
August 29, 2023

The Man Who Can't Find His Way Found His Compass In Moving Episodes 11 & 12

EDIT: The Man Who Can't Find His Way Found His Compass In Moving Episodes 10 & 11

You know what? This series is really surpassing my amazement every new episodes out. It's like, I thought that last week's episode was so good and then boom they dropped episodes 10 and 11. I just couldn't pick one favorite episode at all! I am so in love with every characters' back story plus discovering their wonderful and heart melting love lives. lol I know, this ain't a love story centered drama, but I'm pretty sure the writer put those love stories in this series because they wanted to make us feel things through it too! And I guess they did pretty well on that part as well! So stop commenting on my Facebook page as if reminding me always that this ain't a love story. Like, hello? I know!

Anyways, just the typical kind hearted person, they always ended up being deceived and taken advantage of greedy evil people. That's basically what happened to Jang Ju Won. Possessing a strong and self regenerating body, Jang Ju Won used it very well but according to him, uses it only in the easiest way possible he could. He needs money, then he'll use his supernatural ability to get hit by a car as if everything was an accident and get settlement money out of it. Bam, he has money to pay his rent. Jang Ju Won used the same ability as well in order to gain 'family' beside him. He joined a gang to which he treated everyone to be his family and fought for them only to deceived in the end. Sheeshhh... I knew that was coming. It's just so sad that he really believed and trusted his boss and gang members. 
As he tried to live the easy way, he became lost literally in life. Well, yes he has no sense of direction as what we've witnessed in these episodes. But I do think that whenever he's saying that he couldn't find his way, he's also referring to his life. He's unsure where he also wanted to take it. Unsure what destination he's going. Remember when he was fighting with Minki at the end? Where he couldn't move because he got flattened by a car when they fell? He blurted out that he couldn't find his way. What else was he was referring to at that time? Probably hallucinating already after all the things he had gone thru. Yeah he has super powers of a strong body and regeneration but it did not imply that he cannot feel tired too. So I thought and assumed that he was hallucinating at that time and that he found his direction only because of Jihee. When they both got hit by the goons' van, the got separated once again and so he got lost once again. In the ending scene also, he said that he still has a hard time finding his way... but he tried to be there where Jihee was. Where both his compass and destination was. Definitely romantic, huh?

The love story of Ju Won and Jihee was really beautiful to me. It's like they came out literally from the comic book, the one that they were talking about in their coffee dates inside a motel room. Gosh. It's beauty and the beast indeed! lol It was romantic really, how they met and how they ended up. Not caring about their past, what matters to them was the person in front of them, the present and the future they could create together. No judgment at all. Dang!

August 24, 2023

Star Studded Cast Caught Me Addicted to Moving Kdrama | I'm Head Over Heels In Love With Jo In Sung

I finally was able to catch up to the now trending new Korean drama called Moving. The star studded cast flashing through my Facebook timeline, there's no I way I could ever turn a blind eye to this no matter how busy I am lately. So slowly, I inserted new episodes to watch everyday as much as I can in the office or wherever I am and finally! Gosh! I'm finally in love again with a Kdrama! With 9 episodes out now (still on-going), I can say that this climbed up to one of my favorite dramas of 2023.

At first I really did not expect that it'll center about supernatural abilities. I really had no idea because I've seen only posters/still cuts on my Facebook feed but still, I did not regret not researching more about it before watching because it's definitely a pleasant surprise for me. It was Jo In Sung and Han Hyo Joo that made me really itchy about watching this and so I was seated for them, but it started out with the kids and God! They're so cute I've totally fallen for them.

What I like about this drama is that, it wasn't the usual/typical Kdrama where the story is starting, progressing and ending solely on the two main protagonists and just added a pinch of side character stories to add a little flavor. Moving actually has this addicting flow of story where it'll start to certain characters then we get addicted to them but eventually will progress widely where other new interesting character would be introduced and take over the story. It'll continue progressing like that but what's interesting and exciting about it is, we get immersed with new characters stories but it does not abandon the original starting point of everything. Gosh it's so amazing! I love it so much!

It started with introducing Kim Bong Seok (Lee Jeong Ha) trying hard to live his day to day life normally while carrying a major secret of having supernatural abilities, mainly flying and heightened senses, which he inherited from his parents. His mother Lee Min Hyun (Han Hyo Joo) was the one taking care of him and is making a living for the both of them by running a Dongkatsu restaurant which later in the story we found out to be Kim Doo Sik (Jo In Sung)'s favorite dish. Yep, Kim Bong Seok's father. 

Kim Bong Seok then started liking a girl at school named Jang Hui Soo (Go Yoon Jung) and since then his life bloomed and his journey of acceptance to his own supernatural abilities started. From there, the connections of each characters branched out and the story became very much interesting. Jang Hui Soo also has a supernatural ability of not getting hurt just like her father Jang Ju Won (Ryu Seung Ryong). Does this mean she's immortal? How different is she and her father to their enemy Frank? Frank (Ryoo Sung Bum) regenerates whenever he has injuries, what about Hui Soo and her father? Can we consider the 3 of them immortal or nah?! 

Gosh there are so many interesting characters here and it's Frank the enemy that discloses everything to us. He started his mission of annihilating those ex-agents with supernatural abilities and so we got to witness their powers through fighting for their lives. Too bad all of them died, but we still have major 4 ex-agents (parents to 4 different families) still living. And so I think that's where the 2nd half would be all about! Frank vs all other existing supernatural beings! I'm so excited about this already!

Before I end this, can I just comment how much I love Min Hyun and Doo Sik's love story? They both intentionally failed their missions because of their 'humanity'. I found it so beautiful how Min Hyun started it all but Doo Sik was there watching her doing a good deed, a sacrifice, and chose to ignore his superiors to do something about Min Hyun's mess. He fell in love instantly and when they crossed path again in the future because of Min Hyun's secrete mission in approaching him to get his secrets, Doo Sik already knew everything about her. God, it's so amazing and adorable. I'm so in love with them and their love story! Too bad they're caught with all these conflicts and the nations special operations. The country treating them nothing but secret weapons and I just hope they would be able to prevent this from happening to their children now. tsk tsk.

August 23, 2023

Heartbeat Kdrama Ending, Good or Bad?! | Finale Quick Reaction

I just finished watching the ending of Heartbeat Kdrama and guess what? I feel like I've wasted all my time watching it. lol The beginning was so good up until the middle part of the whole series but it went downhill after the 2nd half episodes got released. I probably had a big expectation for it because I was totally mesmerized and had fun with it on the first half, but lesson learned, I shouldn't expect at all or else I'll end up disappointed like this again. Last time I got disappointed with the ending was Doctor Cha, really. Hmmm... you can see my reaction about it here: Uhm Jung Hwa Rejected Min Woo Hyuk In Doctor Cha Episode 16

But going back to Heartbeat ending.... Hmmmm.. I thought I was watching a romcom fantasy drama but it ended up something heavy drama in the end. It had been a drag, tbh. Woo Hyeol dying in the end after all the fun??!! Geez... And the way he sacrificed himself to help out Do Sik too... lol I found that absurd. But oh well, I guess the writer just wanted to show that it's about time that Woo Hyeol experience death and have someone wait for him for a long time too, just like what he had been doing for his first love. Mmmkkkaaay... And probably wanted to stress out that Woo Hyeol is more human than those of real human beings on this planet.... alrighty.. Anyways, Woo Hyeol appeared at Oasis at the end so maybe it's still considered a happy ending.

So In Hae and Hae Sun are just one person in the end. Woo Hyeol found out about it when he tasted In Hae's blood while she's in love. I actually found this very disappointing too. haha! I don't know, it would have been better if it stayed like we don't know about this fact anymore. I'm already good at the idea that, finally, after thousands of years, Woo Hyeol found someone to love again. But then again, I think the writer only wanted to fulfill Hae Sun and Woo Hyeol's promise from the beginning wherein they will find each other and fall in love again. It's just that Hae Sun's face was used as the btch's (Hae Won's) face in the present moment so I can 'unsee' that she's a bad person already. 

Overall, the series was just all okay. It really had a promising start which elated me so much but the hype died down eventually. Should I recommend this? Hmmm... probably? But I'll warn them first about the bad ending. 

August 11, 2023

Taecyeon Accepted His Unfortunate Fate In Order To Save Won Ji An In Heartbeat Episodes 13 & 14 | Quick Recap

In Hae finally got reunited with her father, all thanks to Woo Hyeol and his minions. However, first meeting after a very long time does not automatically meant that it was a happy reunion. After feeling abandoned for a long time, In Hae has built a strong resentment towards his father especially when she didn't know what exactly happened in detail. This is why she tried to push his father away as much as she could. But thankfully, she happened to eavesdrop the conversation between his father and Woo Hyeol at the garden that she managed to fully understand why her father went missing for years. Since then In Hae and her father started to rekindle their family relationship and talked out everything. One problem solved for In Hae, yay, but there's so much more left. 
Unfortunately, we have a lot of villains in this drama so this ain't a happy ending yet for In Hae. Man Hwi, being a wicked vampire, who's greedy for both blood and money, will do everything in his power to get what he wants. He managed to imprison a lot of people down to his dungeon and became his fresh blood supply, one of them was In Hae's father. He's been doing a great job hiding all these people but he made a mistake by imprisoning Woo Hyeol there. He thought that since he's already weak for being a half vampire half human, it was okay to confine him there but he was so wrong! Thank goodness there are Woo Hyeol's gang to help him out! Seriously though, can I just comment, I'm so pissed off with Man Hwi's facial expressions while he was teasing/annoying Woo Hyeol in his cage. Like, UGH wtf! I want to punch his face! Serves him right that all his plans got ruined and his prisoners all free, including In Hae's father. But we cannot rejoice yet since he's still working with Do Sik in capturing him for his blood. 
Speaking of Do Sik. I still like him a bit for trying to help out In Hae with the investment money that she needed. At the end of the day, he's still a good person. It's just that, he wanted to survive his illness or whatever curse his ancestors handed down to him. This survival instinct of him is the one driving him to do the unthinkable, but deep inside he's still a good guy. Hmmm... I wonder if there will be alternatives for him to survive? Does he really need Woo Hyeol's blood? What if he could get treated by In Hae's love blood too? That'll be better, right? In that way, In Hae would be able to express her gratitude towards him for being by her side during her down times. And if that happens, she won't feel so guilty about him anymore. But that's just if the case with Woo Hyeol would be resolved though. I mean, as per the thousand years cat, Woo Hyeol needed to suck In Hae's blood dry so... no blood for Do Sik? lol 

My most hated villain in this drama goes to... Hae Won. Geez... this btch really wanted to do everything in her power to stay at the top of her game. After finding out that Woo Hyeol and In Hae are in love with each other, she started to act like she's really Hae Sun (Woo Hyeol's first love) to win over Woo Hyeol's heart but after her efforts went down the drain, she ended up doing everything she can to just ruin Woo Hyeol and In Hae's lives. It's like saying, if she cannot have Woo Hyeol then might as well just ruin him and his girl. Like, wtf?! This woman is obsessed AF! 

And lastly, Woo Hyeol distancing himself from In Hae. Aw... he wanted to get away from her so that he could die alone. He already accepted his unfortunate fate in order to save the girl he loves. He's sacrificing his dream as well as his life for the girl. Aw... Ain't that chivalrous? Heroic? Dying for the one you love? lol I just hope everything will go well in the end and that ending will be next week already! Wow! Time flies so fast and it's so scaaaaaary! 

August 9, 2023

Kim Seon Ho And Kang Tae Ju's Movie Debut 'Childe', Is It Worth Watching?

Finally! I've watched Kim Seon Ho's movie debut called "Childe" and as expected I was blown away. The first time I've watched the trailer of this, I already knew that this is a badass movie that I will definitely enjoy. Dang, Kim Seon Ho in his psychotic era definitely was a sight to see! He's so effin' hot and starring in an action film suited him really well! I really like it when I'm watching a badass character whether it's a male or a female one. They make me really excited and thrilled. I can't help but fall under their spell. This badass personality always makes me fall onto my knees and watching Kim Seon Ho definitely awakens that fangirl side of me screaming with heart eyes while he torture his enemies. lol 

Of course, these bad people, I wouldn't wish to encounter in my real life. But I'd be lying if I say I am not curious to what's inside their heads. I am just curious how they could do all those bad things without fearing that they'd lose their lives nor have conscience. Crazy ones, I know. 

Anyways,  this movie is about Marco (Kang Tae Ju) who looks for his South Korean father in hopes for a financial assistance for his mother's surgery. Marco grew up poor and has a sick mother, and he does boxing matches in order to support the two of them on a daily basis. One day the head of a school, who keeps and takes care of Kopinos (half-korean half-filipino) whom Marco asked help from in finding his father, told him that he found his father. In fact, his father found him and asked him to relay the message to his son to fly over to South Korea to meet him through the help of his lawyer.

Running out of time and money for his mother's surgery, Marco flew to South Korea having the idea that his father really wanted to meet and help him out. During his flight to South Korea, there he met our Childe/nobleman (Kim Seon Ho) and whispered to him that he's going to only die there. Since then, Marco became restless and tries to escape from the people trying to hunt him down especially Childe. Little did he know.. Childe was there to.... oookaaay I'll stop here to prevent further spoilers. kkkk 

Just make sure that you guys will stay tune till the very end of the movie in order not to miss out the twists served here. Some of it was really funny.

Speaking of funny, my goodness, Childe is definitely THE personality. I'm scared of him for his psychotic smile while torturing or shooting his opponents but at the same time I couldn't fully get scared of him either because he's a natural comedian. Hahaha! 

Overall, I really love this action-packed movie. It was really good and entertaining and there's not a scene that I got bored at all! I really had fun watching this. The men are a sight to see too! I got to witness Kim Seon Ho in a badass character and also discovered a few of new faces. Kang Tae Ju, my eyes is set on you from now on. I found out that he's a rookie actor and Childe was actually his debut on the large screen too like Kim Seon Ho. Gosh, this is both their movie debut and yet they are so good already. I have no words for Kim Seon Ho though because I know from the very start that he's a great actor since Start-Up. There was Kim Kang Woo too! I found out that he's a veteran looking at his acting projects. He's so awesome and I won't hesitate to watch another work of him in the future. 

August 5, 2023

Rookie Actor Lee Jong Won Will Star In A New Drama Opposite of A Veteran Actress Shin Min Ah

Holy shocks! I did not expect to see Lee Jong Won acing a drama where an A-listed actress was casted to be his leading man. At least not this soon yet, but wow! It's really happening huh? 

Yesterday the news came out that Lee Jong Won will star in a new drama called I Don't Want To Lose Out (Because I Want No Loss) opposite of the veteran actress Shin Min Ah. The drama seems to be interesting to me as it will entail a fake marriage between a younger man and a grown woman. The age gap wasn't really implied yet but considering that Lee Jong Won would be a part timer and Shin Min Ah is the one proposing, then I assumed it'll be like this. Also, Lee Jong Won's character seemed to be like the 'timid and boring' type of a person that has no other life than work or studies and then one day Shin Min Ah's character would enter his life that will make everything spontaneous and fun. That's really something I would want to watch. kkk I hope what I've imagined it to be would materialize. 

If you watched The Golden Spoon, you might already know Lee Jong Won. It wasn't the first drama that I saw him from but this is I think the first drama that he's one of the main characters. I was mesmerized by his looks right away and his acting was okay to me and the fact that he was playing a better character there than Sung Jae, made me love him that quick. Aside from Lee Sang Min, Lee Jong Won is actually one of those newbies that I'm looking out for that's why I'm really excited about this. 

I'm curious how they would pull this off considering the age gap of Shin Min Ah and Lee Jong Won. Yay, a noona drama! I'm excited! 

August 4, 2023

Won Ji An Found Love In Taecyeon | Heartbeat Episode 11 & 12

In Hae finally has someone by her side after being alone for so long. I am so happy for her, like, finally girl you'll get lai- adfhjsakdfhajkf excuse my words. She will finally have a companion to get through this life together. Beautiful, isn't it? After all, a world with the one you love makes everything better. Like it's 100% real, folks! So let's all be in love! kkkk

What makes the story complicated though is the news brought by the thousand years aged cat. Telling Woo Hyeol that there can only be one survivor between him and In Hae. I've seen this before really, I already predicted that it's gonna happen. I won't really be surprised if he takes the path of the selfless and actually sacrifice himself for In Hae despite desiring to be human for centuries. Like, hello? Typical romantic vampire guy. 

Anyways, Woo Hyeol and In Hae became even closer after sharing a kiss and spending time with each other as a couple. Woo Hyeol had been nothing but honest with In Hae about needing her blood full of love in order to become a full pledged human being. In Hae was even happy to let Woo Hyeol drink her blood for thinking that he'll only take a sip but then the cat said that Woo Hyeol needed to suck her dry. lol The question is if, will Woo Hyeol be honest about it to her? I bet In Hae won't allow Woo Hyeol to sacrifice himself for her. Typical foolish in love woman.

On the other hand, let's talk about the main villain of all vampire race. Seriously, Ri Man Hwi. So in the end, In Hae's father was held hostage by him as his food supply! OMG In Hae wasn't abandoned by his father after all. And look who found out about it!? It's Woo Hyeol's good for nothing vampire friends. So they weren't just there to make us laugh, huh? They have purpose too. lol 

As for Hae Won and Do Sik. Seriously guys, it's time to move on. These two started off as very kind characters willing to help others but then suddenly they transformed into someone we do not know anymore. It's really crazy how too much love and desire for someone or something else could turn someone into the worst version of themselves. That's the dark side of love, the side where the love wasn't reciprocated. 

I knew that Hae Won would start to act like a btch after episode 10 though. But I didn't expected her to be this worst. Like, seriously? You're gonna claim to be Woo Hyeol's first love just because you have the same face? You're nowhere near Hae Sun's good traits nor personality which Woo Hyeol fell in love with in the first place. Accept it girl, you're not Hae Sun.