
August 2, 2024

My Sweet Mobster Ended with a 2.9% Nationwide Viewership Ratings | Happy Ending for Um Tae Goo and Han Sun Hwa

Ji Hwan ended up in the hospital after saving his father from getting stabbed by Yang Hee. Seo Tae Pyeong and his gang members, including Yang Hee, got arrested on the scene thanks to prosecutor Hyun Woo and the rest of the police to stop further riot in the scene. Tae Pyeong decided to talk and admit to his crimes after Ji Hwan woke up from his sleep in the hospital. The feud between father and son ended as well as their relationship. In the end they couldn't really meet halfway to preserve their father-son relationship due to their conflict of interest. The father wants to continue on living as a mobster even when in jail while Ji Hwan wants the other way. And there, they separate ways. 

Meanwhile, getting inspired to Il Young's own family, Ji Hwan realized he wanted to make his own. He proposed to Eun Ha by the end of episode 16 after a few failed attempts. yay! Happy ending for them.

I honestly thought that this drama would end only with 8 episodes so I got surprised the first time when I discovered that it was longer than I had predicted. The drama really has great message to tell that anyone, including criminals, can change for the better and start anew without going back to their old bad habits. As long as someone has the will to change his/her life, then that someone can really make it happen. It has that good message but if I'm going to be honest, I would've wanted the story to have been compacted into short number of episodes. If it was 8-10 episodes, it would've prevented the predictability of the story. Hmmmm...

First half (episodes 1-8) were so good that you'll just laugh at Seo Ji Hwan and his friends/colleagues/family all the time. Everything was great when Ji Hwan had not confessed yet his feelings with Eun Ha but when they became a couple, I don't know why but it got boring for me along the way. The concern with Ji Hwan's father was stretched too to the point that it had been a drag for me to finish the remaining episodes of the drama. Hmmm.. I'm really sorry to the fans of it but that was just my honest review of the whole run. However, I still enjoyed the drama. 

How about you? How do you feel about the whole run of My Sweet Mobster? Were you satisfied with it or you got bored along the way too?

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