May 28, 2023

Uhm Jung Hwa's Mom Found Out the Truth in Doctor Cha Episode 13

Just like I-Rang said, this seemed like a deja vu when there's only one person in their family dinner that didn't know about Seo In Ho's infidelity. Instantly, the truth was dropped like a b*mb when their fraternal grandmother was caught in a feud with her 'boyfriend's' wife. What an unfortunate event! 

I already had a bad feeling about that old geezer. He was pressing out money from In Ho's mother and even suggested awful tactics. The thing is, In Ho's mother was fooled. Dang, karma is a b*tch and it seemed like In Ho's sins will make the his whole family pay for it. I hope this would knock some sense to their heads. It's about time this grandmother's hunger for money to stop too, especially now that she got scammed. I just hope that, wealth wise, Jeong Suk won't suffer as well. 

This whole episode, I'm so frustrated about In Ho's immaturity. His efforts to take Jeong Suk back were so small compared to the weight of his sins that he did to her. I don't think he has any idea how huge the damage he inflicted on her and his whole family yet. I'm still waiting for him to regret miserably if he's really sincere in taking back his wife. 

Now that Jeong Suk mom knew everything, I hope that she'll have now a great understanding of what her daughter has been going through. I hope she supports her in fighting for divorce because right now, as I see it, there's really no room for repairing the marriage. Up until now, In Ho has not stated his final decision on his relationship with Seung Hi. Yes, he may have talked to her over dinner but his resolve was too small to deflect Seung Hi's wishes to be with him at all. I mean, if he truly wanted to keep his first and original family, he could've been more clearer and just stop his relationship with Seung Hi. He could still provide for their daughter, of course, but his relationship with the mother should stay platonic now! Ugh! I really don't know how this mess in their family will be solved without In Ho taking a step to man up. 

Upon seeing the preview for the next episode, it seemed like this whole problem is taking a toll on Jeong Suk's health. Gosh, don't tell me she's severely ill coz wtf!!! 

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