
May 13, 2024

Lee Je Hoon and Seo Eun Su are Expecting a Baby In Chief Detective 1958 Episode 8

Episode 8 really made me so mad with young criminals who thought they could get away with their crimes just because they're protected by the law due to their 'young' age. The episode started with Yeonghan and chief Yu talking about parenthood, that it takes a lot of guts to be parents then they worked on this case with an ungrateful and psychotic son murdering his own parents. Sheesh. He should get sentenced to life imprisonment but since he's still young he'd only get sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment. Other than this case Sangsun and Gyeonghwan worked together on catching the snatchers and they also happened to be teenagers who blames injustice that they've experienced because of the government and their officials. The world is really made up of a lot of flaws made by evil humans. Imagine bringing your own child to this kind of world. And that's why we need some clean ups, we need people like Yeonghan and the others to lead a better world. 

Anyways, I am so happy that Hyeju finally has some good news to share. In the last and the start of this episode, we get to see Hyeju stressing out on having a baby while Yeonghan assures her that there's a time for everything and that even if she doesn't get pregnant, he's okay with just the two of them. But at the last scene of episode 8, she brought up about being pregnant and that made Yeonghan ecstatic about the good news. Tbh, I really love this married couple so much. They are representing what a healthy marriage really is. They support each other, they make time to spend with each other and they assure each other all the time, they make me really jealous of them. Thankfully I have found my other half too! I hope we'll be the same like them. Yay! 

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