October 23, 2011

Cant wait for X-factor Uk's Live Show 3

iyeaaah.. still wide awake even if it's already pass 3 in the morning.. whew.. it's soooo good to actually stay up all night without worrying of school classes by the next day.. yeahh soo good it's sembreak :))

Well I was playing my guitar in 2 straight days now.. yeah I'm actually trying to improve my skills once again.. this sembreak is the only time I finally got to have a one-on-one session with my guitar zuki again <3 and i feel like I'm falling in love with him again.. (yeah that's my guitar's name) I'll be posting videos of me playing the guitar as much as possible before getting back to school again.. It's a MUST. *please laziness goooo awaaaay* TT^TT

Been playing the guitar till night.. then I realized it'll be the day wherein X Factor UK Live Show 3 will AIR.. been waiting for the whole day.. I cant express HOW EXCITED I am!! But whut the hell.. Uk's late beyond our time.. TT^TT I JUST CANT WAAAAAAAAIT! LOL! 
I'm getting all nervous at the same time happy coz once again I'll see my favorite contestant Janet Devlin, of course my favorite judges.. Gary Barlow and Tulisa.. iyaaay will see 3 people in just one show.. JACKPOT! LOL
Olly Murs? naaah he's on Xtra Factor.. but oh well count him in to be on the package! ;)

SIGH... X FACTOR.. I'm soooooo addicted with youuu.. I need more of it in a week,, T^T cant believe it's actually airing only on weekends.. uwaaa.. *cries* LOL

Oh well let's hear some addicting songs for now while waiting..

ermm.. yeah no Japanese and Korean songs for me for today.. actually it's been a week already since I've last watched or heard Scandal's song nor from other japanese and korean artists.. whew. haha

oh no I think I'll be sleeping in a moment so for sure the X Factor videos will be available on youtube when I woke up... chyeaaah.. hope it'll not visit my dreams.. LOL! This is crazzzyyyy.. :)) Goodnight y'all! Enjoy the songs..


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