
August 9, 2012

Thank you Marikooo!!!

Mariko is the goddess! Hngg... I love her so much for capturing awesome photos of the members.. especially with my Maeda Atsuko. Dang it, I will miss this when Acchan graduate already.. gyaaah

These lovely pictures of my Oshi eating her food.. is soooo adorable!! Gaaah! luvluv1 luvluv2 shy2

She's so super cuuuute!! If only I can make her foods to eat, then I definitely would.. I bet it'll make her happy, of course I'll make the biggest meal she could ever eat. wahahaha wahaha

(OH! I'm using now onion emoticons.. I love them since and is using a lot when I got addicted at JPHIP forum)

Here are the photos: 


Mariko also captured an intense AtsuMina photo. If people don't understand the deeper meaning of this photo, they'll definitely think something pervy now. lol kekeke Just like me??? wahaha!

Dang it, Takaboy is only staring at the spilled salad on Acchan's tie.. fainted  At first I thought it's something more.. you know Takamina got fired up and wanted to peek what's behind those clothes of Acchan.. trolololol [pervy mode again aakkkk] onion bleed

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