
December 28, 2013

Atsuko at Music Station Super Live + Countdown Japan

Atsuko's still so busy till the very end of the year. But she seemed to be having a lot of fun with what she's doing so there is no reason to be against it. Instead, I'm glad she's working hard, having fun and at the same time entertaining us with all of these public appearances she's at.

Just yesterday she took part in performing for Music Station Super Live, and she was all perfect. Although we cannot take away the fact that while performing she's also running out of breath. lol It was cute though, it felt like she's going to laugh as well hearing herself having a little difficulty in jiving with the music. w

December 7, 2013

Still A Goddess: I'm Impressed

I'm missing my AtsuMina but I can't seem to write properly. Ugh. As you all know I'm also having difficulty in writing again, so don't assume that I've became lazy or I've abandoned everything already. Come on guys, I also wanted to write something for me to be entertained as well.. but it seemed like my brain isn't working at all when it comes to new ideas about writing fanfics. Sigh

I'm trying to write though, I've already made a few updates but there's no ending to them yet. I'm quite afraid to publish them all though since there might be a lot of mistakes or my stories had became awful and boring all of a sudden. So I have to take my time right? Right??? Augh don't worry if I've decided to post them, it'll be here on my blog right away.

Anyways, here's the new magazine feature of Acchan that you might want to see. It's from a magazine called JJ (ジェイジェイ) 2014年 01月
Black always looked so sexy. The high heels make it sexier. Ahh /dead
Don't forget the legs.. lol

November 19, 2013

Most Hated Actress by Women

I just came upon this news and somehow got interested to write something about it. Well, you guess that right. Probably because my ichiban is on the list. (Oh damn she's no. 1) But there is also other reason for that.

For several poll that have been conducted for the past several years, I've seen "Erika Sawajiri" as part of the list or most likely getting the number one spot to that. To have seen she's not on the list is I guess an achievement for her? XD To be honest, I've been talking about Erika as the most hated actress in Japan just early this morning. Since my senior architect brought out a topic about one of Erika's epic dramas which is "One Litre of Tears", we've ended up talking about how people look at her. And by seeing this latest poll which I've read from Ranking of "Actresses hated by women" (F-PRESS), I guess I have to update my senior on what's latest. lol

November 17, 2013

Still A Reigning Queen, 敦子

I'm here to share to you guys these amazing new photos of Atsuko. Look at your own risk! 

Seriously this is obvious, whoever Atsu wanted to marry and stay by her side forever is surely the luckiest guy on earth! 
Oops, what if it's *cough*takamina*cough*

October 28, 2013

Keismagic's 2nd Anniversary!!!

OMG!!! It's now my 2 years in blogging!! Well maybe more than that when I'm still using my first ever blog url that was deleted by google all because of my stupidity. Yeah right, I was the one to blame! Who else? ww

I still remember that day, one of the downfalls in my blogging history. www But that didn't stop me, as you can witness now. Hooray for the survival of my blog 'keismagic' for two years now!!! Wow! I just can't believe my stupidity didn't attack me for the second time, or probably I've already learned and I've tried to be more cautious. lol

I know, this site isn't that big enough but for me.. it's one of the best I could treasure. Blogging about my interests (fandom and a bit of my little life) is already a pleasure of mine. It's really fun sharing things and discovering people who have the same point of view as mine. To have valued readers who visits the page when there are updates, or by just accidentally coming into this non-sense site.. is already happiness for me. ww

At least I could say, you guys have once been part of my circle of life. www cheesy much.

To all who have witnessed the evolution of my fandom, to have seen my weirdness and to how much I could offer in order to worship my idols ww... I am very glad. ww Thanks for all the kindness and appreciation. And thanks for making this blog alive.

Also, let all these people be part of the celebration. Those who are truly part of my blogging career. ww

Ah thank you my favorite all-girls-rock band.. the most powerful one ww

October 27, 2013

Yes or No?

I don't usually write a review over some movie or episodes lately. So as of now, I would like to get myself back on track bit by bit. Guess what!? I'll be talking about some Thai movie which somehow attracts me. It isn't just an ordinary movie, it somehow shows us that there is more into being normal. lol

Oh I love exploration, you guys kinda know that right? But anyways, I just admire this movie for it expresses the side of being the unusual one. Though, I don't know if I still might call the LGBT community as unusual. Nope, I won't be closing my eyes nor get myself to be quiet about this matter any longer. ww I think I was never quiet since I've been offering myself to write something about our heavenly OTP atsumina. haha

September 26, 2013

No Wonder...

I know some of you are waiting for my reaction towards the most depressing news for the century. lol Is that Atsuko's first boyfriend? Who knows, but whatever.. that's a real lucky man I would say!

(from VOCE)

Seriously, and with all honesty.. first thing in the morning dated 9-25-13.. I've opened my tumblr expecting takamina (I don't know but I'm really fond of knowing more about Takamina's life encounters and her funny acts) news around. Takamina always makes me happy, but the moment I've read some translation of a news (w/o source yet) about Atsuko having "serious" relationship with this.. whoever guy that was. I felt like my world fell apart. Hahaha. It was really a bad thing for me to open my tumblr and have this huge depressing news comes my way. It was really awful, so lesson learned... Do not read lol kidding.

September 24, 2013


I am just so proud of my friends that passed the thesis deliberation this day. And for the rest of them to defend their thesis this week, good luck! I just cannot hide the fact that I am so inspired now and I feel like I'm once again back on track trying to learn lots of things about this field. I'll do my best too! See you all.

I am now taking risks. Taking lots of works/jobs in order to obtain different experiences. If there are lots of opportunities that are becoming better and better, I'll definitely not think twice of doing some job hopping. Or most likely "firm" hopping. lol Heh, I'm gonna look for the best firm that needed me the most, a firm that will be a home, a school that will teach me ways of Architecture. Something that would show me how everything works out. I don't mind obtaining more than 2 years experience before taking the board exams, all I wanted to do is to prove to myself that I am indeed needed to this industry. Not just some fcking asshole that tries to get license without even understanding the real meaning of this field.

Yeah I have said a lot. Oh well, anyways.. just wanna show these pictures of Atsuko from WPB. Heh, Atsuko is my inspiration when it comes to taking risks and trying to prove everything will be fine in the end. We all know how she took a risk in her career when she left AKB48 right? She was at the peak of her career but then she left all of it in order to pursue her dreams which is acting. That's really inspiring for me.

September 23, 2013


There are just some things the eyes cannot withstand to look nor stare at. I know! You think I'm some perverted fan, but hell please blame her. The one on the pic. It's quite irresistible to have this kind of asset. Somehow close to perfection if there's no such as thing as perfect. w


September 15, 2013

Time Machine Nante Iranai Fever!!!

Have you guys heard of the single? You're probably oblivious if you're a huge fan and didn't know that it was already leaked. lol But hey please get the real copy alright? It's probably okay if you just wanted to illegally download it because you don't want your own ordered stuff to be opened. At least you did buy it. Just like me, I don't really open anything that I've bought because my mentality is just like that. w It felt like all the purpose of having it as a collection loses if I open them up.

So to shorten things up, please do buy her single. =) love love

September 14, 2013

Too Much Info At A Time

Don't you guys think life is passing by so quickly? w With all the works I've been doing, be it full-time/part-time/and other sidelines, everything seemed to pass so fast. It's scary right? I know!

You wouldn't really realize the changes within yourself, to what improvements you've gained for the entire life experiences you've met. With all those hardships and whatever you've experienced, there's an assurance that you've learned something from them. So why am I exactly telling this? I don't know, maybe to start this wonderful blog entry. lol

Atsukooo AH! Even though everything seemed so distant between us lately, the news/photos/vids and whatever else that came for the past days or weeks were incredibly bringing out my love for you! Yay. Seriously this gorgeous woman makes me really excited on things about her, that's actually a norm of my life already. w

First of all, who am I to ignore this wonderful news! My AtsuMina get together, which will be aired tomorrow (Sept 15) ! Shin Domoto Kyoudai, yeah! So let's always pray for Atsuko to always get a new album/single for a sure guesting at the said program. Of course her hubby which is one of the regulars in the show, should always be present for her. Kyaaa

September 8, 2013

Acchan-baby Laptop!

Yesterday I bought a new laptop! yay and guess what!! I named it Acchan-baby laptop.. Ugh such a long name right? (kinda cheesy too? hell yeah) But anyways the most important thing in that news is the fact that Acchan is finally at home and is part of the family~! XD I just welcomed her yesterday and now we're automatically happy with each other. This is such a great start into a long happy and hopefully everlasting relationship. ww (wtf) We're going to get married I guess after a week. haha /delusions overtaking/

My Acchan-baby laptop.. seriously, our encounter was pure love at first sight. hahaha! I know at the very beginning when I was choosing which one I should buy at the first store I came in... My eyes were already caught by this laptop. We tried to look at other shops but then again my mind and heart was already set into this. This was perfect for me. Although the prize isn't that perfect (of course expensive ones aren't perfect ww) but the specs are already enough for me to sustain my demanding architectural needs in working.

So here's the specs for my newest baby. Heeh

(September 7 is the birthdate of my newest laptop.. gotta make a note for that! ahhh)

September 5, 2013

My 21st Birthday Celebration!!!

So another birthday of mine was done. Thanks for the wonderful people that came to my party, the best gift would be ,of course, the appearance of my beloved Maeda Atsuko. It was such a nice evening get together with her along with other AKB members. Takamina told me that she would share Acchan for tonight, just because it was my birthday. Seriously, thanks Takamina!

It's such an honor to celebrate a special day with a special someone. Kya, Maeda you gorgeous woman! Tsk.

Of course, just like any other party, we had fun! Pork foods, esp the almighty katsudon was only eaten by the smurf. Acchan once made an attack to the almighty food katsudon, but then Takamina showed her puppy eyes pleading for her not to eat it. So yeah, Acchan just gave up and whispered something on Taka that somehow I knew what the message was. Apparently it's more like "You'll know what I want later on for not eating your katsudon. I want you" something like that. I wonder what might happen tho. *innoncent* ww

September 1, 2013

Time Machine Nante Iranai!!

It's September and my birthday is near! It's nearer than Atsuko's latest single release date! lol

Speaking of the Atsuko, here are the covers of her greatest gift for the year. Time Machine Nante Iranai! Ain't these perfect?!

Make sure to buy the original copy alright?

August 26, 2013

Tomochin's Tokyo Dome Graduation Part 2

Here are the pics from Tomochin's epic Tokyo Dome graduation yesterday. 
Okay I need to highlight that picture above because it's incredibly beautiful! Atsuko and now Tomochin.. there's only one person that can catch a wonderful hug filled with love, Takamina. The mighty Takaboy, you lucky one. ww Kidding aside, it's always touching to see how these graduated members shows their appreciation over their close friends. Just by seeing the solemn hug scene is just so precious. I can feel the love and gratitude being expressed.  

ザテレビジョンCOLORS Vol2 BLUE

My previous favorite color was blue and my recent favorite is green. Talk about colors, what I like the most is the color of Acchan. What in particular? Anythiiiiiing she likes www

Witness again the beautiful and stunning lady Atsuko with her latest magazine feature. Just so perfect (heart)

August 25, 2013

Tomochin's Tokyo Dome Graduation

I think I deserve a break from work right? ww So let me post something in here.

Tomochin why you graduate? OTL  lol I love you like how everyone else love you. There can be no other Tomochin the shy beautiful girl in AKB. It's only you princess Tomochin.

This was epic. And to see Tomochin's reaction over this...

August 18, 2013

My Precious Fandom

Having a busy life with full-time job having difficult working and managing environment, full OTs handling projects' working drawings only BY MYSELF. At the same time having a part-time job as a designer at another firm, no more rest. Stressed always and pressure's haunting me down. This is my archi life.

So what exactly are the things that makes me happy right now? Without taking too much time from my works, only fandom. Atsuko and AKB48 make me really happy.. Augh, if only I can just give them my whole life to show how much I appreciate them, then I would. Sigh Ahhh Thank you Aki-p [heart heart] for bringing them up and help them shine. I'm happy to be an avid fangirl of these special people.

August 9, 2013

Catching Up With Acchan

Felt like an eternity being away from my blog. ww Welcome me back for a while, or not. Oh well reality's cruel so.. damn!

Although I'm quite busy and stressed with work, I always make sure to be still (somehow/slightly/whatever) updated about my favorite idol in the entire universe, Maeda Atsuko. So what exactly are the things I've missed posting about her in here? A LOT! Damn for the second time. Ugh.

Anyways I'll just make this entry short, and let these pictures with corresponding captions be the answer to that sole question. www

RUDO 2013.06- This is magazine shows the perfect contrast between white and black color with Acchan being the focal point. I love it.

Atsu news about her new drama. Quite impressed with her role choices. Totally wanting to improve and widen her knowledge and adaptations with acting. Very dedicated, I would say. That's a few from my list of thousand things I love about Atsu. www

July 13, 2013

Too Much

This is too much for me to handle, which is why I'm gonna post this here to share with you guys this excitement I'm feeling. lol Even if it's just a single photo, this is too much for me as a huge fan of hers. If you are fond of cute Maeda Atsuko then you will love this photo that I will share.

Also there's another magazine I'm currently looking at but I'm not gonna post it yet since I'm gonna patiently wait for better scans. 

Unending Pokemon

Atsuko attended the new pokemon movie's stage greetings. The event gave her and the other artist individual cakes as well to celebrate her birthday. How cute. 

Her cake's bigger compared to the other, which obviously....Atsuko gave out a laugh for it. Such an adorable person, Atsuko. Btw, her cake looked really nice. Too bad Tomochin's not there to ruin it. ww

Her clothes fit her as well. (this is already natural) It's beautiful just like the owner. 

But before posting the pictures from the stage greetings today, I will post these old pics of her that I missed sharing before.

July 10, 2013

Happy 22nd Birthday Maeda Atsuko!

To the special person that's celebrating her 22nd year of existence today, Happy Birthday. Maeda Atsuko I love you so much. wwww You're the reason why I'm living.. LOOOOOL (too much? HAHAHA)

Please continue to shine and show your smile to brighten up my life. ww  (heart heart heart heart)

Geez I just cannot stop my feelings from coming out. If only I don't have much work today I would've celebrated the whole day for her. Seriously, if I'll have my own architectural firm in the near future.. I would really announce July 10 as holiday. Ugh. Then I'll hire people who are into AKB/Maeda Atsuko fandom as well. LOL! So you people studying architecture, you know what to do. www

June 23, 2013

MTV: Video Music Awards Japan '13

The red carpet as well as the awards ceremony was held yesterday but the coverage on tv will be air today at 8. Probably JST.

What else is there to say?