
September 27, 2012

Daigo Naito aka Daigo Stardust

Warning! This blog entry contains massive delusions.. so be careful.. I have warned you! lol

Okay alright, I must calm myself first before anything else.. *ehem*

KYAAAAAAA!!!!! I think I found myself another man! Finally, after how many flings I got myself into... here I met my NEW husband! hahaha! 

Takamina actually was our bridge in meeting each other, you know Shin Domoto Kyoudai program. When Acchan was the guest in their September 9 episode. [Ahhh I can still remember the date, because it is when I have witnessed how TRUE AtsuMina is. And of course, the first time I saw Daigo Naito aka Daigo Stardust]. Set aside AtsuMina for a while, Daigo needs my attention! [lol]
 Oh gosh, So hot! *fan girl screaaaaaaaam!!!* 

Maybe some of you are thinking that he's old now, yeah right! He's already on his 30s but I dont care.. this is true love guys! Age doesn't matter!! hahahaha! [gives me a great laugh, but yeah I think I'm in love] lol

When I found out that he's already 34, I was actually shocked. Because his face is so young and when I'm watching him at SDK, he's so adorable as he acts like a young one. His laugh so dorky, hahaha! but geez augh! love love! Though it's kinda hard to get in a relationship with him as he have 3 rules, [he said this to acchan, acting as his strict boyfriend]

1: Make up artist or beautician [whatever] should only be a girl. - oh I can handle this,, easy.. I don't need any make up artists since I'm too beautiful already. HAHAHAHA!!! 
2: He's the only guy on my phone book - I don't mind, I'll just get another phone and let my other husband's numbers saved. Yes of course the other phone would only have his number. SOLO! muahaha!
3. 3pm is my curfew.. - WTF!!???!!! nevermind, I'll get another husband. hahaha kidding, okay wait I'm serious! 3pm??!! lol [Even Acchan and the other casts of the show laughed at this.. so ridiculous! =))] 

Ahh I don't know when our relationship would end because it never started. HAHAHA! Okay no! Wait, I'm going to bring him home. And that's it.. we'll get married soon after.. =)) 

So handsome! You're now mine and you can't do anything about it! hahaha! Such a one sided love. orz

Oh btw, I'm also eyeing Koichi Domoto! [heart heart heart] OMG! I'm cheating already.. nooooo!!! 

1 comment:

  1. U thieving cat! I was first lol! i just noticed that male japanese rockers almost never get hitched especially the good looking ones. Growing old without continuing their line of handsome genes. Such a shame...guess they were waiting for me after all! Well just give me a sec while I go pack and book my flight to Japan! Anyway, I really enjoyreading your blog and your fangirling. Girl, you can have Daigo but atsushi sakurai, ryutaro arimura, ryuta yamamura and toru yamashita are reserved for me mwahaha
