November 30, 2014

Krystal- Jung Soo Jung

No, I'm not dead yet. Surprise bitc----

Hah! It's been a while. Hello readers. I may have been missing in blogging, but I tell you my fandom is still blooming. In fact, it's more prosperous than me reviewing. lol

Ugh, how I wish JeKry won't drag me down to failure. w Anyways, yup! Recently, my fandom isn't just about Jessica anymore. It evolved and recruited her sister Krystal to be a part of it. Which is absolutely more exciting. =)

I was able to watch about 12 or 13 out of 16 episodes of 'My Lovely Girl' k-drama. Which involves Krystal and Rain (the pedoshit)  as lead actors. Although the drama itself has poor ratings in Korea, a lot of international fans were actually hooked up with it including me. But with all honesty, the story was definitely lacking and perhaps surreal. Still, I embarrassingly admit that I actually like the drama just because it was too fluffy as well as Krystal was too entertaining to watch. That was actually my first time to watch Krystal in a drama and I'm quite impressed. Can't stop giggling when she's going through a "first love; puppy love shit" in that drama. lol

Her chic personality is actually endearing, and her drama-role having such quality just makes everything looked flawless. She has that charm and edge. She's pretty amazing and I just can't get enough of her lately. Managed to hear some of f(x)'s albums, and I so love them already. Step aside GG, I'm all Krystal's group supporter now. lol And that's how I managed to add Krystal on my recent fandom. Oh I love her already.

Although there's nothing much to ship with Jessica and Krystal, I'm just behaving out in here (fanfic matters). I can't pair them up, can I? ww Anyways, I've decided to refrain myself from shipping Yulsic, because everything is too awkward. lol And I don't know, I suddenly got quite bothered on how everything's working around GG and Jessica. And their fcking fans around twitter who act they knew it all. Sometimes it's actually better to just find things you wanted yourself about your favorite idols through self-research, in order to preserve the innocence in fangirling over them. hahaha Although I know, it's inevitable to read a lot of their fans' shits. Just don't get hypnotized, would be my advice. w

Welcome me to Krystal's world, everyone! Wooo!

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