
August 31, 2024

Jang Na Ra and Ji Seung Hyun Finally Settled Their Case in Good Partner Episode 10

Finally the divorce case between Kim Ji Sang and Cha Eun Kyung is over. Thank goodness Ji Sang listened to Jae Hui. I thought he's gonna drag this divorce much longer because he's still very firm with having Jae Hui's custody at the beginning of this episode despite the investigator telling them that Jae Hui wants to stay with her mom. Well, if he doesn't listen to Jae Hui's plea, I seriously do not know what it is that he's fighting anymore. I mean, he's a despicable man already for cheating in front of his legal daughter, disowning the unborn baby with his mistress and abandoning her in the end so if he doesn't oblige with Jae Hui's wishes then he's basically only feeding his ego for not wanting to lose against his ex-wife all this while. Thank goodness he didn't force himself to Jae Hui, I guess he's still afraid of something and that something is losing Jae Hui totally. I guess he really has a genuine love for her daughter that's why when he found out the truth that Jae Hui knew about his cheating, he finally backed down and obey what Jae Hui wanted. Well, lucky for him, despite losing the custody, Eun Kyung is still selfless and is willing to make Jae Hui stay connected with him to regain her trust. Seriously, Ji Sang, you let your lust do the thinking and left your family for a short time happiness. That's really disgusting of you. Now you have no one by your side and not even has a job. You ended up a despicable perverted man alone. Deserve! kkk

As for Choi Sa Ra... sigh... this is what you get girl, for seducing a married man. I honestly don't pity Sa Ra for the tough situation she went through because of Ji Sang. It's the unborn baby and her mom that made me feel bad about. The baby is now gone and Sa Ra's mom had no idea what stupidity her daughter had been doing, it's gonna be painful for any decent mother to learn that their child's stupidity wrecked someone else's family after all. Tsk Tsk. Sigh... It's a lesson hard learned for for a bitch like Sara. Sigh. Never settle for a married man, you btch! hahaha!

Anyway, the drama ain't over yet with Cha Eun Kyung's life as her boss is suddenly wanting to fire her as the company's renowned lawyer. For what reason?! That, we need to find out in the next episode! Yayks!

August 30, 2024

Park Ju Hyun Believes Kim Byung Chul and Yoon Se Ah are Going to Harm Her in "Perfect Family" Episodes 5 & 6 Review

In case you don't know and not following my Facebook page, I'm actually watching Perfect Family too. I need a Wed-Thu drama to complete my routine watching Kdrama everyday of the week so I checked this one out and instantly got hooked with it. What made me hooked is that Sun Hui (Park Ju Hyun) got adopted by a successful lawyer and a neuropsychiatric specialist turned full-time housewife, when she was a child. Since then she was loved like she was their own child. They are the perfect family in the eyes of those people around them. However, everything turned sour when Sun Hui meet her childhood friend from the orphanage that she was from. Soo Yeon showed up and everything crumbles down for Sun Hui. 

Seriously, Sun Hui shouldn't be feeling guilty about Soo Yeon's unfortunate fate though. It's not like she intentionally burned the house and targeted Soo Yeon. But I guess since Soo Yeon is a psychopath ever since she was a child, she can manipulate/gaslight someone like Sun Hui. What's worst here is that, Sun Hui willingly took the blame when Soo Yeon stabbed Gyeong Ho in his house. If only Sun Hui didn't tell her mom that she killed Gyeong Ho, her parents wouldn't even react suspiciously at all. Actually, Sun Hui's mom did get her belongings from Gyeong Ho's place but there's no evidence that she's the one who burned down the house. Since Sun Hui got guilt-tripped and gaslighted by Soo Yeon, she no longer is thinking straight with things. Reason why she suspected her parents instantly after seeing them act as if nothing happened, like the fire and Gyeong Ho's death. 

It's just crazy that Hyun Min, a strange middle aged man, showed up all of a sudden and add up more craze in the story. He makes Sun Hui more confused to the point that she believes that her mom and dad are going to kill her. I really have a bad feeling about him. In this week's episode, he introduced himself as a police officer and that he knows Jin Hyuk for a very long time. However, if he's a police investigating Jin Hyuk for a fire arson from way back and also the prime suspect of their son's murder then, why is he not interacting with the other police officers investigating Gyeong Ho and Soo Yeon's cases? I really find this guy very suspicious especially now that he knows Soo Yeon and Soo Yeon might still be alive and she might be working with him for some revenge towards Sun Hui. This guy on the other hand has other motive that we need to find out just yet. Hmmm... I wonder if Hyun Woo managed to really contact Soo Yeon... waaah! Very exciting! One thing I observed though is that, Sun Hui's adoptive parents really love her. And hopefully the real truth would come out real soon.

Shin Min Ah is a Calculative Person Desperate to Gain Profits in No Gain No Love Episodes 1 and 2

I seriously did not expect I'd needed Shin Min Ah and Kim Young Dae's tandem this much. Obviously the age gap between two is big and yet, I find their pair up quite fascinating. It's the theme of the drama that actually help build up an unfound chemistry in the beginning but thankfully despite the 12 year age gap, Shin Min Ah and Kim Young Dae have chemistry and the theme is building it stronger. Well, I think that Shin Min Ah has the power to match any of his leading men, tbh. It's like it doesn't matter who she's paired up with because she'll do the magic. Kim Young Dae and Han Ji Hyun are The Penthouse babies who are just starting out with the industry while Shin Min Ah and Lee Sang Yi's experience in acting are already prominent. What I'm saying is that, it's inevitable to see gap in skills as well but so far, I think the newbies are doing a great job with their characters. In fact, I'm loving it so much already with just 2 episodes. It's just sad that Lee Sang Yi wasn't given a chance to have Shin Min Ah as a leading lady though, haha! It would've been nice if he gets SMA this time coz we all know he lost her to Kim Seon Ho in Hometown Cha Cha Cha. kkk

The introduction of Son Hae Young (Shin Min Ah) as a little girl in episode 1 struck me to the bones already. lol Okay, you might think it's wrong to be calculative but at times you'd really needed it tbh. hahaha It matters in some situations! And to witness the back story as to why Hae Young grew up as a calculative person in the present time makes really sense to me. She grew up always having someone to share things with, be it material things, food, or attention of her own parents. Her parents, her mother specifically, no matter how kind she is, she should've discussed with Hae Young about her intent in fostering children she found on the streets or anywhere. She should've not just bring home children one day and make Hae Young accept the situation as is. Very wrong move as a parent. This is the reason why I understand Hae Young's feelings when she was a child rebelling as well as how she become eager to gain profits for herself. Her selfishness, in my perspective only, is understandable. Girl just wanted to get what she deserves all the time and I like it. I don't want to stick with just how morally right one situation or belief should be in the eyes of the society, I want to stick with how I feel. It's really hard to execute in reality, tbh, but thanks to this drama I'm supporting Hae Young 100 percent because she's manifesting what I wanted to do. HAHAHA! Minus the fake marriage though!!!! That's a different story!

I get her desperation but to get a fake marriage to gain more profits and privilege in her company is a big NO in reality. I'll let that happen only in dramas. hahaha! I'm seated to witness the love story between a calculative selfish person Hae Young and a living saint Kim Ji Wook (Kim Young Dae).

August 27, 2024

Ji Jin Hee Stayed Loyal to Kim Ji Soo in Romance in the House Episodes 5 and 6

Moojin and Ae Yeon got divorced because of Moojin's series of business failures and putting the future of their children on the line. Moojin didn't really abandon the family, he was ousted by Ae Yeon and Mi Rae. He got no choice but to pick himself up, on his own, and go far away from them. Hmmm... I'm really trying to understand both sides as more details are being laid out to us with each new episode. 

Moojin, as what Ae Yeon has described of him, is an immature guy. He lives like a single man, betting everything he has including the family's finances for the businesses that he wanted to put up without having back ups. He ain't emotionally connected deeply with the kids either. Even if I was Ae Yeon, I'd want him out of my life because just like what Ae Yeon said... Moojin won't wake up from doing countless mistakes if they didn't separate at all. However, I couldn't help but also sympathize with Moojin. That guy got nothing left when he was ousted by Ae Yeon and Mirae from their family, what he had gone through to be where he is right now might've been really tough. But... (yes, we got an endless buts here) what Ae Yeon and Mi Rae had gone through ain't easy either. Sigh... this is really complicated. I wonder how they will fix this. 

Anyway, I hope that Moojin would start to be honest and transparent with Ae Yeon again because if he won't talk about what happened to him, the suspicions ain't gonna fade at all. If he wants to win his family back again then he should start talking. Ae Yeon only got glimpse of Moojin's past in Thailand only because she spoke to his neighbor who happened to have been acquainted with Moojin before. So that thing between Moojin and Jeong In got cleared to us. At least Moojin stayed loyal to Ae Yeon all this while. kkk 

Mi Rae, on the other hand, is still working hard and it won't be long that her body would break down. But another problem has added to her plate as she saw her mom with Moojin going inside a motel. Vice versa, she also got caught by her mom doing the same thing with Nam Tae Pyeong. lol That was a hilarious scene in episode 4. Another misunderstanding has arise and a villain is brewing at the side named Oh Jae Gyeol. Hmmm... Moojin is way too busy with his family that he isn't aware of the hidden agendas of Jae Gyeol. Hopefully Moojin won't get scammed or else he's back to square one again! Yayks!

August 25, 2024

Jang Na Ra and Yu Na Found Solace in Each Other's Arms in "Good Partner" Episode 9

The real face of Ji Sang became more evident now that Sa Ra ruined all his plans in taking custody of Jae Hui. Ji Sang is now tossing her away like a garbage. What's even more funny and ridiculous now is that Ji Sang had the audacity to ask whether Sa Ra's baby was his own. Imma like, WTF?! After satisfying his sexual desires from her, he's now asking that? He's a huge joke of the century! Anyway, karma is real for Choi Sa Ra. As much as I want to sympathize with her, I just can't.. because I don't feel any for her at all. She asked for it, Sa Ra knew that Ji Sang is a married man when she approached and seduced him. And she didn't even question as to what kind of man he is that he's cheating on his wife for her. She witnessed everything and yet she was happy with him because she thought she's greater than Cha Eun Kyung. Now, it's all clear that.. Sa Ra would never amount to Ji Sang because she is nothing but a woman to use to satisfy his sexual urges. Ewww. talk about disgusting piece of sht. lol Regret is always at the end Sa Ra. And hopefully Ji Sang would face his own karma real soon. 

On the other hand, Eun Kyung is still consistent with giving love and attention to her daughter, Jae Hui. Now, she personally went to her school to fetch her and meet her classmates/friends. There, Eun Kyung witnessed how much her daughter is really fond of her. Despite Jae Hui being close to her dad, it did not take away the fact that Jae Hui is a little Eun Kyung and that she loved her mom as much. Eun Kyung had been worried of Jae Hui after she discovered how she kept everything to herself about her Ji Sang's sins. But in the end, they got closer and are starting to open up to each other. They should, right? Because now, they only have each other. I'm really rooting for them to have a close mother and daughter relationship now. The ending scene of this episode 9 really got me crying. They finally apologized to each other for whatever their fault had been and now this is their first step to moving onto a new chapter with only the two of them. Yep, Eun Kyung will definitely get the custody of Jae Hui for sure! Yay!

August 24, 2024

Jang Na Ra Learned that Yu Na Knew about Ji Seung Hyun's Affair First Before Her in "Good Partner" Episode 8

It turns out that Jae Hui knew about Ji Sang's affair before Eun Kyung did. It really disgusts me to see Ji Sang and Sa Ra kissing in front of Jae Hui? Seriously, even if they think that Jae Hui is already sleeping, if they're decent people, they wouldn't do sinful disgusting lovey dovey acts in front of her room... And Ji Sang had the audacity to ask for the custody of Jae Hui with that kind of mind?! He can do more of that sinful act in the future, not just with Sa Ra... he can do that with other women he'll encounter. Which is why, it's only right that Jae Hui would choose her mom over a disgusting person like Ji Sang. She ain't gonna have a peaceful life if she'll end up with a step mother like Sa Ra too. Ugh. This is why before marriage, people should really get to know their partners for a decent amount of time. I mean, Eun Kyung definitely rushed it, dating for only 3 months and getting married? It's like she really asked for divorce with that. Wrong move on her part. She should've just ended up with Jung Woo Jin. 

Speaking of Jung Woo Jin, that man has a sad story to tell too. Jung Woo Jin called the chairman of their law firm as his dad. Hmmm... so the real truth is that they are father-son and not uncle-nephew that the whole office knew about. I wonder why did they concealed the truth. What could be the backstory of their relationship? When Woo Jin was representing a father that isn't biologically related to the person he called 'son', he was so affected by it. I wonder if he has the same situation as the son of his client. 

Last week, the drama Good Partner gained their highest viewership rating to date and it 17.7% with episode 7. Now, I'm curious whether this week, they'll break their own personal high record. This legal drama is definitely a hit one in SK. Although it has a quiet reception from the international scene, Good Partner is really popular locally. 

August 21, 2024

Kim Myung Min and Son Hyun Joo are Fathers that Will Do Anything for their Children in "Your Honor" Episode 4

Song Pan Ho and Kim Gang Heon are getting out of hand in their own ways. Pan Ho, a judge, is now turning into an evil monster killing people with his own hands just like Gang Heon. In the end, they are both killing machines. Sigh... I'm really getting furious with Pan Ho more than Gang Heon, tbh. Gang Heon has been evil ever since and he's living true to his nature so it's no surprise to me to see him having a killing spree. But Pan Ho is a different creature. Ugh. I hate the fact that he's a judge that gives verdict to suspects, he's known to be respectable, trustworthy and warmhearted but turns out to be another evil in disguise. Protecting his son? Give me a break. Let his son stand on his own, dead or alive at least he remain true to his nature as an honest judge and a father. But nope, he's a judge that doesn't trust the law that's why he became a pussy and hide the truth from Gang Heon by doing stupid ineffective evil things. He's just stupid. Look at his son now loitering around the area like a worthless piece of sht. Hahahaha gosh this drama is really getting into me just like Good Partner. But yes I'm still sticking to this because I want to see Pan Ho and his son punished by the law that he didn't trust. I don't want them to die yet in Gang Heon's hands, I don't want them to leave the world without feeling the weight of their punishment. kkkk

Anyways, at this episode, Pan Ho and Gang Heon finally are face to face with each other. Pan Ho, being at the brink of death, offered to give a hand in helping out Sang Hyuk out of jail by giving a verdict that's favorable to Gang Heon in exchange for his life at that moment. Gang Heon being a softie father, despite really wanting to kill the foolish Pan Ho, he gave in with the offer but with a condition. It was for Pan Ho to prove his words by killing a person in front of him while his assistant is taking a video of it. Gang Heon is basically making an evidence that would later pull Pan Ho out of his hideout if ever he runs away and hide from him when he didn't give the verdict that he wanted. This sucks for real because Pan Ho is offering to betray the police, his close colleague. Waaaah! I can already imagine Jang Chae Rim's disappointment and grimace when she discovers that the judge she trusted is just another criminal keeping her close. Yayks! 

August 20, 2024

Ji Jin Hee Apologizes to Son Na Eun in Romance in the House | Episodes 3 and 4 Review

Romance in the house tackles about the reality of life for those who are breadwinners in general. The hardships and sacrifice are just insane and hopefully those who are being provided will remain grateful and supportive to these breadwinners. Imagine, Mirae was so young but she needed to grow up quickly to protect and provide for her mom and little brother. She took responsibility of something that is supposed to be done by the father of the household but Moojin abandoned them. I really do understand where Mirae is coming from, hating his father. Now that Moojin is back as if nothing had happened, Mirae felt all her sacrifices and hardships all these years will be for nothing if they take Moojin back to their family and provide for them now that he's wealthy. I feel bad for Moojin being hated like that but if I were to stand in Mirae's shoes, then I'd say he really deserve the hate. 

It feels really pathetic to compete in providing for the family with someone who is rich. Mi Rae works nonstop now even though she's feeling the fatigue to prove herself that she can give anything her family wanted and yet it still felt not enough. I know her mom felt how hard Mirae is trying and hopefully she'll take some actions real soon before Mirae faint again at work. On the other hand, I'm happy that Moojin apologized to Mirae in episode 4. It took him long but at least it's already out there. Hopefully, Moojin would become transparent to his family if he really wanted them back in his life. He should start apologizing then explain everything that happened on why he abandoned them and what he had gone through to get all the money he has now. It's not about trust anymore, it's been gone since he abandoned his family which is why he should work hard to gain that trust from his family again. 

August 19, 2024

Jung Hae In and Jung So Min Teams Up for "Love Next Door" | Episodes 1 and 2 Quick Review

Another romcom of the year that will make me cry due to relatable painful scenes. lol First 2 episodes are already out on Netflix and I'm loving every bits of it. The writing is really good, you know, every word the characters are saying really marks to your soul when it give a lesson. The jokes thrown here and there will make you cackle and the painful relatable scenarios would really make you cry! I really like it when the characters are making sense as well as the plot is really on point. No boring fillers. Love Next Door feels like Queen of Tears when it comes to the anticipation from Kdrama fans. I hope it'll continue to be interesting till the very end. 

Anyway, Love Next Door's main characters are Choi Seung Hyo (Jung Hae In) and Bae Seok Ryu (Jung So Min) who are childhood friends and will soon step onto the next level as love will bloom between them. Choi Eung Hyo is an architect and he recently just opened his own office, so far, he's been successful in the profession but soon gonna face some work related problems as no new projects are coming into his office. Bae Seok Ryu, on the other hand, is a product manager working in the US. All her life she has been working out which caused her to suffer from burnout and she also called off of an engagement due to her cheating fiancé. She's basically on slump. In the end, she went back home to SK only to be welcomed by her angry mother. Thankfully, after some confrontation, Seok Ryu and her mother reconciled and is now officially staying and resting in their humble home. These two characters are very close despite them bickering non stop since they were children. For sure, they felt a spark of feelings for each other but no one's admitting or talking about it as they're afraid to lose their friendship.

Side characters/side couple is quite interesting too. My most hated character in Serendipity's Embrace is here too. lol Actor Yun Ji On's switch of characters this quick really play with our emotions. He made us hate him at first but loved him the second. kkk Amazing actor for sure! Anyway, as I was saying, the pair up of Kang Dan Ho (Yun Ji On) and Jung Mo Eum (Kim Ji Eun) is quite interesting too because they complement each other. Mo Eum is a strong independent woman while Dan Ho is a weak but kind type of person. They sure have chemistry too! I'm looking forward to them!

Ji Seung Hyun Made it Clear with Han Jae Yi that she isn't his Top Priority In Good Partner Episode 7

The consequences of becoming a mistress is finally catching up on Choi Sa Ra's life. That btch, I really want her to suffer for home wrecking. Now that there's a legal battle of child custody between Cha Eun Kyung and Ji Sang, Ji Sang's attention is mostly taken away by spending time with Jae Hui. Since Sa Ra no longer has a job and her entire day is focused only on Ji Sang, her insecurities are eating her alive seeing how she comes second to him. As she tries to ask for time and attention, Ji Sang made it clear to her that his top priority is none other than his daughter and that he has no plans to get married again with her. This is really like a slap to her face and I love it! kkk But let's be real, Ji Sang is really something, huh? Oh, well, a trash will always be a trash and he'll only attract his kind that's why he got Sa Ra. ha!

On the other hand, Cha Eun Kyung is now balancing her life as an attorney and a mother to Jae Hui. I love how she's trying to make it up to her by making breakfast, sending snacks to her school to share with her classmates, going home early and more. When Jae Hui was shown in a scene where she was happy seeing her mother coming home early, my heart just melted. It just shows how much children are in need of their parents attention like this. They're like puppies waging their tail when their fur parents came home. kkk I just find that cute!!! It's a breath of fresh air and calming to have this kind of scenes. It'll make you calm from getting annoyed and irritated by Ji Sang and his bitch.

Speaking of fresh air, Han Yu Ri and Jun Eun Ho, they're 'that' on this drama. I know that Yu Ri got some problems of her own too but we have Eun Kyung to solve her problems with that another bitch, the mistress of Yu Ri's father. Since Eun Kyung was the one who represented Yu Ri's father in court, this mistress thought that she can still order around Eun Kyung with her wants. Little did she know, Eun Kyung ain't that stupid to oblige to her commands as Yu Ri really warmed up her heart already. Aside from being work colleagues, Yu Ri represents her divorce case in court, she became a comfort to Jae Hui and both of them are beginning to create a bond as friends. Thank goodness Eun Kyung eliminated this bitch real quick because I cannot take another one kind of Sa Ra in this show. Sa Ra and Ji Sang are already enough for my blood to boil in anger. ugh.

August 17, 2024

Jang Na Ra Finally Made a Move to Make Han Jae Yi Taste Her Real Power in "Good Partner" Episode 6

After being on hiatus for 3 weeks to give way Paris Olympics coverage, SBS Fri-Sat drama resumes with episode 7. Cha Eun Kyung continues to work as a divorce attorney with her junior Han Yu Ri despite her own on-going divorce case with her husband, Kim Ji Sang. Eun Kyung and Ji Sang fights for the custody of their child, Jae Hui. They tried to make an effort to get her on each of their side as the court ordered a personnel to investigate. Ji Sang found a place where Jae Hui and him may possibly live with. At this time, Choi Sa Ra is out of the picture of living together since it may hinder the perspectives of Jae Hui and the investigators about living peacefully at that place with a stranger/mistress. Living with a step mom is absolute hell for sure even if her own mom lacked a lot of things, I believe Jae Hui still loves her. She's mature for her age as a description of her anyway so I feel like she understands what Eun Kyung had been working hard for. On the other hand, Eun Kyung went to buy undergarments for Jae Hui but she has a different preference so she didn't accept it. That night, Eun Kyung left Jae Hui's room defeated because not only her efforts were put to waste but she also hurt the feelings of her daughter after she raised her voice at her feeling like Jae Hui might choose her dad over her. 

It's gonna be painful to watch Eun Kyung and Jae Hui go through this court battle. Hopefully Jae Hui would still choose her mother and give her a chance to make it up to her. If ever she'll take the side of Ji Sang, Eun Kyung will be left alone in her life now. But if Jae Hui chose her mother, then both sides have someone by their side because Ji Sang has his thick faced mistress. 

Speaking of that thick faced mistress, that btch really thought that she's unstoppable even if she stole the husband of her boss, Eun Kyung. She has the audacity to provoke her too inside her territory? Is she for real?! Ugh. It turns out that Eun Kyung let her by stay in the office to get a taste of her dream of becoming the chief manager before she fires her. That's really sick! I love that! Now, hopefully, Choi Sa Ra would wake up from her delusions and actually feel the power of the one and only Cha Eun Kyung! 

August 16, 2024

Kim Myung Min Starts to look for Son Hyun Joo and Kim Do Hoon in "Your Honor" Episodes 1 and 2

Another 10 episode drama just like Red Swan, Your Honor is finally my next kdrama! Episode 1 begins with a comparison between 2 lifestyles. Waking up 6am in the morning, two fathers did their routine. One is having the luxury to jog alone around the prison ground, having coffee prepared for him and spend the whole day in his cell smoking cigarettes. A powerful criminal indeed. The other one prepares his own coffee and straight up bestowing verdict to suspects/criminals as a judge at work. 

Kim Gang Heon (Kim Myung Min) only has 4 months left before he'll get a parole to meet the outside world and his beloved family. Gang Heon is a cold hearted chairman of Woo One group and is known to be a powerful personality, other gangs are afraid to go against him due to this. He's cruel but turns into a loveable father in front of his children. So when he found out that his son died hit and run and that the suspect flee from the scene, he used his power to get out of prison and mourn for his child. The child that was killed because of Song Pan Ho's (Son Hyun Joo) son Song Ho Young (Kim Do Hoon). 

Song Pan Ho is known to be a warmhearted judge by the people who work with him. He's well respected and knows the law very well. This is the reason why when he discovered that the person his son killed via hit and run was the son of Kim Gang Heon, he changed his mind in making his son turn into the police. He knew that Gang Heon won't stick with the law in bestowing punishment to his child's killer. He knew that it's no real justice. Scared that his son would die in the hands of Gang Heon, he became his son's accomplice by covering up the truth behind the accident.

This drama is really interesting because it'd make you question on which team you'd want to side with. Obviously though, I'm siding Gang Heon here, because I don't like foolish weak characters who cannot take responsibility of their actions like Pan Ho and his son. However, just like what happened in episode 2, innocent people are getting involved/dying because of how Gang Heon's team are working on with this case. They are brutal and it hurts to see innocent people die. Ugh. I dislike their ways but I'm hating Pan Ho even more. He's a hypocrite judge, look at what happened to the people he once helped through the law, he died because of his doings. 

August 15, 2024

Serendipity's Embrace Is Over with 8 Episodes in Total! | Honest Review

There's really nothing new to this drama tbh, just the typical tropes you see in any Kdramas. Highschool friendships and romance, flashbacks which connects the couple of the show in the present time, heartbreaks, love triangles, parents hindering the love of their child and etc. So, when a commenter asked me on my Facebook page on what's new with it, I literally replied nothing, just watching the love story of Hu Young and Hong Ju. My plain response is literally what this drama really is about. Got a lot of boring parts but eventually caught ticklish feelings inside my stomach because of the main couple. But the best part here is that, I got really motivated to watch this for the reason that I wanted Jun Ho to suffer from his stupidity. kkk I mean, that arrogant selfish delusional fool, I want to see him defeated. Yep, he didn't get the girl he used to take advantage from the past. hahaha! Serves him right! 
Anyway, if you're up for a light romance to make you feel ticklish with their sweetness, then this one is for you. However, if you're looking for something new out of their romance, then this one's not for you. Simple. 

I've watched several Kim So Hyun dramas but not much of Chae Jong Hyeop. Jong Hyeop is really handsome and charming but I really want him to take a different role next time. Hopefully, he would stray away from introverted roles like Hoo Young and his role in Castaway Diva. Sometimes, looking at his droopy eyes, I'm already feeling sleepy. I don't know about you guys but that's just how I felt most of the time in here. Next time, I really want him to try different roles just like what Cha Eun Woo did. When Cha Eun Woo took the role in Wonderful World Kdrama, his acting skills got challenged and everyone can see his improvement. I wanna see Chae Jong Hyeop challenged! 

Still, I had fun watching the drama surprisingly. It's light and helped me get through the lack of dramas to watch. How about you? Did you enjoy the drama? What's your honest review with it?

August 14, 2024

Ji Jin Hee Returns To His Family But as their Landlord in Romance in the House | Episodes 1 & 2 Quick Review

Romance in the House starring Ji Jin Hee, Kim Ji Soo, Son Na Eun and Choi Minho has a promising start as it garners 4.7 and 5.1% in the nationwide viewership ratings for episodes 1 and 2 respectively. It's considerably high considering that it airs in a cable tv. This drama also entered Netflix Top 10 TV series in my country which also pushed me to watch this drama. 

Aside from Ji Jin Hee, Choi Min Ho and a few familiar side characters in this drama, I don't know anyone else anymore. But since Ji Jin Hee is part of the main cast, I've given this a chance and quickly got hooked. The last I've saw this actor in a drama was probably way back Jewel in the Palace series. Lol I'm not sure whether I've seen him from somewhere else, but that's the only one I could think of right now. Other than Ji Jin Hee, there's Minho too. I know most of you knew him as the guy from Hwarang kdrama but as for me, I only knew him as a kpop idol from Shinee. I know he's been into acting but I've never seen him act at all. So I wanna give it a try watching him here now. 

The drama's start was promising. It's about a family which dad was pushed away by his family due to serious problems that he got caught involving series of business failures and debt from loan sharks. When Geum Ae Eun (Kim Ji Soo) and Byeon Moo Jin (Ji Jin Hee) got married, he tried several businesses using both of their money. However, all of it fail. He has no luck when it comes to money or businesses at all. Which is why, Geum Ae Eun tried her luck in the business world instead of Moo Jin. Ae Eun warned Moo Jin not to bring problem to their newest business as it's their only hope to recover from their losses. However, despite Moo Jin agreeing not to do anything, the loan sharks that he used to transact with before asked payment from him. In the end, since Moo Jin got no money to pay back, they ruined the newly opened business of Ae Eun. This put the whole family in a financial crisis and this became the reason of Byeon Mi Rae to hate her father. 

Feeling hopeless, Ae Eun decided to part ways with Moo Jin and due to Mi Rae's hate, she told him that she no longer has a father. Then, after a while, the news of an accident flashed through their TV screen. The whole family thought it was Moo Jin who got caught in an accident due to the familiar motorcycle and the words engraved on it. Since then, they moved on with their lives with the knowledge that Moo Jin was already dead. 

Fast forward to a year, Moo Jin came back to his family as a rich charismatic landlord of their apartment. The intriguing part here though is that, there was a fire that caused the death of the ex landlord. What could be the involvement of Moo Jin with it?

August 13, 2024

Kim So Hyun Cried Over Chae Jong Hyeop 10 years ago in Serendipity's Embrace Episode 7

Episode 7, it turned out that Hong Ju cried over Kang Hu Young 10 years ago when he left them without a word of goodbye. Hong Ju described that whatever she was feeling at that time, she wasn't sure what it was. Since both of them spent a good time together before, their hearts got really closer and that it won't be easy to move on from a company that you got used to even for a short while. This feeling of Hong Ju, it could be love or it could be something out of feeling empty from being left out. Hong Ju had been left out by her family after all, and it was Hu Young who made her remember the feeling again. Come to think of it, Hu Young was the one to hurt Hong Ju first before Jun Ho. But the difference is, Hu Young didn't know that he matters to her since they were mere classmates even though he has feelings for her. He just knew that Hong Ju, the woman that she likes, loves explanation. So definitely the level of intimacy and bond between the two were different. Jun Ho was just plain selfish and stupid for doing that to Hong Ju.

Anyway, only 1 episode left for this drama. I hope that Hu Young's mother would stop hindering his love life. She should just look for a business partner to do things for her at work really. I know that she's also just worried about his future and all, but can't he do just both? Work and at the same time stay in love? Just bring Hong Ju with him in the US or just stay in SK and just work locally. lol They're making things way too difficult for us. kkk 

August 12, 2024

The Auditors Kdrama Ends with an All Time High Personal Record of 9.54% in the Nationwide Viewership Ratings

Another good drama has ended and it's none other than the Auditors. This drama had a smooth run, starting from 3.51% in the nationwide viewership ratings it ends with their highest record 9.54%. Every new episode of this drama, it just keeps getting better with the storyline as well as with their ratings, locally. What made this drama very interesting is that, it does not focus only with one case but different ones. With its 12 episodes, it solved 6 cases and the biggest one is the Archle Design which involves the illegal secret funds of the ex-president as well as revelation of Hwang Se Woong's real hideous face and his downfall.

It's actually a really good drama which is why it makes sense that it's well received by the viewers in SK. Se Woong, the president of JU Construction, was the one who hired the Audit Team's leader Shin Cha Il and became his hunting dog in capturing corrupt executives and regular workers of the company. With the early cases, it has been the Vice President, Dae Woong, who was shown to be the bad guy as he kept on covering up corruptions by other people against Shin Cha Il. However as the story progressed, it was actually Se Woong who was the main villain/the most corrupt person in the company. It's crazy, right? Due to his timid actions and way of speaking, I thought Se Woong was a nice guy only to end up being the worst character in the drama. Sheesh.. we can never really trust anyone in a Kdrama. kkk

Anwyway, I really would recommend this to any kdrama fan. It's really worth your time. 

August 5, 2024

Miss Night and Day Officially Ended | Episode 16 Quick Review

Miss Night and Day is officially over and despite getting furious with Mijin in the last few episodes, I'm still saddened that the drama is over. It had been a great entertainment for me watching this especially when it started in June, the month where only a few good dramas are airing. Miss Night and Day tugging also my heartstrings at it started very relatable is so many ways, especially Mi Jin getting hopeless with so many failures she was experiencing at that time. After episodes 16, I'm happy that she finally saw the worth of her youth and the multiple chances she could get to achieve everything she aspires to be as long as she push through multiple failures as well. At the end of the day, we only fail when we stop trying. 

Mi Jin goes back to her original form, day and night, after coming to a conclusion what she had taken granted for. Her youth and her capabilities. Lim Sun bids farewell and encourages Mi Jin that she can do anything just by being herself. After that, Mi Jin took the civil service exams for the 3rd time and passed it because after 6 months, she crosses path with her ex-boyfriend, Ji Ung. However, that ex got omitted quickly because nothing is stopping Mi Jin now from falling in love. The girl's heart got healed from multiple failures and even got her confidence and original form back. Thankfully, Ji Ung was too busy at work to even date that he still remained available for his first love, Mi Jin. And that's a happy ending for them. yay!

Of course, happy endings aren't exclusive for the male and female leads, Ko Won returns to releasing an album after his military enlistment as a civil servant. Despite getting rejected by Mi Jin, he still consider their moments together in the past as a precious memory. He's one green flag guy. I'm pretty sure that he'll find the one for him in the near future. On the other hand, Mr. Ju and Ga Young ended up together. I seriously didn't expect this from the early episodes of the drama.. It was unexpected but was effective in giving more flavor to the drama. Tbh, I really love these two so much that I'm gonna forget that age gap became a concern to Mr. Ju before when he mistakenly thought Lim Sun and Ko Won were romantically involved together. hahaha! I'm gonna miss them so much. 

I thought that I'm only gonna miss my favorite characters, Mr. Ju, Ga Young, Ko Won and Ji Ung here but it seemed like Lim Sun and her family really grew on me. I got attached to all of the characters, except Mi Jin though because my frustrations caused by her cowardice grew hugely that a happy ending with Ji Ung cannot even compensate. lol hahaha! But still, I love happy endings and I love Miss Night and Day so I'll try to forgive her. kkk