May 24, 2022

Son Seok Ku And Kim Ji Won FINALLY Reunited In My Liberation Notes Episode 14

After watching episode 14, my anger finally dissipated towards Yeom dad. I called him names and now I regretted calling him trash the most. I guess I was just so affected by Yeom mom's death that I needed someone to blame in order to vent out my pain. I seriously just couldn't believe that she passed away so sad like that. It hurts. ugh. When we're facing such adversity, our extreme emotions seemed to be unstoppable that results us to have an irrational approach over some other things. Sigh. I'm so affected and yet this is just a Kdrama!! kkk

But still, my reaction and observation about Yeom dad's behavior during the previous episodes still stand. Nothing could change my mind. However, each one of us have faults and deserves second chances. We learn from our mistakes after all. It's just sad that right after Yeom dad learned everything and slowly change his ways, Yeom mom could no longer experience the better treatment from him. I think it's something that Yeom dad would regret forever. 

Ahhh... my heart is so warm right now watching the Yeom siblings getting closer to each other. This drama started off with them arguing and acting like they don't care about each other at all. But after the adversity that they go through together, which is their mom's death, all of them changed for the better. 

Although it still hurts, the death of Yeom mom really changed everything inside the family. It's like an awakening for all of them. Clearly, they were all depending so much on the existence of their mother that was taken for granted for such a long time. When she was gone, all of them started working together. Instead of whining over little things and yelling at each other, the Yeom siblings know now how to zoom out on things and look at things with a wider perspective. I love them so much.

First, Yeom Gi Jeong. The eldest among the three siblings. The most expressive one on what she love and hate. She hates a lot of things before and she's very vocal about it including her hatred towards her siblings. lol She's the one that shows her sadness over the death of their mother too. She'll cry it all out because that's just how she is. This trait of Gi Jeong, I could say is her strength and weakness for that matter. 

It's her strength, because with just one word from her.. she could change everything. Especially now when she knows how to handle now her siblings. She can spit out every loveable words to them and her dad to show how much she loves them. This scene below is very touching for me. 

Also, knowing that the Yeom family is too kind for their sake... having Gi Jeong around is really a sigh of relief. We know she can start a war with anyone that take advantage of her family. 

As for the weakness. It's her weakness being vocal and expressive too because she's always straight to the point that easily hurt other people's feelings. Thank goodness she has matured now and use this trait of her for the better. 

Now for the 2nd child and the only son in this family. I'll just make this short but geez... I'm surprised the most with his transformation. Although I love Gi Jeong and Mi Jeong's changes, I think I love his changes the most. He literally transformed from an immature, whinny man into someone responsible, reliable and loving person. It really warms my heart how he is now the one looking after his siblings and dad. He's amazing and I know that most of women are going to love him now too. 

And then Mi Jeong. Although she had said it during her phone call with Mr. Gu that she wasn't liberated yet (we'll talk about that later kk), but I think she's really far from the version of herself from the very start. She's already the upgraded one. Before, she's the type that everyone could easily taken advantage of... now, she's someone that could fight for herself. Gah.. when she started out a fight with that btchy plastic 'friend' of hers, I was really rooting for her. Btch got some nerve asking Mi Jeong about the woman involved in the affair of their garbage boss. Ugh. 

She also became the person that knows what she wants... and waiting for Mr. GU is what she wanted. 

And finallyyyyyyyyyy! The topic that all of us are waiting for. The reunion of Mi Jeong and Mr. Gu. Gosh!!! This week's episode surely is one hell of an emotional ride for us viewers. From sad to happy real quick! I seriously am gonna lose my mind if next week's episode would be sad again. 

Seriously... that was a quick transition. The part where Mr. Gu went home from the bar looking like in his horrible state, he just fell asleep after gazing through the window. And then suddenly he was out there meeting up with Mi Jeong. Shit, don't tell me it's all just a dream 'coz I'm gonna flip! Noooo! Not when they are so adorable like this. Noooo! Please happy ending next week! Pretty pleaaaasee.... 


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