah i know, those two are popular yet I do believe that they dont sing very well that much!! and that's for sure.. 
If it's the talent for singing we will talk about then these people who are left in NEWS are the ones to out-stand!  good luck NEWS!!


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