March 26, 2014

[FANFIC] Majisuka Gakuen The Beginning Chapter 1: Oshima Yuko, The Challenge and The Past

To clear out everything from my first post regarding this Fanfic.

Please be notified that this Fanfiction will be my PREQUEL for Majisuka Gakuen.   


This is quite difficult to write than I thought it would be. But I'm risking huge time here, so please waste your time reading this as well. Equivalent exchange.

 Anyways, Enjoy or not... will not be my problem anymore. w


Chapter 1

Oshima Yuko, The Challenge and The Past

This feeling of having mercy, needed to be omitted. I don't want to show this fear, the anxiety running through my mind and body. I have to fight till my last breath, in order to live,--in order to survive.

Yuko Oshima was sitting down at the rooftop in Majijo early in the morning, looking at the blue sky with calm eyes. This scene was different when she fought the 10 yankees from the school of Yabakune at some random alley last night. If it weren't Majijo, everyone would mistaken her as just an ordinary innocent student.

 She raised her right hand like wanting to touch the blue sky. She remained in such position for a few minutes before forming that hand into a fist and placed it her chest.

"I fight in order to survive"

She told no one in particular. She closed her eyes trying to convince herself with what she had blurted out. This was supposed to be her answer in the lingering voice thoroughly asking inside her head.

Yuko was then interrupted in her own world the moment Majijo's school bell rang designating that the new students of the school shall gather.

Since Majijo Gakuen was known to be a school for delinquent girls, the higher years didn't bother to attend the school year's opening ceremony. It was only the new batch of students that was always present and after a year they won't be attending the said ceremony any longer. The system continued in the history of Majisuka Jogakuen.

Yuko came down from the rooftop, and she can see everyone else gathering towards the gymnasium. With this sailor uniform she's wearing only herself she'll consider clean as everyone else has different accessories hanging around them. Which she thinks is so unfashionable.

"What's with these people?" She raised one of her eyebrow in confusion at the same time didn't fail to express her disgust.

Yuko stopped for a while to see the view of new students brawling, glaring and already killing each other on their way to the venue. Although she knows that this isn't something she should be bothered about, but she concluded that this school is the worst as she have ever been in her whole life. "People here are so weak and childish"

She then continued to walk inside the gymnasium but someone bumped into her which made her even more sick than she feels just earlier.

"You bastard!!" Yuko did not hesitated. Her yankee soul was awakened.

"What the hell?!" The new found enemy did not show any fear.

Yuko was quite stunned because never she did encounter someone who'll not show any fear after looking into her eyes. It was her first, and she'll conclude that this one's also the first fashionable yankee she have seen in this school.

They stood there while sending death glares to one another.

"Let's show this midget some lesson, Shibuya-sama!" A random girl with aggressive looks on her face said aloud to the fashion queen named Shibuya.

Yuko sent her death glares to the random girl who just whispered, and didn't fail to make her wear that scared look on her face. The random girl looked away and started to run for her life.

Shibuya witnessed the scene but didn't bother. "Tsk" the sound of disappointment only came out from her mouth. She went inside the gymnasium and ignored the small girl she exchanged death glares with.

"Huh. Quite interesting." Yuko said and entered the venue as well.


As the ceremony goes on, while everyone's sitting and just yawning. Praying that this boring ceremony to end as soon as possible. Huge steps of feet becoming sensible to the ears. Everyone paused to whatever they are doing in their seats, and observed the upcoming chaotic footsteps.


The two-door swing slammed open. Yuko was startled at the loud sound and speedily balanced her body from falling into a stranger beside her. "F*ck!!" She said grumpily loud that made the lingering silence breaks.

"What is the problem!?" Before everyone give their glares at the now bad mood Yuko, the principal in front of the microphone on stage asked.

The higher year of Majijo who are breathing heavily and with several bruises on their faces and bodies replied.

"T-the Yabakune students...." The stuttering yankee gave all her effort to speak but she's still looking for her normal breathing. And so her other companion helped her..

"The Yabakune are invading our territory!!! They are about to kill one of our students!" Someone finally finished the message.

All the first year students didn't give a damn though. With their upperclassmen coming here and wanting to get some help. The first years yelled at them!

"Fck! You guys are so lame!"

"How come the seniors don't know how to fight back!"



First year's anger and disgust towards these seniors arises. The crowd became wilder sending off a dark aura around the gymnasium.

"B-but! They were tough! Just earlier they attacked us on our way to Majijo! And those bastards with a number of 15 students came out! We were outnumbered! We're only 4!!" Someone from the newly arrived yankees explained. But the first years were harsh to even take that as a reason to retreat.

The younger generations threw their chairs and their hidden metals towards what they considered lowliest students of Majijo. The crowd becomes chaotic and the principal needed to do something.

"ENOUGH OF THIIIIS!!!!" The principal released a yankee aura as well and screamed out in a masculine way. The students were surprised at their female principal because they thought she can never give out such a bad ass look.

Yuko and Shibuya were also caught by the sudden change of the principal but still, was not enough to make them stay still. They left the chaotic venue without anyone noticing on a separate exit doors from backstage. But before Yuko fully exited, she had heard the principal's dramatic announcement.

"Our school at the moment is the weakest yankee school at the entire vicinity. And they are all looking down on us and make their slaves. If anyone of you managed to bring those 15 Yabakune that attacked our students, I shall give the authority to take the top spot of Maji jogakuen!!! And you can do whatever you wanted to do with the school and its students!"

Everyone exchanged glances. At the moment they were thinking on what would they ever do to this garbage school that has already set its throne as the lowliest school when it comes to Yankees. Every fighting and underground association already had known about it, and it'll be more embarrassing to even top and lead this school.

But since it is authority they are talking about. It is power! And only those who have powers shall survive this cycle of fighting. Those who have powers are the winners. And because they are hungry for this, they are willing to get the prize.

All of the students of Majijo Gakuen had heard the announcement from the principal because of the purposely connected sound system of the gymnasium in every classroom. They all screamed signalling that they are IN to this challenge coming from the principal.

As every student started to scatter around, Yuko who was already outside the gymnasium smashed her fist towards the senior student who's involved at the fight with the 15 Yabakune students earlier. The poor girl broke down to the floor and Yuko brought her up by the collar. "Where did you encounter the Yabakune students earlier?"

"You're so impossible" A voice came in from behind of Yuko. "She already had fainted due to your strength. Who else can answer your question?"

Yuko pushed the already fainted body she's holding back on the ground again and faced the girl that brought storm to Yuko's sunny peaceful day.

"Why are you here?" Yuko asked the newly arrived person.

"I came here to give you information. Comrade!" The girl smirked.

"I don't need your help. This is not your school so go back to yours kid!" Yuko turned her back to the girl and was about to start walking but suddenly...


Yuko fell down on the ground. But since she is strong, she managed to stay awake after the heavy punch she had received.

"Fck!!! What do you think you're doing!!!?" The now berserk Yuko formed her hand into a fist and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Relax Yuko! I'm your comrade, remember? Let me help you just by giving information. This is the least thing I can do."

"Stop this. Don't get involve with my fights any longer. I've already beaten 10 students from Yabakune and 15 isn't a huge number either." Yuko retreats from her fighting stance.


"You've already gone through a lot because of me. So stop it. You're not helping me, Minami"

"I've saved the abandoned girl that the Yabakune's attacking earlier. I saw that she's with the same uniform as you.. so.. I---" Before Minami could finish her sentence, she was grabbed by Yuko on her collar.

"Damn it.. Minami!"

"I'm not afraid of you Yuko. Not until you tell me what's the reason why you're fighting."

"Don't waste your time on me. And scold me on everything I do. You're ruining all of my plans!! My whole life!!"

 Minami was taken aback from the strong statement that Yuko blurted out. And the raging anger of Yuko subsided when she accidentally looked at Minami's eyes that shows a hint of pain.

Right then, Yuko ran away as fast as she could so she could escape from the person that keeps reminding her darkest past.

"I hate it. When I see you all weak, Yuko." Minami sighed.



I hope my readers would be looking forward to this story. I like it very much. Comments are always welcome, yep.



Majisuka Gakuen The Beginning 

Chapter 2
Order of the New World, Takahashi Minami, Challengers


Here's something to look forward to:

Chapter 18

The Truth Sequel: Chapter 2 Nyaachan and Potts  
(This fanfic, I have some surprise and explanation to give you guys)

A Fan and A Lover 


But those fanfics above I shall not post, without feedback on this Prequel story of Majisuka Gakuen

 Majisuka Gakuen The Beginning
 Chapter 1
Oshima Yuko, The Challenge and The Past


Teaser! I know! lol 


  1. It doesn't waste my time to read ur fic, to tell the truth that I have enjoyed it A LOT... And I can't wait for the next chapter (and of course, can't wait for ur other fics too)

    Just take ur time nee XD

  2. Honestly, I skipped most of Yuko's part cuz I'm not interested in it, though I did read the last part with Minami lol

    But I am curious about Yuko's dark past since Minami reminds her of it... Also, would the next chapter be just solely Minami or how she'll meet Atsuko? I'm quite excited to see this next chapter XD

    Can't wait for you to update Contract, The Truth, and A Fan and a Lover, but I really want you to continue the Will You Take My Hand and the other of your OS ^_^

  3. oh god, read this twice!!!!

    Yuko-sama so awesome as always!!!


    So they know each other, huh?.. Maybe that's why later Yuko-sama get's interested in Acchan, because she's heard about her from Minami?

    We shall see, I am really curious about everything in this story!!!

    *waiting for Geki's appearance patiently*


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