
August 27, 2012

Maeda Atsuko's AKB48 Graduation

Okay my heart is really aching, same goes with my head. I've been in front of my computer for how many hours now from morning till today. haha Yes, making school stuff like autocad for floor plans and then waiting for the graduation hours.

Maeda Atsuko's graduation was held today and it just ended earlier. I just don't know how this blog entry would turn out.. coz I still am in quite depressed situation. To be honest this is the graduation that EVER made me cry like that.. (yeah seriously I cried) Unlike our school stuff.. lol

Acchan! Acchan! Acchan! I still can't believe you're not in AKB48 anymore. I still can't accept it. I don't know when I'll be able to see you again on screen.. will it be another drama? single? tv guesting? ugh.. it's killing me.. You're now a solo artist, and it's hard to know what will happen.. all of us are clueless.. I've heard Acchan's planning to study abroad.. does that mean we will not be able to see Acchan in a while? What's her next project? Will I be able to see you dance with your songs again? Uwaaa... It's painful to just wait but we have to since we all love Acchan!

Goodbye Acchan! AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 3

Okay it took me an overnight before posting this. [sigh] I totally am still in disbelief that my oshi is going to graduate.. like later? augh. Of course the main event for this Day 3 is all about Acchan's disappearance from the Tokyo Dome Stage. [sniff sniff]

Of course since there are no classes yesterday, I managed to put myself on track about what's happening live. Yes, only audio live streaming.. but still it's enough for me to feel how painful everything had become. When Acchan sang Yume no Kawa at encore.. that was breath-taking.. and if I'm present at Tokyo Dome.. that'll be life-taking moment!!!

Acchan can't sing properly this song because it's full of reality and sadness.. she's leaving.. and she needs to look and move forward or else she'll definitely regret this selfish decision. At this moment, Acchan's wotas keep on cheering and shouting her name showing their love and support, and I know a few of them shouted their might to express how much they don't want her to leave. Of course there are fans like that, just like me. [sniff]

August 25, 2012

Happy AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 2

Okay spell awkward,, s.h.i.t.
Damn! I got class the time AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 2 started and ended.. tsk tsk
I've wished to witness AtsuMina on day 2 and fate commanded my wish, yet somehow fate does not know I have classes tonight, I should have post this as my status as well earlier... lol what a clash! = =

(^what did I just wrote up there? okay nevermind)

Anyways I'll make this entry a short one, TAKAMINA and ACCHAN got a baby at TOKYO DOME CONCERT DAY 2!!!! Wohoooo! And when I said baby,, lol ... Takamina finally!! produced a SOLO CAREER after several times of trying.. (hahahah double meaning? hahaha) and so my AtsuMina were happy.. and crying and.. making love.. ON STAGE !!! *cough*  :))


hahahaha okay stop trolling around..

Seriously, this announcement "Takamina to debut a solo singer" is probably the most anticipating announcement ever (if "Maeda Atsuko is not graduating" announcement is not possible. haha) FINALLY! a true solo singer is about to be born... I'm so proud and happy for you Takamina.. this is your dream.. and I know deep inside you, you're struggling when you heard your other members (esp. Maeda Atsuko, Itano Tomomi and Kashiwagi Yuki to debut first as solo singers from before) but now.. now... you've already reached your dream! Kyaaaa "EFFORTS ARE REALLY PROVEN TO BE AWARDED BY YOU"

August 24, 2012

Shocking AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 1

Shits are everywhere and I can't bear it anymore. I'm spazzing and throwing away my emotions through my statuses at fb and twitter and I feel like they are not enough to express my rage. This is incredibly shocking, shocking just like when I'm able to see Acchan's naked body.. yes.. that! SHOCKING!

Today AKB48's Tokyo Dome Concert Day 1 was held, I'm not able to come (of course for god sake, if only I could then there's no point of writing this explanation lol) but I'm able to get updates from different people. *sigh* Seriously all went okay at the start, I was able to listen through live audio streaming.. it was  all enchanting hearing them perform at Tokyo Dome.. even if I can't see it.. I'm able to feel how much they've wanted this. This is their dream after all!

All was okay from the start but as it was near at the end, all fucking revelations and announcements came about. And they were all amusingly BIG! 

Almost all teams were broke down as few of their members were scattered into other teams and WORST to different sister groups. SHUFFLE, is the word and it's really painful. 

And most probably one of my worst NIGHTMARES..

August 18, 2012

AtsuMina in ACTION! + heartbreaking events about Acchan's near graduation

Hello everyone, I'm back again. It's been a while, actually I still have no plans in writing here for a while due to my thesis but when lots of EVENTS came today involving my Acchan and AKB48, all the emotions I'm keeping gone wild.  err

Seriously who wouldn't get fired up when your OTP does this? 
Sleeping at each other's body? *cough* OMG! My imagination's getting  wild again. *pervy imaginations* onion bleed

August 12, 2012

Acchan's Graduation Stuff

OEHMGEE! This is really is it.. her graduation photobook will be released this coming August 24!!  badluck I still can't imagine myself what will happen to me when she already graduated. Dammit  fainted I feel like I just can't survive it! lolz

Anyways the ever amazing group I've joined peepz are always updated about her which makes me updated as well. Ahahaha I owe them a lot about Acchan. weee.. kneelbow Join them as well! Here's the link: FB GroupAcchan48 Forum

And here's the cover for the PB

August 10, 2012

Pin Heel Surfer

This!!! I can't even... farofflook Augh!

Shiz! This song is so beautiful to my ears.. I'm listening to this over and OVER again! dammit HARUNA & TOMO!!! Ahhhh I so love your voices alternating.. gahd.. this is AMAZING! A MASTERPIECE!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! shy2 I'm totally hypnotized by this, I can't wait for the whole version and of course the other songs on their single...

This is a great sign.. for their 14th Single Pin Heel Surfer.. gorgeous attire and now.. the preview!! It's a double kill!!!! 

I think I'll make this as my theme song for my whole week trololol. My alarm, my energy for the whole day and my lullaby at night! Oh great days ahead! love love love!

This shall also be my inspiration for my review sessions.. dammit.. I hate it but because of SCANDAL.. I'm now on FIIIIIIIIIIIIIREEEEE... onion study

Happy 24th Birthday Haruna Ono!

To my ever amazing,stunning, and gorgeous lead singer, Haruna Ono... Happy Birthday!!!  onion bday

Although my fandom/craziness over you had been shaken from the previous months.. because of your sudden transformation  and hoarse voice [sick maybe?].. still I've tried to hold on to you even though I looked I didn't care at all. No Scandal Updates lately from me, and that's NOT because I'm OVER with you and your band SCANDAL.. but because I needed a break in order for me to realize again your importance and existence. monkey I have seen the different videos of SCANDAL from your beginnings, I saw how hard you guys strove for your achievements today.. you guys wished to be recognized and together us fans did as well. And today the present, is one of your promising moments of your lives.. and I can't be happier to see you Haruna and the rest of the members keep those huge smiles and huge dreams from the start and up until now. With all the hard work and undying love for music, we appreciated it and will always be there to support you  as the leader, best friend, sister and a mother to your members. 

To the beautiful goddess Haruna Ono, you are amazing and truly is an inspiration! I still remember those days I've became addicted to you, I can't stand a day without looking at your photos,videos and updates. Your voice is like the source of my energy through a long day. And right now I may not be the same anymore towards you.. but I'll always keep the memory how you've became this VERY special. Haruna Ono, my ichiban will always be having her spot in my heart [cheesy monkey] and can never be replaced by any NEW fandoms. But still the only thing that won't change is that.. I will always support and love you and SCANDAL band forever and ever!!! monkey

P.S Dont ever go back to blonde.. 

There!! My message for Haruna my loves, trololol. It sounded really cheesy and very dramatic but it's really from the bottom of my heart. So if you give negative comments on my long speech monkey better keep it to yourself or else.. I'll monkey you!! btch!! mon wtf

Photos of my Haruna

August 9, 2012

Back To SCANDAL part 2

So here's the part 2 for my make-up blog entries of previous updates about Scandal. Hahaha. Just like I said, those updates I NEVER posted on my page. So don't expect everything is in here.

But let this one be an exception, I posted this earlier on the page. It's about their 14th Single.. the cover was just too beautiful! Agh! farofflook

Oh gosh, Haruna and her.. ahmm ah.. onion bleed... ugh.. change topic..
They looked soo smexxxyyyyy ahhh! Office girls with high seducing skills.. trololol. Pretty much ladies. I can't wait to hear how they will sound too in there.. AAHHH SO EXCITED!!!

Thank you Marikooo!!!

Mariko is the goddess! Hngg... I love her so much for capturing awesome photos of the members.. especially with my Maeda Atsuko. Dang it, I will miss this when Acchan graduate already.. gyaaah

These lovely pictures of my Oshi eating her food.. is soooo adorable!! Gaaah! luvluv1 luvluv2 shy2

She's so super cuuuute!! If only I can make her foods to eat, then I definitely would.. I bet it'll make her happy, of course I'll make the biggest meal she could ever eat. wahahaha wahaha

(OH! I'm using now onion emoticons.. I love them since and is using a lot when I got addicted at JPHIP forum)

Here are the photos: 

August 8, 2012

Back To SCANDAL part 1

We still have no classes due to nonstop rain and floods around the affected areas on our country. Well when it comes to rainy season or worst typhoon our University is one of the top listed area that's always affected. Hmmm.. It has always been like this, that area is in a low plain, and there isn't enough effective drainage systems around.. or probably there are but masses of garbage are everywhere. I pity that area. Poor my university. They seemed wanted to prevent floods, well everyone does.. but I don't know how stupid that planner to elevate all the roads surrounding our University, it's like a no-brainer plan at all.. I don't even know if it can be called as a plan.. Seriously.. if all roads are all elevated then all the floods or rainwater will immediately be transferred inside our campus. If the outside area where those elevated roads are already flooded with knee-height level of water then what do you expect will there be inside the campus? Damn.. OCEAN! = =

Anyways, let's put that aside. I'm here to give you edited photos from my different sources. I feel like I'm bound to share them to you guys ... trololol. I don't know maybe it's saying.. "share me on your blog, coz you haven't been updating about us" hahaha! Like seriously?! True story though.. lolz. Haven't updating much about these girls in a long while now. So yeah I'm obliged now.

Okay before I post them, I would like to clarify myself.. these photos are NOT mine and totally not edited by me. I'm just sharing.. :P

Random Edits

August 7, 2012

Acchan Y SO GORGEOUS??!!

I wanted to post this since Maeda-san is soooo super fantastic!! She's sooooo beautifuuuuuuuuul! AHHHHHHH!!! love love love...

Lemme Comment! [Randomness] Issue 1

Today is just like some other day, it's still raining.. and it's really hard.. geez.. if this continues lots of inappropriate things might happen. I hope everyone will be safe even with floods around them.. Well luckily here at our place we're near the airport.. so it's expected that we're on a high plain than the others.. but our province's also experiencing this heavy rain and I just hope my family out there is safe as well.. hmmm..

Anyways.. today I also wanted to post randomness again.. honestly I wanted to create another blog for my non sense posts and galleries and so forth.. but I can't since I'm thinking that it'll be difficult for me to update 2 blogs at a time.. but I really wanted it.. lolz. pardon my stubbornness.. hihi..

So let me begin this randomness, by allowing me to comment on different photos I've been drooling about.. trololol. 
^ This photo, I really wanted a High Resolution for it.. I want to make it as my profile picture at FB but unfortunately it won't allow me because the size is too small.. D; UWAAAA... She's so freakin' hot and sexy! Sooo gorgeous my oshi!! [hearts! lots of hearts!]

August 5, 2012

A New Beginning!

Chyeaaaaaahhhh I feel oh so strong again.. after staying all day long at the hospital taking care of someone.. which leads me to breakdown.. I got high fever after that.. my body was not able to cope up. Seriously that was very tiring than any other architecture plates I had, just two days and my body already given up. lolz.
Though it was tiring, I feel awesome deep inside me. Somehow I can feel the fulfillment serving my own relative, my most special one. My favorite to be exact. Hee. I looooove that person SOOO MUCH!!
And since that person is recovering now already, I'm very happy! I feel like the one whole week I've been away on the real world was worth it. lolz. Count my absences as well. (I don't like my high fever days though.. I feel like dying already).

So lemme get myself back on updating.. hihihi.. Lemme share you awesome pics as well.. Oh yeaaaah I'm back!