
December 9, 2012

I Love FF Writers!!

These are my confessions.. lol
I've got a wonderful day today! (forget thesis!) Actually it started since last night, when I was able to found out something for me to read. To be honest, I grew up not wanting to read anything. I hate books, and every time my friends are talking about different kinds of novel/books I really am not interested. So I ended up clueless to their topics. (Up until now) lol.

But fan fics.. stories made by writers from their heart and from their different point of views about some situations and characters. Getting myself within AKB fandom I started to read stories written about my OTP in JPHIP to be exact. Glad I was able to be informed by a friend about this site having lots of wonderful AKB (atsumina) stories. It's like a glimpse of heaven. :))

Even if you say these fan fic writers are not professional in writing, not as good as any professional ones (of course) but I must say.. we all have unique imaginations. And that's what makes every story unique. I love how these people can manage to think of something out of the ordinary, that's what I'm always looking at. Whether the story was written good or not as long as a good story-line is there, then count me in to be one of your fans.

December 6, 2012

Maeda Atsuko Memorial Calendar 2013

Because I love Atsu so much, I feel like wanting to share some "photos" from her Memorial Calendar for 2013. Yay! Pretty much, and so cute as ever. Also today I'm going to update my Atsumina fan fics so better get ready for updates before the week ends. Yosh.

December 5, 2012


Today I've decided to loosen up things a bit with my life. As some of you might know I'm currently doing my thesis and yes hopefully part of 2013 batch to graduate this March. Right now I really am not doing great with thesis, to be honest I'm currently in a depressing state about it. Thesis for Architecture students isn't that easy compared to other courses. I'm not saying other courses' thesis are easy, it's just that no matter how I look and compare things... Architecture students doing thesis are in the worst state of hardship in my own opinion. Or maybe I shall prefer about "some" students like me. 

We're not doing a group thesis, it's an individual one. We choose a client make a project for them and make every plans feasible as they really are going to be built in the future. That's our job in and outside school. We're just in training.. but this training is too much.. I and my other batch-mates are having a hard time.. Maybe we aren't that prepared much? Or shall I say we lack concentration all trough our previous 4 years, that we did not study very well and make a good preparation for the 5th year/thesis year.  

Right now I have a few classmates that withdraw in continuing their thesis projects due to immense amount of stress and pressure we all are experiencing. I'm quite sad about the news, and to be honest I've gone through the status of dilemma whether to continue or not as well. In the end I've thrown all the doubts and fear and continue doing my thesis. Hopefully I will till the end. There are a lot of temptations, mistakes and hardships appearing and if we lose concentration in achieving and visualizing our graduation this March, we are "definitely" dead. 

So to lessen up the stress a bit and prevent myself from losing my sanity, I've decided to just enjoy my fandom today. My Maeda Atsuko and Atsumina fandom... I might say being a fan girl/ fan boy really is so awesome, making all the pressure and stress fade away even in just a short while. And right now I'm drowning myself with the love I have for Atsu. haha. Been watching AKB's Tokyo Dome Concert since yesterday and repeating everything today. 
I'm so well entertained. And currently loving every bits of it. I'm discovering songs too that I just heard just by watching that concert. I am not that well known to their songs from before as I have been in this akb fandom not in a year yet. I love to discover more things about them, but I'm not rushing things.. I will know all of them in a matter of time. So yeah. 

November 26, 2012

VOGUE JAPAN Women of The Year 2012

The title says 'women' of the year but of course since I'm only Atsu-centered person, I shall only focus on her. Yosh!

Today an event was held wherein Vogue Japan awarded a few women as part of their Women of The Year 2012. Just by looking at the photos, I think Atsu has the simplest dress of all. That was my first impression, but not anymore as I found out what her dress looked like at the back. Massive nosebleed had happened to me, sexy, stylish and impressive!

Price? I bet that one sure is on the high price list as any other dresses of Atsu so let's not talk about it any longer.

Here are the photos and corresponding reports from different sources.

Congratulations to our girl Atsuko

From Cinema Today

November 25, 2012

Maeda Atsuko in AKB Motor Club SP Episode

12/11/24 the special episode of AKB Motor Club was aired and Atsuko herself watched the episode. Talk about self support huh? That's really cute Atsu, really cute. And it seemed like Yuka Masuda was also watching by that time as she tweeted a screen cap of the program which also ended up a tweet-interaction between the two.

November 23, 2012

Maeda Atsuko at 4th TAMA Movie Awards Ceremony

Today 11-23, Maeda Atsuko attended the said movie ceremony which she won Best New Comer Actress.
And as expected, she looked really stunning even with her simple appearance. Of course that huge smile, beautiful face and alluring figure helped a lot to build up a confident stature. She really looked sexy and gorgeous.

This blog entry will serve as storage of photos from the awards ceremony caught by different photographers representing their media websites. Proper accreditation from the sources are well stated, you can visit their designated reports with the links provided. 

From Tokyo Pop Line

November 22, 2012

Let Me Share Random Pics #2

The Happiest Fan Girl Alive. AtsuTaylor Moments
Isn't it ironic to find out they met in a Sathday? Haha It's so cute. Atsu sure is happy. Fan girl mode.
I'm currently listening to Taylor's latest album RED while making this blog entry. Ah sweet. 

Let Me Share Random Pics #1

Recently there are quite a lot of things I've been doing.. well aside from doing thesis shits, I'm also sleeping a whole day. LOL Okay seriously, of course fandom was never absent in my life. I've been stalking Atsuko for 24/7 so I really had become veeery busy indeed. [creepy]

Twitter has become a very comfortable social site for me as well, which is really nice coz you're getting to know a lot of awesome people you're following. Facebook is too crowded for me. It's better this way that some people on my fb don't have twitter accounts. [So honest] Anyways, let me share to you guys a few alluring photos I've been drooling over for the past days. Which is I suppose the scandal fans out there should back on this, coz the photos I'm gonna post are about my ever amazing and beautiful Maeda Atsuko. [ahh giggles] and a few random stuff about akb48. 

So this entry is just about random photos and with my crazy ideas/captions for them. Haha this is fun! 

Apparently for those avid Atsuko-fans out there, you guys should have heard about this MGirl Magazine right? Which our queen was featured with amazing sexy and mature shots on a 20 plus pages. Wow right? It's like a glimpse of heaven, nosebleed every switch of pages man! 

Well I won't be posting the whole feature/pages of Atsuko in here, rather I'll post my favorite shots of her. 

October 29, 2012

Welcome Atsuko_100

Yesterday (10-28-12) Maeda Atsuko finally joined twitter!! At first it was Mariko-sama who hinted that username of "Atsuko_100", and when I saw her tweet about it I immediately searched it. But unfortunately I saw other person with the same account name so I thought Mariko-sama was just trolling once again. Then a few minutes later the real "Atsuko_100" ,the person I was really expecting, came out as lots of people including Mariko-sama, Kojiharu and the others started to tweet and reply about her. Yes! It was the real Maeda Atsuko! I don't know how that thing happen, that there's a possibility that she can use a username that was already taken or probably that another Atsuko_100 I saw last night deleted her account immediately. Though that was a bit weird to call as coincidence. 

Anyways, look on the brighter side! It's really Maeda Atsuko! Have you ever saw this coming? Maeda Atsuko on Twitter? Now I can finally move on to the fact that she's not gonna ever update her G+ (as it was already deleted) and blog, although I still am looking forward to that "new" blog they are saying to be published anytime soon.

And so Maeda Atsuko has once again made headlines. What?
Twitter has also proven how popular she really was! As not yet reaching 24 hours she was able to gain thousands of followers. Within 12 hrs or less she gained 200k followers already! Geez.. I knew some "popular" korean singer who opened twitter before but it took her a few days, or weeks I guess, to have that no./amount of followers. Such a lame comparison? Not I guess. Ahh, love love.

First ever twitter profile picture:

October 22, 2012

Maeda Atsuko at the 25th TIFF Green Carpet

Last October 20, The Tokyo International Film Festival's green carpet (opening) was held. Different celebrities came to show their support in empowering the Film Industry. The 25th TIFF will be celebrated from Oct. 20-28, with events like screening movies, competitions and more.

Just in case you didn't know, Maeda Atsuko was chosen to be the ambassador for the 25th TIFF!! Hooray for that! For sure she's so happy to be part of it, it's an honor for anyone to become a representative for this event. And knowing that she's new as a soloist and just starting to grow as an actress, it was probably a shocking news for her when she had heard about it.

Anyways, on the green carpet it was her who spent the longest time doing fan service. It was stated at the news that she spent 30 mins or more with her fans, giving them autograph, taking pictures and etc. Wow, it was an instant fans meeting! lol. I wish I was there to witness her 'goddess' aura, it would be amazing. Just look how beautiful and stunning she was at that time.

October 21, 2012

Kei's Artworks [From Old Blog]

Yo! I was cleaning and organizing my files in my laptop earlier and look what I've found. Haha, old artworks which were published first thru my blog [kp3partsandmusic]. Seeing these old artworks of mine made me realize that it has been a while since I had draw an anime. Hmm, brings back memories. Come to think of it, sharing my artworks and guitar covers were my main purpose in creating a blog. Then it evolved to become a 'fandom' blog which is mixed with my boring 'narration' of my personal life. haha.

So I will bring back and publish these old artworks again, I won't edit out the 'logo' of my previous blog so just deal with it. :)

October 17, 2012

Welcome to Soundcloud

Hello, it's been a while since I've last posted something in here. October 3, and now it's October 17.. ;A;
Geez, some of you might think I stopped already from blogging.. but not really. But I admit I was just not in the mood lately to write something in here, I feel like it's not my zone anymore. So in order for me to get back my love for blogging I think I need to post something.

Lately, I find the internet world most especially some social networking sites as boring now. Nothing's new, and nothing's great. Just sharing stupidity everywhere, and I belong to those people who share stuff like that. Argh, embarrassing. But anyways, I wanted to breakthrough to that feeling so I've decided to create accounts at other sites esp. twitter and now soundcloud. :) yay for this. My first entry, I posted it last night. It was a product of a 'sudden recording' so don't expect much in it. haha,

This was the description or caption for this song on soundcloud:
Because I got bored doing my thesis, actually I'm not doing it.. I'm just thinking about it. And no progress at all. OTL [stressed already]
My brother keep on bugging me to play this song for him, but I always nag about I need talent fee first. LOL Since he didn't agree on my condition and still I'm so super kind little sister... I've just decided to record it for him to listen to. No talent fee means no live performance bro. Deal with my record. Fufufu.
And so I shall put all my craps here. pardon me if I'm not good enough.. ;A; OTL

October 3, 2012

Thanks Mai-chan [heart heart]

Made this blog entry to someone special. Never thought actually that I'll make great friends on the cyber world. [sniff] And look.. I did! Ahh, someone that understands you and your fandom.. awesome feeling. Anyways since I've deactivated my Kei Yurimimo fb account [both I and II] I can't manage to reach out to my friends in there, [sorry, I have to temporarily deactivate it for the reason I'm quite questioning my seriousness in studying lately. My goals are becoming blurry at this moment and when I know I have different fb accounts and pages I ended up doing fan girl things and rage about some topics, my vision on my goals blackened and worst forgotten. I'll surely miss my friends in there including this special person I'm writing about, and of course my undying friendship with Fandom Guild.. ahhhh lol.. Sorry guys really, it's not you it's me. HAHAHAHA LOL wtf?!]

Too much drama... then after 5 days, I'll activate my account? LOL, Ah but I guess this time I'm really serious, or maybe not. I dunno it depends on my mood. I got mood swings most of the time. hahaha.

Okay wait! Let's go back to the real purpose of this blog entry. Erm, just wanna say 'THANK YOU' to a dear friend Mai-chan [am I allowed to say your whole real name? XD] 1st, because of the gift I received for my birthday...
You may said it's not expensive nor a grand one.. but I did like and appreciate it very much. Considering that we're not that always chatting nor sees each other [never from before]... I really really am moved by your action.

September 30, 2012

'Bright' SCANDAL

Everytime 'Bright' song is playing, I can't help but feel so sentimental about SCANDAL. It seemed like all their past experiences specifically their struggles in becoming the scandal band who we all witness today are becoming visible in my eyes and mind. The song is somehow transferring all the memories they wanted to express to me, it's so lovely. I don't know yet what's behind the lyrics of this song, but just by listening to it, I can already define its own meaning to me. T.T [creys] lol

So since I'm feeling this way, I feel like I can make lots of blog entries about them. I feel like sharing my stuff here about them, Argh! I just love this feeling towards SCANDAL, they make me feel how special their existence could be. Their songs are just amazing.

Let me start this sentimental blog entry about them..

SCANDAL before were just girls looking for something they really wanted to do, how they will express themselves and how they will reach their dreams that are yet unknown to them by that time.

September 29, 2012


Since I have posted several volumes of Official SCANDAL MANIA book before, I guess I need to update future releases as well right? Just earlier when I got home, I was able to get notified by a friend that the new Volume was already out which gives me an idea to stalk my different scandal sources.

September 27, 2012

Daigo Naito aka Daigo Stardust

Warning! This blog entry contains massive delusions.. so be careful.. I have warned you! lol

Okay alright, I must calm myself first before anything else.. *ehem*

KYAAAAAAA!!!!! I think I found myself another man! Finally, after how many flings I got myself into... here I met my NEW husband! hahaha! 

Takamina actually was our bridge in meeting each other, you know Shin Domoto Kyoudai program. When Acchan was the guest in their September 9 episode. [Ahhh I can still remember the date, because it is when I have witnessed how TRUE AtsuMina is. And of course, the first time I saw Daigo Naito aka Daigo Stardust]. Set aside AtsuMina for a while, Daigo needs my attention! [lol]

September 26, 2012

Queens are Trumps + Pin Heel Surfer Concepts

All Hail the Queens!! They are BACK! 

This 'Queens are Trumps' concept sure is clicked to us fans. The album which was released today 09.26.12 also consists of 'true scandal' songs. [high five if you get what I mean] Self titled 'Queens are Trumps' song was extremely amazing, I can honestly cry because it was soo freaking awesome!!! Finally after Nanka Buttobase, Shunkan Sentimental and Love Survive.. here's another effin rocking song! Geez I love it so much! I can head bang all day long listening to this, haha [okay that's a bit, awkward] but yeah! This album is splendid! I'm proud of it! [except for their song Kill the Virgin, I don't know.. no matter how many times I listen to it.. I just don't feel nor like it.. to be honest I'm skipping it when it's about to play on my playlist.. I find the intro irritating. But maybe it's just my first impression and probably the next days or weeks I'll be able to find it good as the other tracks of this album as well.]

Queens are Trumps, finally!! after making themselves grow as an idol group lately, they are back as SCANDAL again, the all girls rock band whom we all witnessed and admired from the very beginning!

September 22, 2012

Lovely and Breath-taking, Takahashi JAPAN!

Hello everyone! = = errm...right now at this very moment I still have no sleep.. and I'm about to faint now.. so this blog entry should end here.. Bye!


Just kidding, see? Even my jokes are lame. Hahaha! Yeah no sleep means lame jokes.  OTL

Last blog entry I talked about how I'm sooo hooked up with Takahashi Japan right? Guess what!? I've improved! Totally fallen under her spell now! XD Shiz this is difficult to handle, my Atsuko might get jealous.. pwahaha. Sorry Atchan, we need to share for a while okay? Don't be selfish!! Go drink with Takeru! LOL Just kidding I'll kill that Takeru laterz okay? -_- Hurmm..

These photos I'll be sharing will be tremendously killing ones. So please, be prepared mentally and emotionally.. I have warned you so don't blame me if you can't handle that too much kawaiiness from the great TAKAHASHI JAPAN!!!

September 19, 2012

A New Feeling towards Takamina

Last night, was Janken Taikai and know what? We got no classes, though it was announced late and I'm already at school. Such a great professor isn't it? You guys have to meet some likes of her one day in your life.. then KILL! KILL! lol

Good thing I got back home fast and streamed the event. muahaha, honestly I'm not really looking forward to this. Since no more Atchan, means no more essence in watching AKB.. But know what? I was wrong. In fact there is more to AKB48 than before. *sniff* It made me realize and appreciate other members' existence. You know that feeling? before, it's always Atchan.. Atchan.. Atchan.. but now I can concentrate on both her (which is now a soloist) and the OTHER members of AKB. Ahh great great. 

To be honest, if there is Atchan before.. automatically I know there is Takamina. I love her from the very beginning but not as much as TODAY! Augh. Actually it started last night.. at the Janken Taikai where she was found with her yankee outfit/cosplay. Ahhhhh.. "I'm gonna die already" my words till the end of the evening [yes, not just by the end of the event XD]... it's like you're melting with superb amount of awesomeness coming out from Takamina.. ugh ugh! Me wants youuuu!!!! [heart heart]

September 17, 2012

CLUB SCANDAL calendars + announcement

Okay, you know what? I can't sleep! Oh shit it's already 4am.. and I still have classes later in which I'm still thinking whether to attend or not. Call me lazy but ugh! I want some sleep!!

Since I don't wanna stress up myself with thesis at this time, [heck! I've been in a relationship with my thesis ever since this semester began.. I want some space, but I'll be back at you later of coz.. love you!!! lol] I'll be making this blog entry. It's been a while since I last updated about SCANDAL.

Actually, this isn't a news update or what. Just some random shits [pics] I found somewhere loitering around this planet. So I'll just share.. spread thy blog entry for everyone's enlightenment. \o/

Okay I'm talking unbelievable craps now, you must be thinking I'm crazy.. OTL ...

 but yeah.. a bit!

So here are some photos from CLUB SCANDAL.. enjooooy

JUNE '12

September 11, 2012

Shocking Maeda Atsuko's "scandal?"

Okay seriously this blog entry that I will write about is actually painful for me, call me dramatic and emotional but it's really true. There are quite a lot of things that had happened within this year.. within my fandom and to Maeda Atsuko whom I'm watching over these past months. I'm quite addicted to her, I admit and I'm not the only one. She graduated in AKB48, although it was hard for me to accept.. I still tried to and decided to just support her till the end because I want her to reach her dreams too. If leaving AKB would give her that huge opportunity then I have no right to sob in the corner and tell myself I'm gonna quit this fandom.

Her graduation was one of the most heart breaking period of my fandom ever since the world begun [lol], I really cried on her graduation and totally cannot work well on my school stuff because I'm totally depressed. I'm thinking what will happen to her, what will happen to my AtsuMina, what if she gets boyfriend right away? I'm really worried as hell. But I need to trust her and believe in her that she can do it.

Witnessing the separation of my Atsumina at Shin Domoto Kyoudai, was again another unbearable event for my fandom. I'm quite disappointed at few things I've discovered about them, about Atsumina going to Takaharu and Atsuyuu. [augh]

I already got my heart broken many times now just because I've decided to take this path, this fandom over Maeda Atsuko. So did I regret anything? No I did not, I'm still holding on to this girl for I know we are heading straight in reaching her dream!

But then again, fate really is playing with us..

This scandal came about [Shunkan Bunshun releases scandal pics of Maeda Atsuko]

September 5, 2012

My 20th "HBD" celebration!

Today is my birthday and because of it, I announced this day to be holiday. Yes.. My own holiday. hahaha!
Did not go to school today, spend less time with thesis, updated my fan fic and this now.. ohoho.

Everyday is special day for me, so my birthday is just normal. Hmm.. Spent quality time with my family, eat foods and stuff. Normal.. Spent quality time with my Acchan, oh didn't you know? She was the first one to greet me.. and Haruna's standing by right now and waiting for the last minute of this day to greet me.. Ohohoho First and last greetings? OMG amazing [heart] but of course I'm just under delusion.

^See it's a proof they came.. yes, I've requested them to use their old uniforms..

September 2, 2012

X FACTOR UK 2012: James Arthur

I'm finally back on the verge losing my sanity over this amazing show. Real artists are everywhere and I'm about to discover them all. I found one, coz yeah I just tuned in last night.. at first I never really thought I would take a glimpse on this year's contestants but my brother was also a fanatic of this show so he made me watch his favorite ones. lol And there I met James Arthur.

To be honest I thought he's weird and whatever, but when he performed and rock that stage, making it his world, I was totally astounded. Tulisa's "Young" song is a dance track and the way he make his original version of this was truly a great music. The way he plays his guitar, his voice, the emotions with every words he's singing.. I was really moved. To be exact, I cried. It was the first time I was cornered in this kind of moment. His words are striking from the heart and it's definitely worth listening to. Memories, pain and angst all of those emotions I can clearly feel. It was an amazing performance and I'm now again inspired with real music. I love this. Really, I will support this guy all through out. Hopefully I won't be disappointed in the end.

September 1, 2012

Pin Heel Surfer PV Review

"Stiff Rina is stiff!"

Okay that's probably it, end of story. SCANDAL dancing, Japan's most powerful rock band.. you think I'm against it? NO! May I just say I SUPER LOVE this VIDEO? Seriously I find it fantastic. Pin Heel Surfer really is a nice song and the rock edge is present  + some sound effects made it really fit for me, it becomes more dramatic in a way. The first time I heard this, I feel like I'm at cloud 9.. That! IS AWESOME.

August 27, 2012

Maeda Atsuko's AKB48 Graduation

Okay my heart is really aching, same goes with my head. I've been in front of my computer for how many hours now from morning till today. haha Yes, making school stuff like autocad for floor plans and then waiting for the graduation hours.

Maeda Atsuko's graduation was held today and it just ended earlier. I just don't know how this blog entry would turn out.. coz I still am in quite depressed situation. To be honest this is the graduation that EVER made me cry like that.. (yeah seriously I cried) Unlike our school stuff.. lol

Acchan! Acchan! Acchan! I still can't believe you're not in AKB48 anymore. I still can't accept it. I don't know when I'll be able to see you again on screen.. will it be another drama? single? tv guesting? ugh.. it's killing me.. You're now a solo artist, and it's hard to know what will happen.. all of us are clueless.. I've heard Acchan's planning to study abroad.. does that mean we will not be able to see Acchan in a while? What's her next project? Will I be able to see you dance with your songs again? Uwaaa... It's painful to just wait but we have to since we all love Acchan!

Goodbye Acchan! AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 3

Okay it took me an overnight before posting this. [sigh] I totally am still in disbelief that my oshi is going to graduate.. like later? augh. Of course the main event for this Day 3 is all about Acchan's disappearance from the Tokyo Dome Stage. [sniff sniff]

Of course since there are no classes yesterday, I managed to put myself on track about what's happening live. Yes, only audio live streaming.. but still it's enough for me to feel how painful everything had become. When Acchan sang Yume no Kawa at encore.. that was breath-taking.. and if I'm present at Tokyo Dome.. that'll be life-taking moment!!!

Acchan can't sing properly this song because it's full of reality and sadness.. she's leaving.. and she needs to look and move forward or else she'll definitely regret this selfish decision. At this moment, Acchan's wotas keep on cheering and shouting her name showing their love and support, and I know a few of them shouted their might to express how much they don't want her to leave. Of course there are fans like that, just like me. [sniff]

August 25, 2012

Happy AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 2

Okay spell awkward,, s.h.i.t.
Damn! I got class the time AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 2 started and ended.. tsk tsk
I've wished to witness AtsuMina on day 2 and fate commanded my wish, yet somehow fate does not know I have classes tonight, I should have post this as my status as well earlier... lol what a clash! = =

(^what did I just wrote up there? okay nevermind)

Anyways I'll make this entry a short one, TAKAMINA and ACCHAN got a baby at TOKYO DOME CONCERT DAY 2!!!! Wohoooo! And when I said baby,, lol ... Takamina finally!! produced a SOLO CAREER after several times of trying.. (hahahah double meaning? hahaha) and so my AtsuMina were happy.. and crying and.. making love.. ON STAGE !!! *cough*  :))


hahahaha okay stop trolling around..

Seriously, this announcement "Takamina to debut a solo singer" is probably the most anticipating announcement ever (if "Maeda Atsuko is not graduating" announcement is not possible. haha) FINALLY! a true solo singer is about to be born... I'm so proud and happy for you Takamina.. this is your dream.. and I know deep inside you, you're struggling when you heard your other members (esp. Maeda Atsuko, Itano Tomomi and Kashiwagi Yuki to debut first as solo singers from before) but now.. now... you've already reached your dream! Kyaaaa "EFFORTS ARE REALLY PROVEN TO BE AWARDED BY YOU"

August 24, 2012

Shocking AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 1

Shits are everywhere and I can't bear it anymore. I'm spazzing and throwing away my emotions through my statuses at fb and twitter and I feel like they are not enough to express my rage. This is incredibly shocking, shocking just like when I'm able to see Acchan's naked body.. yes.. that! SHOCKING!

Today AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 1 was held, I'm not able to come (of course for god sake, if only I could then there's no point of writing this explanation lol) but I'm able to get updates from different people. *sigh* Seriously all went okay at the start, I was able to listen through live audio streaming.. it was  all enchanting hearing them perform at Tokyo Dome.. even if I can't see it.. I'm able to feel how much they've wanted this. This is their dream after all!

All was okay from the start but as it was near at the end, all fucking revelations and announcements came about. And they were all amusingly BIG! 

Almost all teams were broke down as few of their members were scattered into other teams and WORST to different sister groups. SHUFFLE, is the word and it's really painful. 

And most probably one of my worst NIGHTMARES..

August 18, 2012

AtsuMina in ACTION! + heartbreaking events about Acchan's near graduation

Hello everyone, I'm back again. It's been a while, actually I still have no plans in writing here for a while due to my thesis but when lots of EVENTS came today involving my Acchan and AKB48, all the emotions I'm keeping gone wild.  err

Seriously who wouldn't get fired up when your OTP does this? 
Sleeping at each other's body? *cough* OMG! My imagination's getting  wild again. *pervy imaginations* onion bleed