
July 11, 2012

Haruna the long black-haired Goddess is back!

Sorry to make my blog title for this a bit exaggerating, but hell this is one true amazing news! It's been a long time now since I last updated things about SCANDAL here or even at Scandal Magic. All admins of Scandal Magic are students except for admin Zidaine who's responsible for creative arts for the page. I really miss my admins now, huhu but anyways they are all special to me so I won't just kick them off the page just because they are inactive for the reason of school stuff. Of course as their guardian (lol, my two remaining co-admins responsible for updates are younger than me.. so yeah... lol) I won't allow them to set aside their school stuff just because of their responsibilities as admins. I'm very understanding you know. Haha!

Anyways lemme give you amazing photos of Haruna back in long black hair. Woot! All haruna-lovers who became stray of fanboying/fangirling on some other artists while Haruna had been gotten wild with her blonde short hair, they are all coming back now! LOL! This will be a reunion, let us all unite my dear friends.. let's celebrate the reincarnation of the black haired goddess.. lol.

Cheers! This is one of the wonderful things that had happen in year 2012.. we must all rejoice!! LOL! I don't mind if Haruna will cut her hair short as long she'll put a long black hair extension. trolololol



  1. Ela fica Muito mais LINDA assim !!!!♥♥♥♥

  2. Yup! She's back. But her new style is a bit of YUI there

  3. Haru-san's new hairstyle is reminiscent of their old days ne? I think they've finally realized that they sound more authentic in their old, simple and adorable selves. I'm so happy~ My HARUNA fangirl is being revived! ^w^ --Ray
