March 22, 2015

It All Started Here: f(x)

I guess a lot of you knew that I started loving Jessica right after she was kicked out from her group. That I wouldn't actually meet and try out to search more about Jessica if it weren't because of that issue before. I'm not supposed to be happy about that sad news but my new fandom started from there, and I'll just consider that as a new chapter for Jessica and my fandom.

But! I'm not gonna elaborate more on that! I think I finished explaining things about how it all started from Jessica. Now let's go with Krystal Jung Soojung. Of course with Jessica, there's always her little sister. As far as I could remember, I met Krystal due to Jessica & Krystal reality show. And from there, I search f(x) videos, and just one of it made me a huge fan already.

Good thing, it's Rum Pum Pum Pum that first popped out on youtube. I honestly got distracted by the thumbnail all because of Krystal's red hair. (Damn that attractive lady!) And good thing as well because Rum Pum Pum Pum is from what almost f(x) fans called their bible, The "Pink Tape" album.

DAMN FCKING CATCHY MUSIC they have, I got sooooo into Rum Pum Pum Pum!!! Goodness gracious Krystal's gentle voice sent my soul to heaven. I'm supposed to be dead by now actually, but I'm over the moon!!! Pink Tape album is the fucking paradise!!! 

When I'm not that into kpop before, I kinda am hearing f(x) name too. But the bitch I was before, I ignored them and just really didn't appreciate their music. A few of my friends who knows kpop told me before how different their music were, it was incomparable to the usual mainstream kpop songs out there. 

And thinking about it today, they were fucking true in the positive way. Their songs are totally different! 

Although you'll thought they aren't that good when it comes to their voices, I think Luna standout the most in there. But if you'll just try to appreciate the whole concept of f(x), all the members make the group so powerful as a whole. 

Sulli and Krystal's voices are so gentle that it worries you whether they'll do good live. But that's just practically the first impression because they are good enough. Not all smiley Krystal at some performances, but that's her vibe.. so let her be. These two are the most powerful visuals for the group, they send off a very distinct vibe.. they are just so beautiful to be true. And I think they have most fans from the whole f(x) fandom. 

Amber on the other hand, their rapper, the focal point when it comes to style. Her boyish looks make f(x) one step ahead from the usual kpop girl group appearances. 

Luna, the vocal power of f(x). Can I just take this blog entry too to appreciate her vocals? She's really good! And I'm hoping to see more of the fans to appreciate Luna's contributions to the group as well. 

Victoria on the other hand, the leader, the oldest and I would say the mood setter. Along with Amber, they both are the "life" of f(x) for how they are the ones who mostly connect with the fans. It's them who has this sociable, weird approaches with them. Victoria is also considered part of the visuals in the group and most likely is the Queen of China in f(x) fandom. 

Altogether they are one. Without just one member, the group weakens. Although they all have distinct characteristics as what I've mentioned, but they are most powerful as a group. Their strength and weaknesses complements each other, and that made them the bomb along with their very "artsy" concepts and vibrant music. 

I'm not yet that long enough in the fandom, but I can already feel the burden of the long-time fans of this group. They started September 2009 and yet up until now we still don't have a fandom name. I don't know how SM look at things when it comes to their artists, because one thing's for sure that if it's about their popularity and the money they are making with f(x), I think they are competitive as well. So I don't know anymore. And I don't know till how long we will wait for this fandom name to come. 

But anyways, I am soooo having fun with f(x)!!! They are just the best for me as of today, tomorrow and hopefully forever. lol (please don't contradict that one!!!)

Oh! Have I stressed out how much I soooo love Krystal's red hair in the Pink Tape era? I'm willing to become f(x)'s slave forever just to see Krystal's red hair again. *sobs

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