
April 17, 2022

Kim Ji Won Is Finally Ready To Step Out Of Her Mundane Life | My Liberation Notes Episode 3

This drama hits close to home. Really. 
It's scary how Kim Ji Won's character, Yeom Mi Jeong, depicts how I see the world. It feels like I'm being stripped just by watching this. I'm not kidding. That's how this drama is to me. 

Oxford Dictionary: freedom from limits on thought or behavior
Britannica: the act or process of freeing someone or something from another's control

I feel like there's a need to put that word and its meaning in here before I start writing/reacting to the episode 3 of My Liberation Notes. 

But why? 

It's only because, the characters in this drama start to gain the freedom that they wanted. It's not freedom to gain equal rights as the others nor discharge from prison literally. It's a freedom from themselves. They're working on it, to gain freedom from their mundane life that they were so used to and bored with. 

Let me point that out starting with Yeom Chang Hee portrayed by Lee Min Ki. 

The photos above shows the inner thoughts and feelings of Yeom Chang Hee (Lee Min Ki). Her older sister 'accused' him of the one at fault of his breakup. At that time, she's putting words into his mouth and so Yeom Chang Hee, who knows himself very much, his insecurities for that matter, reacted with so much emotions and rage. I'd say that he wasn't really mad at her sister, partly maybe, but more to himself because of his insecurities. Sigh. 

They say 'to really know one person, you have to understand where his/her anger is coming from'. And with this reference, we could see clearly who Chang Hee is. 

Also, earlier before this scene shown in the images above, Chang Hee mocked Mr. Gu as someone who's having a lonely life because he spends his life drinking alcohol when he's no different with him at all. He's also living a lonely life they just differ in the circumstances they're going through. He eventually realizes that which made him apologize to him personally at his home. 

The acceptance alone is a huge part in taking a step forward to the change he wanted in his life. Liberty it is soon for Chang Hee. Yay! 

I really am loving Lee El's character Yeom Gi Jeong here. She's a very frank person. To be honest? I really don't see why no one's liking her. She's a free spirit and looks like she's a fun person. 

I have this instance in my life wherein a new acquaintance told me why women with strong peronality is being feared by men. And all I can say to hi reasons is bullshit. Lol I mean, wtf?! It's not a woman's fault that she has a strong personality. It's not her fault she's smart and has a dream of her own. It's not her fault that 'some' men are too entitiled for just being a 'man'. Sigh. Yep, youguessed it right. The person that told me about this is a man. Tsk tsk. No wonder he's foolish. Lol

I'd say that, Gi Jeong just hasn't found her 'the one' yet. The one that could accept her wholly. I'd say the main problem in here is her impatience and her pickiness in a partner is the source of it.  Their friends pointed it out on the previous episode too. Hmmm... she grew impatient AND desperate to find a partner because she haven't been in a relationship for a long while. 

I think this talk she had with her boss knocked some sene to her too. Go for it, Gi Jeong! I'm rooting for you! 

Abd there's Yeom Mi Jeong (Kim Ji Won)... the girl who spent her youth going home. 

Just by that alone, you know the reason why she's stuck in a mundane lifestyle. 

Sigh... and this is so.. ME. At least during my college days though. 

And I am so happy that she's trying to breakthrough this. You know, being an introvert doesn't mean they should be living in closed off world y'know. It's a matter of gathering up courage to challenge the unknown in order to break free from this little bubble of comfort. 

Talking to some people might look easy to some, but for introverts like Mi Jeong and like me... it takes courage and energy. It's really draining at some point talking to shitty people generally. But it's not supposed to be the reason why one should hold back from enjoying the rest of the world. It shouldn't be and I am sure that Mi Jeong is realizing that now in this episode. 

Her impulsive talk/challenge with Mr. Gu (Son Suk Ku) is out of the ordinary and could be really dangerous to be done in reality... but for this drama.. I think it really worked for her. 

I see Mi Jeong as someone that's close to shutting off the world in her life while Mr. Gu is living it already. Their paths crossing like this... aside from the possibility of earning some companion, or lover, I'm sure they would be able to learn a lot from each other in living this so called life. They could make the unbearable, bearable. 

Aside from the 3 siblings. I really am curious about Mr. Gu's backstory. I mean, to be isolated like he is right now in the story... I'm pretty sure that something miserable happened to his life. I hope he could find himself and that connection between him and the world again. It's a lonely and depressing life to be alone after all. There's a saying that no man is an island... it's true. A human is a social being too. I hope he would be able to heal and come back to life. I am rooting for him. 


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