
December 31, 2014


There's a need for me to fill up my blog with a December entry. I just feel like I had to. lol
Anyways, hello everyone! How's your holiday? Well for me despite the fact that I need to prepare for major exams this coming January, I feel like I'm so chillax. I'm not sure whether it's a good thing or not. (cries)

Truth is, I've been hesitating to actually post in here. I feel like I'm taking too much time from reviewing, so that's really the reason behind me not updating. But as time goes by, I find it really absurd. I'm stopping myself in having fun and just stuck myself in a whole monotonous study habits. It's insane right? Of course studying for boards is the priority but you know what's wrong about taking a few of your time to enjoy a few moments of holidays. haha [I may take back what I said if ever I fail, oh damn! Think positive Kei! Positivity!!!]  ww

But don't worry guys, I may suck at studying or I may look stupid but I'm doing my best! lol Pray for me guys, and wish me good luck on the exams. w

I just wanted to start filling up my blog with my new fandom. Haha, yep the Jung sisters. Gahd how awesome they could be! Well apparently they are now my new inspirations. hihi, oops more like distractions w

November 30, 2014

Krystal- Jung Soo Jung

No, I'm not dead yet. Surprise bitc----

Hah! It's been a while. Hello readers. I may have been missing in blogging, but I tell you my fandom is still blooming. In fact, it's more prosperous than me reviewing. lol

Ugh, how I wish JeKry won't drag me down to failure. w Anyways, yup! Recently, my fandom isn't just about Jessica anymore. It evolved and recruited her sister Krystal to be a part of it. Which is absolutely more exciting. =)

I was able to watch about 12 or 13 out of 16 episodes of 'My Lovely Girl' k-drama. Which involves Krystal and Rain (the pedoshit)  as lead actors. Although the drama itself has poor ratings in Korea, a lot of international fans were actually hooked up with it including me. But with all honesty, the story was definitely lacking and perhaps surreal. Still, I embarrassingly admit that I actually like the drama just because it was too fluffy as well as Krystal was too entertaining to watch. That was actually my first time to watch Krystal in a drama and I'm quite impressed. Can't stop giggling when she's going through a "first love; puppy love shit" in that drama. lol

October 12, 2014

Jessica & Krystal

I just finished watching this reality show with 10 episodes. How I wish there will be season 2 for this. 10 episodes seemed to be very short especially when you're so absorbed with the show.

I am trying to watch different shows that involved Jessica now, to know her better. 'Jessica & Krystal' just gave me the reasons to fall in love not only with the ice princess but with her dear sister too. It's amusing to actually witness how the well known 'Ice Princess' to end up being this warm.

October 9, 2014

I've been soshified!

Life is so wonderful when you have a colorful fandom. Haha. I feel like I can take on everything ahead of me. Finally time to move on from a very dull fandom, and have something worth it to have fun with.

October 6, 2014

Princess Jessica!

I am back to state my new fandom! ww Ah I'm so excited!!!

I may be missing in action when it comes to blogging in here, but truthfully I'm just lurking around to find a new idol and excitement to bring to my fandom. My 'Atsuko fandom' is currently on a downfall for so many reasons. ww 
But I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to announce to you all my newest fandom target, Jessica Jung. Laugh all you want just because of her current state/problems with her career, but still, I want to know more about her. She's so beautiful, charismatic, and has angelic voice. I am new to this fandom, so I'm still researching things about her. I don't mind if she's being ousted to GG, I will still dare to risk my time for her. I think she's all worth it. And besides there are a lot of videos to watch about her so I won't be sad as of the moment. 

Yeah, of course it's depressing to know about her current condition. It's her beloved group to which she put so much passion and love, who wouldn't be affected to that news of 'kicking her out of the group'? But still, I'll choose to be behind her back all the way. You go girl, Jessica!

Here's the performance that made me a Jessica fan. 

These photos below are from their Mr. Mr. promotion. 

July 20, 2014

Lessons Learned!

I just realized that my blog is completely dominated by fanfics lately. I dunno if it's a good thing or not either. lol But still, it's all about fandom. So I guess it's fine whatever to post here that fits to my likings. Well this blog is for updating about fandom anyway. How I do things, fangirling.

Isn't it nice? Trying things like blogging, writing fanfics, making guitar covers (which is already outnumbered) and drawing at the same? Who could have thought I can spare time just doing all of this, all for the love of entertainment.

This entry is just an update. Just random blabbing or sort of.

Right now I'm gonna share something that changed my perspective towards fandom. Of course some of us, including me, became one of those people who became overly attached with their idols. Maeda Atsuko, to me specifically.

To be honest growing too attached with admiring an idol or any celebrity never came to my thoughts. I started just admiring them in a way that 'hey I like this group and this idol' and starts searching more about them. Could it be works or even personal life.

To be honest I don't really like the idea that people starts saying, 'leave their private lives' since it's not our business any longer. So I have ignored such statements and just have fun with searching more about them, and having too many researches out there made me have the urge to even take out a blog here.

June 22, 2014

Maeda Atsuko Breaking Up with Onoe Matsuya?

Okay enough with me acting like nothing's really wrong. It's saddening to read these rumors coming out everywhere, that Atsuko (despite having marriage in mind while dating) became one of the victims of her womanizer boyfriend.

First of all, these two people involved aren't publicly admitting the relationship that the media's throwing at them. But despite their silence over this, expecting the rumors to fade away seemed to be impossible. Unfortunately for Maeda Atsuko and Onoe Matsuya, the media became even more fired up to break this silence. Although silence over an issue may seem to help not to lit up more fire on the situation, Maeda at Matsuya's silence became the opposite.

It only makes sense for the fans to believe such rumors, because if the two aren't really dating, they would deny it in the first place to do not cause anymore problems to the other. And therefore, it is only natural to make the fans worry and get anxious over the unexplained rumor.

But don't get me wrong! Of course I am not saying that Atsuko owes us an explanation in regards to her private life, but as a public figure I think she has even the slightest responsibility called love and care for fans worrying. But well yeah, depends on whatever she wanted.

Anyways after this big explosion of dating rumors, months after became calm and stable. But not for long, as the month of June came in. On its first week, there was a new rumor spreading that Atsuko and Matsuya had broken up since the end of last year (2013) for the reason of Matsuya being a womanizer.

April 18, 2014

[FANFIC] Majisuka Gakuen The Beginning Chapter 2: Order of the New World, Takahashi Minami, Challengers

Heya! Sorry it took me so long to update this one. I feel ashamed because it's only at its 1st chapter.. lol No it's not on hiatus...w

I made it really long and I hope it won't bore you all readers. w


Order of the New World, Takahashi Minami, Challengers

"If you keep on fighting, you will survive this cruelness. Only the strongest shall be the last man standing and the weak shall perish"

A man in darkness said giving advise to a little child.

"If you reached the top, everyone's going to follow your orders. But when you gain comrades, you cannot trust them for a time will come that they'll betray you."

Then a sound of a gun firing lingers to the child's ears. Her eyes wide open as she witness how her parents have been killed.


Oshima Yuko reached out her hand from the darkness. She woke up from a nightmare that never leaves her head. It was very traumatic for her to actually see the love of her life being killed, in front of her. The memory was still afresh even after years had already passed after the cruel incident. She oath to never forget until she have made it on top, until she gains power. But until she's on the road to gain this promise, she can never be at peace.Only when the bright light appears to her darkness, she will move on.




April 10, 2014

Maeda Atsuko's 1st One-Man Live at Zepp Tokyo

April 3, 2014- Maeda Atsuko finally set her 1st Seventh Chord 2-hr concert. After her two years from announcing her graduation to the popular idol group AKB48, she again stood in a stage where several fans were waiting for her.

Truly, we fans are very selfish to even feel how lonely it has been without seeing Maeda Atsuko regularly on screen, handshakes, lives and etc. We can already sense the difficulty of hearing something about her ever since she graduated from the group. It was all different.

March 26, 2014

[FANFIC] Majisuka Gakuen The Beginning Chapter 1: Oshima Yuko, The Challenge and The Past

To clear out everything from my first post regarding this Fanfic.

Please be notified that this Fanfiction will be my PREQUEL for Majisuka Gakuen.   


This is quite difficult to write than I thought it would be. But I'm risking huge time here, so please waste your time reading this as well. Equivalent exchange.

 Anyways, Enjoy or not... will not be my problem anymore. w


Chapter 1

Oshima Yuko, The Challenge and The Past

This feeling of having mercy, needed to be omitted. I don't want to show this fear, the anxiety running through my mind and body. I have to fight till my last breath, in order to live,--in order to survive.

Yuko Oshima was sitting down at the rooftop in Majijo early in the morning, looking at the blue sky with calm eyes. This scene was different when she fought the 10 yankees from the school of Yabakune at some random alley last night. If it weren't Majijo, everyone would mistaken her as just an ordinary innocent student.

 She raised her right hand like wanting to touch the blue sky. She remained in such position for a few minutes before forming that hand into a fist and placed it her chest.

"I fight in order to survive"

March 23, 2014

[FANFIC] Majisuka Gakuen: The Beginning

This shall serve as the PREQUEL of the story Majisuka Gakuen. I've been wanting to write something about it from a long time now. So I want to share the story I've written with you guys. I bet there are a lot of fanfics about how everything started in Majisuka Gakuen, and I haven't read one I think, so just ignore this if you find it uncompetitive with the others. *sad

But like always, I'll do my best to give the best emotion the characters shall express in here. Please let me know your thoughts about this.

Also, this shall serve as my tribute to the graduated members as well as the other founding members present in AKB48 up till this moment. I think Majisuka Gakuen is one of their products that will always represent the wholeness of the old group. (oh let me cry for this) aww the memories...

Yes! Everyone will be involved, hurray?

And yeah, wish me luck with this story. But although I wanted to make this perfect, I know I cannot. w There will be mistakes you'll find, I bet. =( I'm no pro, just want to have fun with this imagination I have. So just bear with it. wwwwww


 Majisuka Gakuen: The Beginning


March 10, 2014

M= Maeda & Minami

To have witnessed yet another historical exposure of AtsuMina is definitely life fulfilling. I can die, no I can't. w

I've been wondering for a long time already, why these two people aren't living together and just have a happy couple life? Who am I kidding? Everyone w

Okay time to fcking focus now. lol

I am so happy!!! It has always been this fluffy and joyful feeling seeing AtsuMina together. Teasing each other to death and yet smiling at each other like nothing happens. I know for a fact that Atsuko has been this Tsundere, but... sometimes I feel like Minami's getting hurt as well. www But I guess she's too kind or afraid to even say a word against the waifu's playfulness.

The fact that I've wasted my whole Sunday just waiting for this to air, I still am feeling wonderful after all. I don't know, I feel like my whole self was reborn. I can feel life's goodness in its highest form. But yeah I'm exaggerating. w

Glad to see them after after a long while, but I somehow observed that everything in between them wasn't the same any longer. Some deeper feelings involved perhaps. I guess they've became distant from each other that they're this shy to even look at each other in the eyes. Have you guys observed how less their eye contact was on that episode?? Even when singing the song already ,with such a wonderful lyrics, it felt like they are so distant. *sad* But maybe I'm just imagining things right? Please tell me I'm just trying to be Sherlock Holmes. XD

But anyways, listening to their duet still makes this negativity of mine be washed away. So I'm just gonna listen to it forever huh? ww

February 16, 2014

Seventh Chord

How's everyone doing? Nothing changed with me and my busy schedule, if you ask. Perhaps you guys already knew that. lol

I just came to drop these fantastic covers/pics for Atsuko's Seventh Chord single. :)

Lovely as every. I don't know how to react anymore, this has been one of my biggest problems when it comes to Atsuko. Really. I need help.
 Type A CD +DVD

January 28, 2014

Número TOKYO 2014年 3月号

No matter how busy and crazy life can be, there's no way I'm going to miss posting these pictures here.

Atsuko's NUMERO magazine feature is really blazing hot and surely all his fan boys and girls would go crazy about this.

I tell you! This is getting hotter and hotter! 

You enjoyed that one, didn't you? You're welcome! 😂

January 25, 2014


Hi! It has been a while right? I know, geez what is life if there is no fandom? ww Good thing no matter how busy I am right now in the real world, I still try to give small glances on my fandom. 

Before being so active in my work/career, I still can write and update stories, blog entries as fast as I could coz I have the time. But now, there seemed like I got no time anymore for fandom.

With all honesty I just cannot take the tiredness I feel right now because of work. It seemed like days just pass by and all I do is work and work, getting stressed and fcking frustrated at some client/projects' problems. Although I know it's good for my career as I am exposed to different opportunities/situations but still, sometimes I just feel like I wanted to have some break even just for a whole day without thinking about work. (oh let that be a whole week please) Yup, I have no breaks on weekends either. I am thinking of quitting at my part time job every Saturday since I am also working as a freelancer taking projects on my own. (don't forget my full-time work) Three jobs at the time is quite interesting, right? But trust me, if you're in the world of architecture, you're going to feel how I feel right now. So stressful.

I am so adventurous at all things I'm doing, I got greedy so I wanted to learn and earn a lot at the same time. (For the sake of Atsuko lol) Though I have been thinking that all these will be a huge problem for my health in the near future. So.. I therefore conclude, I stop ranting over here and get myself back to work. lolol

I don't know how to end this seriously.. hahaha oh well...

Have you guys seen Atsuko's 2014 calendar? Let me share to you guys what are my favorite photos of her in that calendar. Actually everything is lovely but these three are the best! Let me tell you why!

January 2, 2014

Struggles Of Being Maeda Atsuko

I've been thinking about what will be my first post for the year 2014. w
I was about to blog about Yuko's graduation announcement at Kohaku, but then again I refused to do so because it's too depressing. Sigh.

Don't get me wrong, what I'm about to tackle right now isn't positive either. haha

Today, I did not go to work because I needed this day in order to fully rest and catch up some energy. So I managed to read some articles about my various japanese fandom. But since I am too dedicated to someone named Atsuko Maeda, I end up reading articles about her. And what made it interesting was, I end up reading about Atsuko's lovelife or what everyone knows "Atsuko's first romance".

It's actually my first time to see myself reading and talking about this matter, since I don't quite give a damn about her relationship/s. Unless that'll be Atsumina or sort of related with the 48girls. w Well it surprises me for this odd behavior as well, I guess I'm just bored? That might be it. And it's also a first time I'm searching Onoe Matsuya on google and didn't close the tab for quite a while. I should be considering this my first achievement in 2014. I shock myself at concluding that this guy looked good too. Just OMG!

SO here let me start this.

I read this Matsuya Onoe's mother approves of her son getting married to Atsuko Maeda (Josei Jishin) article and made me once again realize how tough it is to be Atsuko. Just reading the comments solely bringing up about her "talent" or acting from this issue is quite stressful. I wish she's not reading these kind of comments though, it'll be too bad to handle everyday. And to bring out yet another burden for her, I read this: Atsuko Maeda's NHK period drama "Asakiyumemishi" struggling to get good ratings which I'll sadly quote these: