
February 16, 2022

Kim Tae Ri Cheers Up Nam Joo Hyuk After Witnessing Him At His Lowest Point In Twenty-Five, Twenty-One Episode 2

Somehow this drama gives off a vibe just like Police University wherein the female lead is the one comforting/supporting the male lead and then later on their relationship would evolve in which the female lead would also start relying on the male lead after he regains some confidence and strength. Then this give and take relationship would then bloom into a couple relationship with them relying on each other. Hmmm... I could already sense it, yep yep.. but who knows what might happen along the way, I'm still here for surprises. Police University is all about realizing and achieving one's dreams too which is why I find the two male lead characters from Police University and Twenty-Five, Twenty-One similar on that matter, they just differ in their life circumstances or situation.

Anyways, in this episode 2, we got a glimpse of Baek Yi Jin's (Nam Joo Hyuk) life difficulties after his family's bankruptcy. From living in a small apartment, working several part-time jobs to people unleashing their wrath to him because they couldn't find his father who's their chairman at their work. Hmmm... it should be painful, right? But I'm so distracted by Nam Joo Hyuk's emotionless acting.. huhu.. I couldn't even feel whatever he's going through... No matter how much I wanted to share the characters burden, I just couldn't give sympathy to Yi Jin's character because Nam Joo Hyuk's acting does not embodies the pain. Hmmm...I think he was much better as Nam Do San in Start-Up... Come on Nam Joo Hyuk, better improve your skills. 

Oops, sorry about my rants there... back to the story...

So basically, at Baek Yi Jin's lowest point, Na Hee Do (Kim Tae Ri) saves the day. Accompanying him and even cheered him up with... the faucet on drinking fountains. lol I'm not sure about this... I couldn't exactly feel the happiness at all in that scene.. Sigh... and then.. Na Hee Do encourages Yi Jin to become happy secretly with her. I honestly can't see nor feel their chemistry yet but guess where I found that chemistry?Na Hee Do and Ko Yu Rim (Bona). lol

Seriously, they really have a great chemistry. Like I said in my previous blog post/reaction, if Baek Yi Jin ain't there then this would be a successful GL story. Hahaha! We could only wish. I really like their dynamics, on how the story/drama started with Hee Do's huge affection/admiration towards her idol Yu Rim. I think it's a good strategy as well that when the two girls meet personally, they aren't automatically in good terms yet despite the 'umbrella' scene that had happened between them. I'd like to see how Hee Do's gonna catch Yu Rim's good side and become besties. I bet I'm not the only one who's anticipating this!


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