
April 14, 2013

Maeda's NEW Marumiya CM

Actress Maeda Atsuko to appear in Marumiya [Family's Chazuke] new CM that will be ON-AIR by 16th of April. Maeda appears in a big sister role with nagging personality because she posses an imprudent younger brother. In private Maeda has no brother therefore it was revealed that she has "date desires" about a younger brother.. wwww

The younger brother in this CM was portrayed by Morinaga Yuki (17). Atsuko even said 可愛いよー。天使みたい!about him. Geez Acchan , I'm so jealous. lol 

There was also an article entitled 前田敦子、可愛い年下の男の子にメロメロ!? 「どこでも連れて行きたい!」
Maeda atsuko madly inlove with a cute younger boy? Wants to take along anywhere!」 

Apparently that date desire was about, Maeda wanting to take her brother for a walk on the street and let people wonder if they are dating. 

.. これ本当に可愛い!!!

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