
October 18, 2020

Krystal And Jang Dong Yoon's Drama 'Search' - First Episode

I've also watched today Krystal and Jang Dong Yoon's k-drama called Search, and after watching the first episode there are still a lot of questions unanswered inside my mind. The mystery is killing me, and that's what this drama is all set for. They are to solve the mystery behind the soldier's disappearance. At first I thought that will be just a battle between North and South Korean soldiers since I haven't really read fully the synopsis about it first but then we have supernatural creatures involved in the mystery as well. 

It turned out that Krystal's character is already acquainted with Jang Dong Yoon's character from the very beginning. I wonder what's their past because despite acting aloof to each other in their sudden reunion for a mission, they seemed to really care for each other. Perhaps they've worked together beforehand. 

Aside from the mystery this episode 1 also served some spice like this one, thank me later!:

I'll be expecting more from episode 2 since episode 1 doesn't leave me an impression of a very promising start yet, so I'm gonna wait till more details and actions unfold in the future. 

My first priority to see is Krystal's bad-ass character, of course! I can't wait to see more actions from her. Shoot ém Lieutenant!


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