
December 29, 2019

What Made Me Really Like RED VELVET

Guys, this is it. I can finally admit and announce to the world that I'm starting to like Red Velvet now. To be honest I really know them from before, especially Irene because she's "the original visual", but I never managed to actually look at them closely. I don't regret it though, considering how unlucky I really am when it comes to discovering fandoms, I'm already used to it. And this is the time where Wendy got into accident just recently too. I felt really bad though because it's really Wendy and Irene that got me hooked up to this fandom. Wendy being so jolly, being the source of energy of the members, a very warm hearted person, gosh I really felt bad of what happened to her. 

December 27, 2019

Lee Ji Eun/ IU is INFP!!!

Some of you guys know that I have a blog site discussing the MBTI Personality type too, right? I know that there are only a few people/ readers of mine out there that's aware of that since I haven't made it public like publishing it here or in my fb pages. Anyways just so you guys know, I was once addicted to MBTI personality type. Addicted to the extent that I even made my officemates take the test for me to decode somehow their personality to them. Lol I can still remember talking so much about it with my officemates for more than a month or so. Hahaha it was funny but very enjoyable. I really like those in depth conversations about people. (In a good way, ofc)

I brought this topic today since I woke up to IU's Instagram Q&A response that she is an INFP. Oh God, we're the same!!! 

Thank you for the english translation!! ❤

Just so you guys know, other famous artists that are also INFP are John Mayer, William Shakespeare, Antoine de Saint-Exupery and more. Mostly they are writers, poets and singers. It definitely suits IU, right? 

If you want to know more about the personality type of INFP, then I think now's the time for all of you to see my other blog site. Since I am an INFP I have already decoded this personality type, so you guys will be getting more information. Gosh, IU and I are having the same MBTI personality type result. That's more than enough for me as a fan. Now I can truly understand IU from an INFP point of view. Yay! 

December 20, 2019

IU's Love Poem Concert in Manila! (Part 2)

When I heard the intro sound of Twenty Three playing, I already squealed in happiness. lol To be honest, that's one of my favorite songs of IU. It's very fierce and very lively so I really like it a lot! You guys can see the video for Twenty Three on my previous blog entry, click here: IU's Love Poem Concert in Manila! (Part 1)

The next song she performed was BBIBBI and daaaang it, that was so fantastic! I thought it was the best performance of the evening at that very moment. (Disclaimer: but wait for the other songs she performed. lol) She was so happy, we could all see her smiling every time Ma-aenas were singing along and doing the BBIBBI fanchants so loud. We could all tell she's really impressed. Every songs she performed was really great, and I mean every songs! Hahaha! She even left a remark that she  named Singapore as the country of BBIBBI but she thinks that the Philippines is the mother of BBIBBI. (IU thinks that Philippines is the one who made it) lol We all laughed and proudly cheered on that. Maaenas were very glad at every positive remarks that IU spoke the entire night, because we all know that those words were her genuine feelings surfacing.

In the next one, for me it's the performance that first highlighted her powerful voice that night. Despite the loud music playing, her voice still beautifully surmounts it. The only thing she cannot beat though was the loud cheer from Ma-aenas. She told that herself during encore. The song was, Hold My Hand.

Then aside from her Tagalog words and giggles due to happiness, I think this next performance she did was the cutest of the night. It's Last Night Story! Performing the cute dances from its MV and witnessing it LIVE? GAAAAH! We're all dead! Every time she dances cutely and shows a very adorable facial expressions, everyone in the crowd was screaming for her and if you'll see in the vid she actually did push herself to dance up to the end. We think that she got really carried away by the fans cheering. Since she was enjoying every bits of it she left a positive remark that she thought it was the Philippines' National Anthem.

December 15, 2019

IU's Love Poem Concert in Manila! (Part 1)

So last night was like the best thing ever that happened to my fandom world. I was totally mesmerized by the feeling of being present in a concert of one of my favorite artist. And to be honest with you all, I still am in awe of what took place that night. Last night's concert was actually my first ever, so I am totally in daze and I can't seem to calm myself even after the event. It was really like the best night ever in my life. Call me exaggerated but that's what I really felt and I'll cherish that forever. The first ever concert that I attended was really IU's Love Poem in Manila, and I will not exchange that event for any other concert to be my first. Because aside from the obvious fact that IU was there singing and entertaining us all, it was also because of the fans that made that night so special for me. PH Uaena or Maaena are so amazing, and I am so proud to be part of that crowd. Even IU was shocked by how amazing the crowd was. I almost lost my voice screaming for each songs she sang, for her cute remarks and Tagalog words. That night was really wonderful and I love it so much that I wanted to cry due to happiness. IU just made my love for her even bigger. I am so inspired to do the things that I REALLY wanted to do in my life. I was really moved by her and IU being so appreciative all the time, being shocked by how popular she was up till this time is just so humbling. She's an amazing artist and a wonderful person who always wanted to make her fans happy and cheerful. And to be able to make her happy that entire night was very fulfilling as well. We can all feel how moved and happy she was. She even left a remark that she wants Maaena to come with her concert in Indonesia, which garnered even more love from the crowd.

I really do not want to forget those precious moments from last night's concert so I've decided to do a detailed blog entry about that. So this might be divided in 2 parts or so. I will try my best with this to showcase you all that magical night because IU is worth all the time and effort.

Okay, so lets start this!

December 12, 2019

Too Many Concerts/Fanmeetings

There are so many concerts being announced lately by different organizers. The catch here is that, all of my favorite artists as of the moment decided to come to our country for a concert or for a fan meeting. And knowing that they are all my FAVORITES, it makes me very guilty if I think of not buying tickets to their events. Right now, I have bought 2 tickets for different concerts.

One for IU's Love Poem Concert which will be held tomorrow at Araneta Coliseum. IU is my favorite of all my favorites in this current period of time and that is because of Hotel Del Luna and her latest mini album, Love Poem. The time when IU announced that she will come to Manila for a concert, I knew that very moment that I will buy a ticket and go see her. I even decided right away that I will ditch our scheduled office Christmas party for this IU event coz l know my priorities. lol 

The second ticket I bought is for my ALL TIME FAVORITE JAPANESE GIRL ROCK BAND, SCANDAL. Their concert will be held in June 2020 at New Frontier Theater. I bought the VVIP, just because I want to be as near as I can to them. Just because, they are my ALL TIME FAVORITE JAPANESE GIRL ROCK BAND since the beginning of this blog site. lol How can I not go to this event? Ugh. I still love them so. 

November 27, 2019

I Found A Gem! (Dean Fujioka)

It's always splendid whenever I add someone on my list to devour, I mean to be fond of. This one's like Arashi, he's been on the Japanese entertainment for a long time. He's into acting but the one that really made me like him first was through his role in Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action as my beloved Roy Mustang. Although I did like him there, it does not escalate into love quickly. lol Not yet, till I discover his music just recently! Damn this daddy is lovely and sexy! He swiftly took my heart away with just one music video that I've watched! He's just so damn sexy, too hot! lol

Watch this for you to understand more my feelings.

November 24, 2019

Something to Think About...

Just a few weeks to go and it's already 2020! How did you spent your 2019 so far? Did you fulfill some of your dreams, or at least took a step towards it this year? Was this year much better than the past years in terms of productivity or just living your purpose? Or perhaps you're still lost soul?

Well, if you'll ask me, it's much better than the past years. I somehow can grasp all the events that had happened unlike the previous years. Time surely did flew by, but I can say that I somehow managed to stay awake the whole ride. Almost! But it does not mean this year is my year because the events that had happened were not really something that I have aimed in my whole life. Let's say that this year's just an attempt to stay conscious most of the time. It's really kind of hard to explain, but I know a few of you did get it. 

Anyways, those are just my random thoughts since it's already end of the year. And a new beginning is set to start. The best metaphor for this phenomena is that a new chapter is about to unfold for us to continue writing about our lives. So, have you decided to write stories with depth or just stick with the shallow boring stuff? Up to you.

Would you rather take the path Sasuke chose in his life or will you just remain a weak ninja? lol I just feel like inserting that one here. Oh my naruto fanatic self is emerging to the surface! Haha, nah I'm just trying to lessen the weight of my words to keep myself sane. 

I'm actually waiting for a new episode of Boruto.. coz Jiraiya found out about him. lol spoiler!

November 18, 2019

ARASHI's Ninomiya Kazunari, Married?!

Come to think of it, I really am unlucky when it comes to fandom timing. I mean, if you know my history you'll understand. lol I am always late when it comes to fandom, it's like when I enter a certain fandom something huge or terrible is going to happen. Just like when I got hooked with Maeda Atsuko, it was when she's about to graduate. When I enter Jessica's fandom, she got kicked out of Girls Generation. And now this one with Arashi as the latest one, just when I recently declared that I'm loving Arashi the following days news about Nino getting married were all over the internet. lol Is this really my fate in fandom things? So tragic!

November 17, 2019

Nihongo 101: Let's Practice Japanese #1


Today I will write blog post in Japanese here.
I want to show to everyone!
I'm studying Japanese from January this year till now.
There are ups and downs. It is really difficult.
I learned lots of Kanji from a Japanese book and Japanese videos. But I forgot after a period of time. (lol)
I sometimes want to speak Japanese with my friends. But they can't speak Japanese. It's sad, right?



Last weekend I made lunch at home.
I don't cook at all. But the food was delicious! It was good~!



I haven't been to Japan but I want to go!
This is my reason I'm studying Japanese.
Someday I'll go over there!
It's not impossible, right?



Can I say something?
Today I am watching Naruto all day.
As expected Sasuke is strong but Naruto is not weak.
Together their power is amazing!



On December 13, IU is going to the Philippines. I will go to the concert with a friend! I want to hear IU's beautiful voice. I will sing with IU, take lots of photos and buy merchandise. Uwa~I'm looking forward to it!

November 11, 2019

Rex Orange County Music

Do you guys want to listen to a very good music? Then you are reading the right blog post here on my site. I am recommending you guys the music of Rex Orange County.

I recently discovered him by accident months ago as I was viewing a video clip which used his song called "Loving is Easy". The lyrics were perfect along with his simple yet captivating voice and the music beat blending so well. That's where I started searching more about him and his music. I discovered then that he's younger than me and I just found myself listening to more and more of him. He's like my background music whenever I work in the office. Never failed to make me enjoy what I'm doing no matter how stressful things had become. 

Rex Orange County was born in May 4, 1998. So that makes him 21 years old as I'm writing this blog post. Like I've told you earlier, he's very young and yet his song lyrics are far better than those older than him. His real name is Alexander O'Connor and he's from England. Such a fine guy, you may follow him on his social media: TwitterInstagramFacebookOfficial Wesbsite.

Here, let me share with you my favorite songs from his albums/singles released up to this date. You might want to listen to them as well, you'll thank me later!

bcos u will never b free

Corduroy Dreams

A Song About Being Sad

November 9, 2019

Missing You (Park Yoo Chun x Yoon Eun Hye/ Yeo Jin Goo x Kim So Hyun)

"This is too much of a drama, as expected for an old Kdrama", this was my reaction as I was on episode 3 of this series. And I just cannot watch any further, as everything became too much for me! I'm not ready for the heavy drama. lol I think I'm gonna drop this anytime soon and I know I will after this episode. Sigh. I am not against the artists portraying the roles but dang it, the characters of the story are just way too fucking coward. Like, all of them! I hate them all the characters except child Soo Yeon (portrayed by Kim So Hyun) and the police inspector.

I love Yeo Jin Goo so much with his whole being, but seriously this is my least favorite character that he portrayed. I mean, everything is great and pretty good in the beginning but the twist and turns of events are just so fucking unreal and heavy and I hated the feeling. lol Can you feel my anger over your place now? I must say though that everyone did a great job in portraying their roles, it's just that the characters of the story themselves are way too far from my liking. They all need healing and courage. GAH!

November 8, 2019

ARASHI is finally here!!!

Previously, if you have not heard about it up to this date, Japanese Entertainment surprised the world with ARASHI landing on digital platforms & social media! I know, it's not that big of a news if we are talking about korean pop groups or whoever in the world. But considering it was from Japan's entertainment agency called Johnny & Associates, who we all know is very strict when it comes to their artists' music being streamed online and let alone their artists' being on social media, this is a surprising news for all.

Whoever in Johnny's who made this happen, I and everyone else salute you for this. I mean, it's about time for the world to see Japan's top boy band group. Come to think of it, it took 20 years for them to be out in the open. I cannot wait to see more people hooked up with Japanese entertainment because of ARASHI.

To be honest I am one of those people who admire ARASHI even before when I was younger, however due to their inaccessibility via internet I've given up on them so quickly. It's like a gem seeing a good quality video  with English subtitle on youtube and other websites to enjoy. That's how rare those things are. It's really difficult to stay updated with them with such minimal sources. BUT NOW IS DIFFERENT!

October 21, 2019

Goodbye Sulli, Choi Jinri

So today marks the 1st week of our lives without Sulli. As I recall that day wherein her face and the news of her passing are all over social media, I could not really believe that she's already gone. Even if I'm not a super fan of hers as an individual idol/actress, I've come to know her and acknowledge her as part of my favorite Kpop girl group f(x). It was Krystal who I stan hard on that group but still, I cannot imagine my favorite group without Sulli. Even though that she left the group year 2015 due to her personal concerns (depression & victim of malicious comments), the thought of her as being part of the group still remains. That's because their best ever songs such as hot summer, electric shock, rum pum pum pum, and red light were created by f(5)! Sulli included. And it's really hard to listen to those songs and knowing that one of the vocalists is now gone from earth. I don't know if it's just me but I find it really hard to do so. It's so sad imagining myself listening to their old songs.

I have collected all albums/cds of f(x) and even got a photocard of Sulli from one of those. Wahhh! I'm so sad, I can't even function normally whenever I remember Sulli. So you see, I'm a huuuuuge fan of f(x), so this really made me affected. I hated those people who has nothing to do but keep on pointing at others when it comes to negativity. They are all good for nothing people who have an over flowing insecurities. Damn it! Such people don't deserve kindness and fortune. But this blog entry will no longer talk about them. They are giving me a headache and heartache.

October 7, 2019

Yeo Jin Goo: The Noona Killer

So I have been really really obsessed with this guy lately. I feel like I've finally met the man of my dreams. Lol.. Yeo Jin Goo is younger than me though but he's very mature, manly, handsome, charismatic, likable, a real gentleman, has deep voice, and has real talent!!! Gahd, he's the perfect one for me, so age shouldn't matter anymore! Hahaha! Yeo Jin Goo you noona killer. That fits you well. But hey I'm not that old! I'm still in my 20s. 🤣🤣😏

Just look at these pictures!!

Wait have I mentioned that he's so hot?! Gaah!!! 
He's so irresistible!! 
This pose and this man equals absolute perfection! 

September 28, 2019

The Crowned Clown (Yeo Jin Goo & Lee Se Young)

I have a confession today! It seems that my admiration towards Yeo Jin Goo has leveled up! I'm in love and I think I'll marry him. lol But kidding aside, I have watched The Crowned Clown lately. It was really fantastic although it really ruined my usual routine day and night. I mean, I was really anticipating each travel time going to work, every lunch breaks, every 6PM of the day for me to enjoy watching an episode of The Crowned Clown. My officemate once said to me that I looked really tired at work due to my heavy eyebags. That made me really laugh out loud, and she actually knew the reason behind those eyebags. lol I must say though, it was a really tiring week but I'm still happy I've watched this drama.

Anyway, it's no longer new to all of you that I've become addicted to Hotel Del Luna. In fact, I still have a little of that even though I've watched The Crowned Clown. Although it was not as much as before and that's all because of this great drama. Yeo Jin Goo portraying as King is so convincing! It really fits him so well. His manly posture, voice and acts are well fitting for this kind of role. I've seen him first as a king when he did so well in Moon Embracing The Sun as young Lee Hwon. I remember reading a comment from the audience that it was his/her first time wishing for the lead characters to not grow up and just remain as a child just because the actors are portraying their roles splendidly. And I can't agree more to this sentiment!

In The Crowned Clown, Yeo Jin Goo played roles with opposite personality and status in life. He was a clown named Ha Seon that looked and sounded like his other character King Yi Heon. The King was swapped with the clown and that's where the story revolves.

September 22, 2019

Jang Man Wol's Old Photos (Hotel Del Luna)

My Hotel Del Luna craze isn't done yet. Nope, I think I'm way too far from getting over with it. Lol In fact I'm here to share a few photos I've been going crazy about. If you are into details when it comes to korean dramas then you might also be curious about the photos of Jang Man Wol hanging on her office's wall.

These are high quality photos also that you might want to use as your wallpapers. But they are too scary to be used right? I mean they are photos from the past. ww I will indicate the time which these photos were captured. It's actually indicated on the photos. I am not sure if it's part of the photos or someone just put it there. Anyway, good thing I can read a few kanji that I can translate the first few characters for you. They are just dates after all.

(This is the oldest photo of Jang Man Wol!)
Date Taken: February 1, 1897

Date Taken: February 1, 1897

September 21, 2019

Keismagic Featuring Lee Ji Eun (IU)

Finally! I'm back with doing feature entry about certain person inside my fandom world! It has been a while! But this artist isn't really new to my fandom, in fact I've known her since the early years of her acting career but she was kinda overpowered by Suzy before so I was not able to appreciate her as much. (Dream High days) But now is different! She has gained huge popularity all around the world not just as good looking, not just as a singer but as an actress as well. She's the real total package! I mean, all these traits and talents she has are above average! She's like the epitome of being a total entertainer/performer.

Anyway, I think it's all about timing. And this is the right time to appreciate her, this is the right time wherein I have so much to tell about her. It's not really a great feeling writing about something or someone that is out of your current interest, right? It's really draining, so the time back then was not right for me to write about her. But since I have rediscovered IU through the recent drama Hotel Del Luna, I've also rediscovered a new deeper appreciation towards her. And that would become my inspiration in creating this blog entry. So without further ado, let me start this precious things. I'm very much enthusiastic in writing this one.

Name: Lee Ji Eun
Birthdate: May 16, 1993
Birthplace: Songjeong-dong, Seoul

Fun Facts:
  • IU signed to Loen Entertainment (now Kakao M) year 2007 as a trainee
  • She then debuted September 18, 2008 with Lost Child

September 14, 2019

Hotel Del Luna (IU & Yeo Jin Goo)

This entire week I'm so hooked up with this Kdrama Hotel Del Luna and I don't think it would dissipate anytime soon. I've started watching the drama last Friday evening till Sunday morning last week and yet due to incredible attachment to the drama I've repeated it right away that Sunday afternoon. Well there was a saying that Kdramas are lovelier the second time around. lol

And as if I was the creator and producer of the drama, I'm also recommending it continuously to my officemates for them to watch. Not only that! I've been skipping my japanese studies for this madness! Ugh I can't believe this, but it's happening! 

September 5, 2019

Weathering With You

Today is a special day because today is special. lol Sometimes we do not really need any occasions to make our day special, right? Because it's up to us how we treat and see it. So in my case I always treat my day as something special and as much as possible I wanted to fill a day with something extraordinary or things/actions that would benefit my future self. But at the same time I do not want to lose having fun. Yep, we are always responsible for our own happiness.

Anyway, last night I've watched Weathering With You in the cinema with office mates. I actually do not expect anything from it because it's my first time watching an anime in the theater. The experience was really nice actually it's just that since my japanese is not that proficient yet, I find it a bit difficult to follow the animation as well as the subtitle for some time but I've adjusted as the movie progressed. Or maybe our spot was not of a good one. 

Still, the movie was so fucking great! I have this office mate that brought up about her acquaintances not liking the ending. So I was a bit anxious with it, knowing it was a Makoto Shinkai's work whose characters are not ending up together or just heartbreaking in general. (I'm speaking only in comparison to 5 centimeters per seconds and Garden of Words ofc) But as I've witnessed it, I can only clap in satisfaction. It's like finally, we have some characters who are selfish enough to fight for their love and togetherness. It's like fuck humanity we're going to live happily ever after, together. Let's forget everything else in the world! That's so majestic. lol 

September 1, 2019

A Werewolf Boy (Song Joong Ki & Park Bo Young)

So I have watched a Korean Movie called "A Werewolf Boy" starring Song Joong Ki & Park Bo Young and dang it! I'm such a crybaby, I seriously cried for that one. lol It all started all so cute and Song Joong Ki you fucking adorable guy! I want you as my pet from now on!

But kidding aside, I am so grateful for myself for not deleting this blog because at times like this I know where to pour out my overflowing emotions after watching a movie! It has been a while that I actually find myself watching a korean movie or whatsoever related to fandom dramas/movies. It's all thanks to facebook clips that teased me to check out the movie! Damn it Song Joong Ki, I'm in love! hahaha! *fangirl reborn
For me, the movie was really fantastic considering that the story was revolving around finding someone that would bring out the best version of you. Soon-Yi (played by Park Bo Young) finally able to refrain herself from looking at the negative side of her life and focus on the bright side along with Chul-Soo (played by Song Joong Ki). It's nice to see the character development of the female protagonist as well as the male protagonist up until the end. Well, Joongki portraying a loyal dog (wolf) surely made all his fans lose their shits.

What made this movie so special is that, we're finally able to realize how fucking loyal our dogs are. Hachiko aside, of course. lol Even if the movie was a fantasy one, it still is able to connect to me not in a owner-dog thing but rather the emotions that the scenes depicted. Like what I've mentioned first, the change of perspective from the protagonist. Second the feeling of able to find someone that would stay with you all the way of your life. Despite the distance and the time involved. This one is a bit idealistic and I bet my life that this situation would never happen in reality. But somehow we have the idea growing from the back of our minds, the what if thing. Or maybe I'm just delusional. lol Third would be the kindness overflowing from the characters, except the bastard Ji-Tae (played by Yoo Yeon Seok). I was expecting that due to Chul-Soo's violent actions, the family of Soon-Yi and the neighborhood would create a union to oust the wolf from the village. Just like the usual antagonists thing, but it did not happen. Instead, they did not judge him right away instead they waited to really witness the violence before actually making a move. If it weren't because of the jealousy and ego of Ji-Tae, everything would have ended really well. But unfortunately, I'm not the writer. lol
Despite the cutesy and the loyalty of the wolf boy to his owner, they aren't just meant to be together. And it is manifested by the fact that the girl had moved on and was able to create or do wonderful things even without Chul-Soo. And by the fact that Soon Yi has repeatedly hurt Chul-Soo by leaving him alone again and again just meant that the love was not really meant to be. And I kinda pity Chul-Soo for that.

August 24, 2019

Ahn Jae Hyun and Goo Hye Sun

I honestly do not want to talk about this in the blog but it's been out there and it's taking so much of my time reading about them in a day. It's saddening to witness a once so full of love partnership/marriage turn into a trending mess like this. There's so much going on and we do not know which one is telling the truth. But who are we to judge right, it's not like we are their parents or closest friends. lol I just wished that they have taken this situation like how the Song couple dealt with their divorce. It stirred up the whole world for a few days and died down later because media nor the fans are left unknown to what's the real deep cause behind the divorce. But perhaps the emotions that the people involved are of a different scale that we cannot imagine. Who knows.

We cannot really blame the public figures being swayed by their emotions as they are also humans like any ordinary persons out there. But since they are celebrities people tend to generalize them to act every time as if everything's flawless just because there are eyes watching over them. It's pitiful, right?

I thought that they were really one of the cutest couple out there. Displaying the sweetest acts any couple would aspire. Which perhaps why people are so hooked up with them, they cannot accept the fact that they are splitting. Just because they felt betrayed from the fantasy that these celebrity couple created within themselves. lol Delusional fans really are toxics. I wonder what more would Goo Hye Sun feels in the current trending situation?! Damn!

August 23, 2019

Taylor Swift is Back with Lover!

I'm one of those fans out there celebrating this precious day wherein Taylor Swift releases her newest album and music video for Lover! This might be new to all of you but I do have this burning fangirl self when it comes to Taylor Swift's music. And it's been there from the beginning along with my madness for Japanese artists as well. Though let's all be honest here, Taylor is reaaallyyy talented and her music is priceless!

Somehow her songs nurture my imagination when it comes to 'love' for whatever reason. Maybe it's because her songs are way too idealistic. A lot of songs from different artists also cater this kind of style but for me it's always Taylor that's very consistent when it comes to this. Her lyrics, the melody of her songs, ah I just love her talent and music! This is giving me so much good vibes today.

So far, as of today, my favorite songs from her album are as follows:

Of course, this cannot be omitted from my favorites. Listening to this the first time the lyric video came out just makes me so excited for the whole album. It actually made me wonder if there would be a real person out there who could bring in this type of feeling or situation being described in her lyrics. The music itself is giving away how too idealistic this song really is. At first I thought that this song describes only the honeymoon stage of love, but as the music and the video progresses I was proven wrong. Since the couple had a happy ending. Very fairy tail-like idea and I like it a lot!

Official “Lover” Lyrics: Written by Taylor Swift

August 10, 2019

HAPPY 31st BIRTHDAY Haruna Ono!

Hello everyone, I am back after a while coz today is my favorite japanese band's frontman's birthday! And that's no other than, SCANDAL's Haruna. 🎉🎉🎉

Wow!! Just how many birthdays of her exactly that passed by without me knowing?! How many years has it been that I didn't greet her!? I commit a sin to this fandom, I confess. lol

Well let's all be honest here fellow fandom friends, birthdays of our favorite idols/band members/actors/actresses/etc have this kind of Christmas and New Year effect on us. We're one of those people doing countdown like crazy. Adjusting our time zone for them wherever they are and wait till it's 12:01am to greet them on facebook or wherever in social media. We're like competing who'll be the first one to greet them happy birthday. It's crazy I know that we're so into people who doesn't even know our existence in the world. lol

Anyways there are a lot of ways to celebrate this special day of the year, right? Some people I know have their own altar for their favorite idols/band members and putting cakes in front of them and started singing the happy birthday song. Putting cakes in front of their computer's desktop with that specific birthday celebrant's picture as the wallpaper is one thing also. Extreme right? But as for me, I didn't do those things at all. What I just did was just to put an all-nighter and create a fan video tribute for their birthday. Hahaha! You might have thought that I was a normal fan out there for a second right? No I was not. I was once an extreme fan out there also ready to dedicate my whole time for my favorites and not care about anything in the world but them. So to you fellow fandom friends, I know how you feel. Been there done that!

June 22, 2019

What It's Like To Run A Site + Studying new Language

Basically blogging isn't something that I am doing as a full time job. In fact, I only do this to release all the thoughts I have on a specific moment of time. If you'll browse thoroughly this site, you'll find variety of things I'm into or am thinking about.

The google ads that you are seeing now around this blog are just something that I was curious about so I applied for it. But that doesn't mean this blog is earning huge coz of those ads. That's not how it works my friends.

So I just thought that I'll write something that I am thinking in the past days. As you can see I've been working on making this site active again as much as possible. Just getting back on something that I genuinely enjoy. But the thing is, it ain't really easy because it's not like when we're younger that we all got the time we wanted. So as an adult I'm also working full time job as an Architect and by knowing how an architect works won't be that much easy to work on other things.

As much as I wanted to post new articles, stories or anything inside this blog everyday, I just can't! lol
Fandom takes too much time when it comes to research. It's during the weekends that I'm able to fully concentrate on stalking/studying japanese and writing. Damn so many things going on during my weekends, right? But since I really do love these things, I am ain't quitting this routine yet until I become successful.

During the weekdays, my world is only revolving around architecture. Because I am practicing the field. But to do not submerge myself into work stress, pressure and depression, I inserted studying Japanese every lunch time in the office. Somehow it soothes my mind and just stray away from becoming too serious. Japanese is quite fun I must say.

That's a short read for you. And I'll leave something for you guys to enjoy. Some dope music that I've been listening lately!

And here's some live!

Ahhh Billie Eilish is so fucking awesome!!! Love it!

June 15, 2019

Learning Japanese: Katakana/ カタカナ

So aside from the Hiragana which I have discussed previously in Learning Japanese: Hiragana/ひらがな we also have Katakana as part of the Kana system.

Basically it has the same phonetic sounds as Hiragana, it's just that the characters that represent them are all different. Katakana has sharp edges while Hiragana has rounded characters. Katakana is only used to represent words from a foreign language.

For example:




Since Katakana characters are very limited, foreign words do not sound equally the same in Japanese. So katakana will surely be a challenge for us foreigners of the Japanese language. I sometimes cannot understand how those words ended up like that. lol

Let's go through first the Katakana characters:

June 14, 2019

TVXQ's U-KNOW Yunho's Comeback with Follow

This whole week, there were lots of new released music from different Kpop artist. But among all of these, my favorite has been U-KNOW Yunho's Follow which MV was launched only June 12 on youtube. Just the moment I listen to its beat and the moment Yunho started dancing I almost lost it. Yunho's charisma is still so powerful! I love it!

I don't know if it's just me but it kinda reminded me of TVXQ's mirotic. I cannot really pinpoint the exact reason, but maybe it has the same vibe for me. Coolness overload!

June 12, 2019

BTS Kim Nam-joon/RM (What's so special about him?)

We all know that BTS members has different types of charisma and charms, and it is up to us (fans or just viewers) how we see them individually. As for me there's this one guy that intrigues me how he manage to still get a huge following despite, know, not having the typical IDOL looks. And it's non other than the leader Kim Nam-joon or most popularly known as RM (Real Me). So what's so special about him? Since I'm very much curious, let me list down here some facts for us to find out why!

June 8, 2019

SCANDAL MAGIC featuring Haruna Ono

Some of you maybe wondering why there is no sole blog entry published for SCANDAL's Haruna Ono and Rina Suzuki in here. Unlike what I did for Mami and Tomomi. Well in case you are not familiar with the beginnings of the Scandal magic Fb Fanpage and the history of my blogging, it was actually Haruna and Rina's article that were first published. But that was on a different blog site. And unfortunately that site can no longer be accessed due to some stupid actions I've accidentally did before. And basically I have lost all the data so I got frustrated and just continued with Mami and Tomomi.

Anyways, I'll end that longing of yours and will now start writing for Haruna's. I'll probably pull an all-nighter here to do some research. I honestly cannot recall a few information from way before since it has been a long time and the fact that I stopped with this fandom for a few years didn't help either. So this blog entry might become a recap and learning some more about them just like everyone else.

So let's deal first with the basic to start. This portion's info can be seen everywhere so nothing really surprising. I guess.

Name: Ono Haruna
Instruments: Guitar & Lead Vocals
Birthday: August 10, 1988
Birthplace: Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Blood type: A
Height: 153cm

June 5, 2019

New Jessica & Krystal Reality Show!

Impossible! That's what I thought it would be. SM Entertainment mentioning Jessica's name and yet even confirming to have a new reality show with their talent Krystal. We all know that Jessica and Krystal are sisters, but still we also know how strict SM Entertainment is when it comes to their ex-talents. Well come to think of it, it was SME who kicked Jessica out of the group so they shouldn't be all butt-hurt at all. But setting aside that sensitive issue, I still cannot believe this news from allkpop's  SM Entertainment confirms Jessica & f(x) Krystal's upcoming reality show. Still, I am very joyful to hear this wonderful news!!!

Finally! Some continuation from their first reality show together Onstyle Jessica & Krystal. How I wish it would be just like before where they looked really free. I remember myself watching this from way back 2014. We get to know more of this pair regarding their treatment to each other. They are so close that sometimes you wanted a sister like Jessica or a little sister like Krystal. Here are some of the things I've missed so much and am anticipating to finally see again on their new reality show.

June 2, 2019

Oshima Yuko Studying English

When I was MIA from writing, I've heard before that Oshima Yuko went on hiatus from her entertainment career around year 2017 as well. The reason behind was to strengthen her language skills. It was basically to study English. Now that's nice! I love idols/celebrities who are setting an inspiration in widening their knowledge. So now I know why some of Oshima's instagram captions were in English.

But of course just like any other language students out there, you just can't perfect the grammar yet in the beginning. It's a learning process so I'll give her 5 stars for the effort in posting in English. I hope she gets better day by day and won't be discouraged to keep on practicing. 

I'll make her as an inspiration when it comes to studying Japanese. Come to think of it, I'm using that app to express whatever in mind in Japanese as well. Yes, I'm trying and practicing hard too.

Here are some of Oshima's posts with English captions:

June 1, 2019

Filipino Version of X Japan Songs

So recently I listen to X-Japan songs and suddenly my friend who's doing whatever behind me was able to hum the melody of "Forever Love" song. Basically it startled me for the reason that my friend doesn't know anything about Japanese music. So I paused the song and asked.

My friend told me that she thought it was a Filipino song she's familiar with which is Tanging Sa'yo by Jerome Abalos and didn't really heard that the lyrics I'm listening to is in japanese. So I searched it right away which shocked me because they are totally similar. I somehow knew this Tagalog song from way back but it didn't cross my mind to compare them. Wow just wow!

If you'll check carefully though, the translations of the title and the lyrics are not the same. Well maybe we cannot really literally translate word for word but all-in-all the I think the lyrics have the same thought which is about break-up? You be the judge.

On another note since time has gone by and the tagalog version is still out there,then I think the copyright issues are resolved. So let's not create an issue here alright. Still, this song of X Japan is a epic!
X Japan - Forever Love

May 31, 2019

Learning Japanese: Hiragana/ひらがな

From the first month of the year, I oath to learn Japanese language AGAIN. lol Attempt no. infinity~Damn!

But this time I'm gonna be serious. Coz these books I've bought are really expensive. Well aside from that, it's really hard to start all over again and again. It's like repeating the basics the entire time and no progress at all. Time is surely wasted with this type of negative habit. So I'm gonna put a stop on this laziness and just get on with it step by step. Therefore, I decided to post here the progress I've made every single lessons. Just so I could track whether I've learned it well or I've missed out something. In my case right now, I'm already in advance lessons. Meaning the topic that I'll post here were the lessons I've learned beforehand.

Also let me clear some things in here, I'm not trying to teach alright. So stop thinking that coz I'm no pro on this. I'm just gonna use this blog to basically become my tracker, my motivation to study more so I could post in here. Oh yes more blog entries! It's like killing 2 birds with one stone! Yep that's it.

Also blog entries like this would just share about how I study. How I study japanese. The easiest way for me to familiarize with things. So without further ado, let me start with it.

But wait! I'll post first from the very basic. I'm not gonna jump to kanji level coz that one is the beast. So let's take baby steps first and deal with one of the Kana characters which is Hiragana. 

Although before we start right of the Hiragana characters, let's have basic understanding of what the Japanese Language  first is. This one's really helpful and it's a video from youtube.