
September 5, 2013

My 21st Birthday Celebration!!!

So another birthday of mine was done. Thanks for the wonderful people that came to my party, the best gift would be ,of course, the appearance of my beloved Maeda Atsuko. It was such a nice evening get together with her along with other AKB members. Takamina told me that she would share Acchan for tonight, just because it was my birthday. Seriously, thanks Takamina!

It's such an honor to celebrate a special day with a special someone. Kya, Maeda you gorgeous woman! Tsk.

Of course, just like any other party, we had fun! Pork foods, esp the almighty katsudon was only eaten by the smurf. Acchan once made an attack to the almighty food katsudon, but then Takamina showed her puppy eyes pleading for her not to eat it. So yeah, Acchan just gave up and whispered something on Taka that somehow I knew what the message was. Apparently it's more like "You'll know what I want later on for not eating your katsudon. I want you" something like that. I wonder what might happen tho. *innoncent* ww

Yuko and Haruna sang karaoke with several moments of skinship that would probably be mistaken by sex. *beep beep for underage* Sayaka, Tomochin and Mariko were there too! The newly graduates of AKB celebrated my birthday too! With, of course, their respective partners Sae, Tomomi and Miichan. Tomotomo were of course always quiet but if you'll observe their actions ,or to be more specific, their hands were wandering each others *beep beep* private parts. Sae and Sayaka was always like on a war since Yukirin was there at my party too. Obviously Yukirin was with Mayuyu so maybe Sae was jealous? Ugh, what a two timer.

WMatsui were there too! Though they didn't came together, they still appeared. But I was wondering why Rena's lipstick was out of place on her lips. It's like someone smacked her for some french kiss. Her dress were a bit off too. When I look at Rena's face she was blushing, totally shy and red. Then I look back on Jurina and saw that smirk on her face. Hmm.. okay.. love is really in the air.

But of course! The main event for this party was obviously my birthday! Acchan sang her latest single song Time Machine Nante Iranai in front of me. I was screaming really hard and requested if ever I could hug her. She said it was okay, I'm special so it's always welcome. To do not break any hearts for the night, I asked Takamina's permission first and she was fine with it. So I was really happy. I hugged Acchan and even kissed her! It was heaven!

After several intimate moments with Acchan, my night was already perfect. We talk, we ate and we laugh. It was the best night! It was a wonderful birthday celebration!

Happy 21st birthday to me! And how I wish all of the things I've written were not all hallucinations.

I wanted to meet you Acchan! Unfortunately no-one wrapped you with ribbon and send you as a gift to me. Sigh.

I love you! (hearts! lots of it!)


  1. Shabu pa kei! weheheh /o/ ^^v Happy birthday!

  2. .... ( ._.)....

    -_-".... seems you havin' fun.

    I thought you update your fanfic (as you promise to update 10 fanfic straight 2 months ago). but, oh well. Happy Birthday. wish you all the best.


    1. Aw don't make me depress Nao-san. I know I wasn't able to keep my promises. Now you know! XD

      Still... Thank you :)

  3. Haha. You are funny kei :) Happy Birthday. Hope your wish to meet acchan will be granted one day. Miracle do exist ^_^
