
July 30, 2024

The Auditors Sets a Personal All Time High Record of 7.8% in the Nationwide Viewership Ratings with Episiode 8

The Auditors just keep getting better and better. Episode 7 up to the middle of Episode 8, the audit team finally concluded their bullying and technology theft case revolving around project J-bims. Oh Yoon Woo's bullying case has underlying root cause and it involves the general manager of Technology Development Team, Lee Ji Hoon. Park Jae Hwan bullied and took out the involvement of Yoon Woo's to their JBIMS project due to Lee Ji Hoon's order. Due to old age and having a low position in the company, Jae Hwan wanted to get promoted to general manager of the team which was baited to him by Lee Ji Hoon. In the end the Audit Team, lead by Shin Cha Il and Goo Han Soo, they found out about Lee Ji Hoon's intention to sell the developed Jbims project of J-Construction to billions of won. Despite closing the case, the president started to get furious with Shin Cha Il due to his stubbornness. His order to investigate about that team discreetly wasn't abided which resulted for his JBIMS project to be deleted and eliminated by Lee Ji Hoon. Se Woong's president position seemed to be have shaken and is now facing the possibility of replacement due to the angered stockholders of the company. His brother is slowly getting back his consciousness as well. 

After involving Goo Han Soo from the previous case, in episode 8, Seo Jin is the center of the unfair employment case. Her relationship with the vice president, Dae Woong, is finally out in the open all because of the anonymous post on the internet. Now, I'm really excited for this because for sure we're gonna have in depth explanation between the relationship of Dae Woong and Seo Jin. I want to know some back story about Dae Woong too so we could understand as to why his character grew up to be the way he is now. But I guess that would be for the later part of the story. 

Anyway, the drama actually got their personal record breaking viewership ratings with 7.8%. It's their highest record so far and I can already imagine it going higher with the next few episodes. Hopefully they will reach double digits too! yay!

July 29, 2024

Lee Jung Eun Refuses to Disclose Her Secret to Choi Jin Hyuk in Miss Night and Day | Episodes 13 - 14 Review

The female lead, Mi Jin/Lim Sun, is starting to be frustrating to me. I do get it that she's afraid of the consequences of her using her aunt's name and work as a civil servant as a middle aged woman by day, but still, do we really need to get to the last episode before her loved ones know about her secret transformation? Hmmm... Even up to this point, episode 14 already, when Gye Ji Ung found out about this confusing situation revolving his girlfriend Mi Jin and Lim Sun, she still chose to be silent and just settle with the most coward move she could think of and it's to resign. Running away from explaining to Ji Ung, her boyfriend about her whole situation. Sigh. Everything got worst now too since her mom begun to suspect that Lim Sun (Mi Jin's old transformation) is her long lost sister, Lim Sun (the real one). Sheesh, I guess the only thing that could push Mi Jin to explain everything is when everyone sees her transform with their own eyes. It's like, you have to see to believe. kkk 

Anyways, Na Ok-Hui turns out to be the serial killer in this series. It's not her real name but I think you already know. A little back story about her were shown in episode 14. She killed Director Baek's wife and stole her money/wealth. Because Director Baek asked for Lim Sun's tip off if someone dares to withdraw from his wife's bank account, real Lim Sun got involved with her. Na Ok Hui also became the reason why Lim Sun disappeared and same thing with Gye Ji Ung's mom. It had been 20 years now since they all disappeared, I don't think there's a chance that the victims of Ok Hui are still alive. 

It seemed like Mi Jin and her dad are in danger now that they've gotten inside Ok Hui's territory. I wonder what would Gye Ji Ung do to save them in the next episode. 

There are only 2 episodes left now for this drama! Yes, it's already ending this coming weekend. It's about time that it ends because I can't deal with Mi Jin anymore. lol I just hate the fact that she chose not to disclose her transformation till the very end to the people that clearly love and trust her. 

July 26, 2024

Han Sun Hwa Finally Found Her Childhood Friend in Um Tae Goo's Form in My Sweet Mobster | Episodes 13 - 14 Review

A lot of the important characters' concerns were finally resolved in these 2 episodes (13 and 14).  Il Young and Mi Ho are now together after Il Young slipping out the fact that he knew about Mi Ho's pregnancy. He managed to truthfully confess his feelings with the help of alcohol this time. Il Young got to meet Mi Ho's parents too, together with his hyungnim Seo Ji Hwan, and ask for their blessing in starting a family with Mi Ho. At first they do not accept him for the reason that he works with Seo Ji Hwan's company, where most if not all employees are ex-convicts. But later on, when everyone's face to face, Mi Ho's parents agreed and gave their blessings too. One problem down. 

Of course, Eun Ha cannot be at peace if she cannot find her childhood friend Hyun Woo. She's been looking for him since day 1 so this matter is one of the most essential problems that needed to be solved in the drama. kkk Since Eun Ha and Ji Hwan are already together as a couple, they've been spending a lot of time together. Eun Ha managed to take a closer look of Ji Hwan, his habits and personality more. And there, she found Ji Hwan's habits to be very similar with her childhood friend, Hyun Woo. Due to her suspicions, Eun Ha remembered that prosecutor Hyun Woo knew about the real identity of her childhood friend. She asked straightforwardly if Seo Ji Hwan is in fact Hyun Woo. The prosecutor, Justice, confirmed this very quick. Second problem down.

Now, the main problem of Seo Ji Hwan, his father is the last one that's needed to be resolved. Only 2 episodes left for this drama and I am hoping that Ji Hwan's father would finally let him free from the world of mobsters. It's just really frustrating that Seo Tae Pyeong is that kind of father to him. But what could I expect? He's the leader of a gang, he had been cruel from the very start. Hmmm... I wonder what could change his mind and finally let his son go. 

July 25, 2024

Only 2 Episodes Left for Red Swan! Happy Ending or Not? | Episodes 7-8 Review

The chairwoman was made to appear to be that ruthless and greedy mother-in-law, who will take down anyone who hinders her way in getting more wealth. Despite her funny antics and little patience in dealing with things and events, we still consider her to be a very dangerous woman because she really is. However, as we go through more episodes of this drama, we have known that she wasn't entirely the mastermind of every crime and everything bad that's happening around Hwain Group. She has the lawyer, the father of her illegitimate child Yongmin and henchman, Han Sang il. There's an exception with all the things chairwoman Park know of. Yes, she wanted to eliminate Wan Soo in any possible ways Mr. Han could think of. I do think that she's aware that Mr. Han was trying to kill her but she didn't know about her own husband's real cause of death. And we all know that it was all Mr. Han's doing because he wanted Hwain group all to himself and his child, Yongmin.

Yongkook had always been perceptive of things going inside the family so, he knew the truth despite no one telling him. Yongkook knew about his mother's infidelity, her relationship with Mr. Han, as well as Yong Min's real identity and he now had an idea (thanks to Wan Soo) that Mr. Han could be the murderer of his father. Yongkook seems to have real potential on his own, it's just sad that he ended up the same as his mother. His breakdown and confrontation with his mom really gave us the whole idea of how it is to be him, an heir to Hwain Group's throne. I really pity him for that reason, he got deprived of parental love and nobody guided him throughout his way in life, he blamed his mother for not being able to express his real affections for the one he truly love which is Wan Soo. Sigh... I know it's really hard to break free from a toxic family, especially when you grew up inside that toxic environment all through out your life, but I just wished that he still tried to live his own life. In the early episodes of Red Swan, he told Wan Soo already that he didn't want any responsibility because that had been always the way of things in his life, which means he's aware but still chose to live a life like that. So I don't get it why other viewers/commenters on my Facebook page are so angry and sensitive when I just told the truth that Yongkook chose his path all this while because he didn't want any responsibility at all. Hmmm... they need to watch the whole series again. kkkk 

Anyway, after all the efforts and crime executed by Mr. Han to get Hwain Group and the late chairman's wealth, it was all wasted. Of course, does he really think that he could bribe just anyone to get what he wanted? That lawyer who refused to tell the contents of the late chairman's will is really dignified. I love her. kkkk And because of her, everyone including him got shocked to the will's content. The 18 trillion won from the slush funds accumulated by the late chairman will be donated to Director Oh's NOW Foundation and only Wan Soo could withdraw the money too. That's so effin' cool isn't it?! But what made everything not so cool is that, it just meant that Wan Soo cannot execute her plan to flee from the family just yet. Not when she's having that huge money under her name and the NOW Foundation. Considering that she's a very responsible person, I think she would sacrifice Do Yoon in the end. Hwaaaaaaa!

Goodluck to all of us next week! Only 2 episodes left for this drama! But you know what? I wouldn't really mind if Wan Soo won't end up with Do Yoon too. Wan Soo can just give Yongkook a chance to change and both of them could save their marriage. kkkk ooops don't get angry with me. kkkk 

July 24, 2024

The Auditors Kdrama Lead by Shin Ha Kyun and Lee Jung Ha Does NOT Disappoint! | Episodes 1 - 6 Review

Saturday-Sunday drama The Auditors premiered July 6 and is expected to be finished by August 11, and as of writing, the drama already has 6 episodes out. Since we're already halfway through the drama, as it only have 12 episodes, it's about time I make a reaction/review about it. 

Tbh, I didn't expect much from it considering that it's sets in a boring corporate office where everyone are in their suits and skirts but as I finished episode 1 I'm surprised to see myself hooked with it very much. I guess if money and greed are involved in a story, it would actually turn out pretty good in the end. We all like to see those rich/wealthy people eaten by their greed, do immoral things to get what they desire and regret in the end when punishment is served to them. haha! Shin Cha Il (Shin Ha Kyun) is a newbie worker in JU Construction but he got hired to become the team leader of the audit team. The president, Hwang Se Woong (Jung Moon Sung) personally hired him but still underwent interview to make the Vice President's people get alarmed with their corruptions. 

JU Construction is the company that was passed on to siblings after the former president/father died. Hwang Gun Woong (Lee Do Yub) was originally the president but due to unfortunate events, he ended up comatose in a hospital. That's how the current president Hwang Se Woong got his position and their half brother Hwang Dae Woong (Jin Goo) became the vice president. Se Woong hired Cha Il with a mission to audit everyone who he finds suspicious or caught in a corruption so that their father's hard work in building/managing the company won't go down the drain. However, there seems to be a very suspicious vibe around this president. It feels like he doesn't want his brother to recover as he's always sporting that ingenuine kind of smile every time he visits the hospital and hears the improving health status of his brother. I don't think he would want to step down the president position at all. Hmmmm.... 

We all see Dae Woong to be the bad guy for covering up the corruptions, if not an accomplice or mastermind, inside JU Construction. The viewers are torn whether he's a nice guy after witnessing his 'good' treatment towards another audit member, his niece, Yoon Seo Jin (Jo A Ram). What made me more interested with this drama is because of Dae Woong and his dynamics with the audit team leader Cha Il. Everytime they are face to face, Dae Woong always ended up pissed while Cha Il is sporting a poker face. I really love that. hahaha! It adds comedy, flavor to a very serious subject of auditing inside the company. 

Also, when Shin Cha Il joined and became the team leader of the Audit Team, the members do not take their work so seriously. Special mention to Goo Han Soo (Lee Jung Ha) who aspire to do just enough work and look forward to transferring into Florida to get the life that he wanted. When Cha Il came, this fixed dream of Han Soo changed instantly. At first, the whole team (except Seo Jin) didn't like Cha Il at all for being serious and workaholic all the time. But as they work together as a team on different cases, their working principles as an audit team becomes one except the spectacles guy. Ugh I hate him... 

Anyways, I really like this drama so much right now. I'm glad that I finally caught up with it considering that there are so many on going dramas right now airing every weekends. Sheesh, I haven't been able to watch Good Partner just yet. WAAAA I better catch up to that as well! 

July 11, 2024

Rain and Kim Ha Neul Got Strong Chemistry As Boss and Bodyguard in Red Swan | Episodes 1-4 Review

Done watching episodes 1-4 of Red Swan, what can I say more about it other than it is absolutely thrilling? The relationship of Wan Soo and her mother-in-law puts on a good show already. I love how they don't back down from each other's attacks. They just continue doing whatever they want without being held back by each other. Yep, they may be family but it's only in the eyes of the public that they're in good terms. The story, however, doesn't mainly revolve around that because it's more complicated than we all thought it would be. Wan Soo spent 10 years of her life being the chairman of NOW Foundation after retiring as an ace golf player. The charity works she had done through her foundation made her even more famous and established as a powerful woman. A lot of renowned people were donating money for her foundation's charities. However, due to Wan Soo's opposition for her mom-in-law to use her foundation to do illegal transactions/bribery, chairwoman Park got provoked to make her resign from the position. Aside from this, the fact that Wan Soo found out about her son's infidelity to her, Wan Soo has every reason to divorce his son which is an instant threat to her ownership of the foundation. Wan Soo is currently the face of NOW Foundation but does not entirely belong to her because it is indeed part of Hwain's property. 

After Wan Soo became a hindrance and threat to Chairwoman Park, she wanted Wan Soo dead. The attacks that Wan Soo experienced in Manila probably had something to do with the chairwoman too and not the Isis at all. Good thing, we have an ex-police now a body guard of Hwain's Group, Do Yoon. He's the one in charge of Director Oh Wan Soo's protection/safety from different threats/attacks. What made everything even more interesting is that, there's an obvious attraction budding between Wan Soo and bodyguard Do Yoon. Soon, I just know, they'll become lovers. 

Do Yoon became part of the Hwain group security because he's investigating the killer behind his senior colleague's death from the police. He died in Manila while carrying a mission and Do Yoon witnessed everything. Because his boss then didn't follow through investigation of his colleague's death, Do Yoon quit the police and investigated on his own. Do Yoon suspected that the death of his colleague has something to do with the death of the late Hwain Group chairman. This is why he took the offer of Hwain Group's head of security and former colleague too, to enter Hwain Group as a bodyguard.

Watching every bits of the drama is really thrilling and entertaining especially now that we know Wan Soo and Do Yoon have the same direction of finding the real cause of the ex-chairman's death. They may differ in the destination of their mission but to think that they will work together hand-in-hand, I can already foresee how they'll end up as lovers along the way. hahaha! They absolutely have a strong chemistry! For real! Can you feel it too? The attraction they got for each other with every look they direct at each other. lol 

July 10, 2024

My Sweet Mobster is an Unexpectedly Good Drama! Needs more recognition

So I have started watching the drama My Sweet Mobster yesterday and boy, I'm already addicted to it. Tbh, the first time it was released on June 12, I had a glimpse of its first episode but dropped it for the reason that I was already watching Highschool Return of a Gangster which is obviously about gangsters too. I thought that it would be redundant to watch the same theme of a drama at the same period of time. I don't really read synopsis of dramas before watching them that's why my reasoning of dropping a drama is quite too narrow. lol It was only yesterday that I found out that the two dramas are different from one another. Yes, the characters revolves around gangsters but the plot differs greatly. I really enjoyed Highshool Return of a Gangster, it's about a gangster in his forties who loves learning/studying and after saving a highschool student jumping off a footbridge that he was given a chance to return to study again but within a different body. With his soul trapped in a body that isn't his, he continued living and change the lives of everyone around him as well as the life of the owner of the body he's using. 

My Sweet Mobster is a different kind of story than Highschool Return of a Gangster. My Sweet Mobster is about Seo Ji Hwan, a former gangster who now takes on a different path of living as a company CEO. He encourages other gang members to join his company and hire them to live a better life. Instead of making money out of illegal things, Seo Ji Hwan and his guys make a living through selling different meat products. However, despite choosing to live a better life, the prejudice of the people around them sometimes are making it hard for them to move forward. Then Ji Hwan's monotonous life became colorful after meeting an online influencer named Go Eun Ha aka Minni Unni. 

Although I'm only at episode 4 right now in the drama, I'm already loving it for the reason that it's entertaining and hilarious but at the same time having depth in the story. I really love it when a drama tugs my heart. Watching a person trying his best to change his life for the better is so inspiring. It makes me admire that person at the same time do the same thing as him. The drama is relatable in so many ways and it has a good lesson to convey. Definitely a good drama that needs more recognition! I'm gonna start posting about it now so I could help for it to be recognized too! yay!

July 6, 2024

Miss Night and Day Is Making Everyone Laugh | Reaching 7.66% Nationwide Viewership Ratings with Episode 6

Seems like a lot of people are actually tuning into this drama, Miss Night and Day, more than I thought it would. As of writing, the drama already hit 7.66% in the nationwide viewership ratings with episode 6. It's already decent high compared to other kdramas. Not only that, in my country, Miss Night and Day is actually part of the top 10 tv series on the streaming platform Netflix. The actors and actresses aren't part of the most famous or mainstream artists from South Korea but it's going strong with its viewership ratings. Choi Jin Hyuk really caught my eyes in here though. First saw him in Mr. Queen and it's only my second time watching him in Miss Night and Day and he finally made it to my favorite ahjussis in the Kdrama world. haha! I really love his introverted character in there. 

Anyway, the drama itself has an interesting story. It's about Lee Mi Jin who is a single woman in her late 20s. She's been looking for a regular job for years but fails every time. In order for her time not to get wasted, she works several part time jobs as well as studying for civil service exams as she aims to work as a civil servant. She did become a civil servant however it is with a surprising twist and that is after she transforms into an old woman in her 50s. This transformation happened after encountering a mysterious cat as well as after making a wish. Turns out that she'll transform into an old lady once the sun rises and will transform back to a woman in her late 20s when the sun sets. 

Mi Jin's story becomes more complex as she gets involved in solving murder cases as well as having a crush on a prosecutor night and day. 

Ji Sung's Connection Rises Back to 11% in the Nationwide Viewership Ratings for Episode 13

2nd to the last episode done and we got a lot of our questions resolved. Chang Soo's intent to kill Ko Gi Sung got out through the dashboard cam and got arrested by his team mates, Jae Gyeong and Yeon Joo. Did he run his mouth about Jae Gyeong being addicted to Lemon Mulberry? No. He willingly and silently got arrested. It was the other annoying detective, Kyung Hwan, who got Jae Gyeong arrested in the end of this episode. He knew in the previous episode about Jae Gyeong's secret and in the early part of episode 13, we saw him taking hair samples of Jae Gyeong to commence a drug test. Sheesh! Now the scary part of this series really happened! Jae Gyeong got arrested by this detective, what will happen to his investigations now? Just right after Jae Gyeong shoot Gong Jin Wook smoothly, all his efforts went down the drain all because he got drugged by Sang Eui. Sigh...

Now let's talk about Jong Soo's group. Crazy how Jong Soo and Tae Jin are now after each other's neck. Seriously, nothing good comes out of friendships built only by greed. They have their own selfish desires so if one become a hindrance to each other, they will try to eliminate them as much as possible. It's just funny that they got this 'friendship creed' and still they all ended up disobeying it when their own ass is at the verge of danger/ getting caught. Now that Jong Soo, Tae Jin, Chi Hyun are going against each other, Sang Eui is there pretending like he's a weakling but deep inside he's all happy with everything that's happening. Oh, Sang Eui, I can't wait to witness your end too!

Only 1 episode left! I wonder if the series would be able to beat its own record in the nationwide viewership ratings. Now that it's back to 11%, I wonder if the finale episode could go up to 15%... kkk! Let's see the power of actor Ji Sung! 

July 5, 2024

I Finally Watched Lee Do Hyun and Kim Ha Neul's 18 Again!

So I finished watching 18 Again! Yay! Honestly it took me long to finish it for the reason that I don't want to see Ji Hoon (Wi Ha Joon) getting rejected by Da Jeong (Kim Ha Neul). That guy was exceptionally kind and helpful whenever Da Jeong was going through tough times. There's a point in the drama that I wanted Ji Hoon more than Dae Young (Yoon Sang Hyun) or even Woo Young (Lee Do Hyun), tbh. But oh well, I can't escape the inevitable. haha! I still finished it and just thought that Dae Young was there with Da Jeong most of her life more than Ji Hoon, so Dae Young is definitely deserving of her. 

At first I really hated Dae Young for being so old fashioned when it comes to raising children as well as being a husband to Da Jeong. It's so annoying that I exactly agreed to Da Jeong's move of divorcing him. There's really something wrong with his mindset already because aside from being old fashioned, he just regrets everything about his life and family. The gratefulness in his heart vanished because of the difficulties and humiliation that he had gone through. He thought that he was the only one going through the hard consequences of becoming a young parent and losing his dreams. It was only when he became young that he realized that Da Jeong was also experiencing the same thing as him. 

It's really awful to become responsible of something huge like a family when you're way too young, but what Dae Young and Da Jeong experiencing in their adult life were only the consequences of their actions in their youth. That's the whole point of the drama, tbh. So as much as you can, if you're reading this young one, be sure to think twice before making a decision especially in relationships. Use condoms! char! I'm kidding but well, I think you get what I meant already. Also the message of the story just tells us that there are no perfect marriage, there will come a point in time that husband and wife would get annoyed at each other. They get used to each other that it makes them puke and a lot of misunderstandings will arise especially when communication lacks in the relationship. Marriage is somewhat like a never ending sacrifice for each other and communication is the key for a better married life. 

So, will I recommend this drama? It's a yes for me. 

July 3, 2024

Byeon Woo Seok Tops Actor Brand Reputation for the Month of June

Byeon Woo Seok's career is really skyrocketing during and after Lovely Runner drama. To be honest, after watching him in Strong Girl Nam Soon, I really thought he was a big star already but I was so wrong. It was only because of Lovely Runner that he really gained huge popularity that could already be considered as phenomenal in the Kdrama world. I can't believe that directors, producers and fans were sleeping on him for a very long time and even rejected him several times. I'm glad that he's finally having that deserving spotlight on him! 

Anyway, according to The Korean Business Research Institute, Byeon Woo Seok tops the Actor Brand Reputation for the month of June (ranging from May 27 to June 27). Here's the full top 10 list:

1. Byeon Woo Seok

2. Chun Woo Hee

3. Ma Deong Seok

4. Song Seung Heon

5. Lee Jung Jae

6. Kim Hye Yoon

7. Song Geon Hee

8. Roh Jeong Eui

9. Son Suk Ku

10. Wi Ha Joon

July 2, 2024

Kim Ha Neul and Jung Ji Hoon (Rain) to Lead Disney+ Drama "Red Swan" | Premieres July 03

Red Swan will have 10 episodes and it will tell a story about Wan Soo (Kim Ha Neul) who was born poor but turns her life around and became a well known golf player. Still, not able to pay her mother's debt, she married an heir of Hwain Group. Throughout their marriage however, Wan Soo became unhappy after she found out about the affair of her husband. 

As an ambassador of a foundation that's known for its charity work, Wan Soo encountered a gun fight after she came to Manila. She survived this nightmare as she was protected by Hwain Group's body guard named Do Yoon (Rain/Jung Ji Hoon). After a while of being together and discovering secrets of the Hwain family, Wan Soo developed feelings for Do Yoon.

Hmm... sounds promising, right? I'm actually looking forward to this. I first watched Kim Ha Neul in the drama 18 again and it'll be my second time to watch her again but in different genre! I'd like to see her chemistry with Rain too. 

Ji Sung and Jeon Mi Do followed Park Keun-Rok and Discover His Real Identity in Connection Episode 12 | Quick Recap

Yoon Jin visited Jae Gyeong at his apartment and found him in an almost lifeless state due to addiction. Since Yoon Jin felt time is running out for Jae Gyeong, she made him drink the lemon mulberry pill that she saw was delivered at the footstep of the apartment's door. After Jae Gyeong got conscious, despite the disappointment that he had to take a drug again, he moved on and brought Yoon Jin with her in tailing Sang Eui who he suspected to be the 'doctor'. 

They found out that Sang Eui was meeting Tae Jin in the restaurant he went in. They followed him there and used Yoon Jin's gadget to listen to their conversation. There, they discovered how Tae Jin used Jun Seo's desire for money. Since Jun Seo needed a 500,000 dollars for the treatment of his daughter that's supposed to be done in the U.S, he got hooked by Tae Jin to sell drugs to get the money. He swore to quit selling drugs after he gets the desired money but Tae Jin kept him doing it because Tae Jin is also after a huge money to become an investor for the Pilo-dong project. Sang Eui knew everything and that's why he's blaming Tae Jin for Jun Seo's death. 

After the meeting of Sang Eui and Tae Jin, Jae Gyeong and Yoon Jin followed him in his car. They revealed everything that they've heard but Sang Eui got frustrated that Jae Gyeong didn't find any hard evidence to prove his statement/allegations. He brought them to his laboratory underground where he manufactures the Lemon Mulberry and there he revealed his plans of revenge. He admitted that he was the one who drugged Jae Gyeong with the use of CEO Yoon and her goons. It turns out that he has an obsessive friendship with Jun Seo reason why he's holding a grudge for audiophile members as well as Jong Soo's group. 

I got really pissed off with Sang Eui so much in this episode. Another psychopath for me to get angry with just right after I finished Bitter Sweet Hell. Great! I think I'm the one who will ended up crazy in the end of all these. lol! 

July 1, 2024

Kim Hee Sun's Bitter Sweet Hell Ends with a 5.5% Nationwide Viewership Ratings | Episode 12 Review

Bitter Sweet Hell finally ended with 5.5% in the viewership ratings and even though it didn't reach the double digits, this drama is worth it to watch. Episode 12, finale, Se Na chose to end her life with the fire that she herself started. With the help of No Yeong Won's family, they were able to find Do Hyun's hideout and saved him from Se Na's plan of explosion. When Se Na, pressed her control to explode the hideout of Do Hyun, Yeong Won was devastated but thankfully, Jae Jin was there to tell her that Do Hyun was already saved. Yeong Won escaped the fire with Jae Jin's help but Se Na chose to stay and get burned by fire. This ending is indeed cruel but a bit unsatisfying for me, tbh. I mean, she did so many things to harass Yeong Won and her family and that's how she'll just end? I was hoping that she'll get caught and live her whole life in prison. That would have been the best punishment for a narcissistic person like her. She's nuts!

Anyways, since we only got 12 episodes, I think that's the better ending that the writer could've think of. Still, the drama was exceptionally done as the actors were so good at conveying the message of the story. Se Na was the root of all the secrets being out in the open for No Yeong Won's family. It's true that it was still a harassment but if it weren't for her, everyone in the family would live in lies forever. Isn't it more scary to live with people who you don't know well? And still call them a family? This is much better now that everything is out in the open, only then that they will live a happy life. 

I really love the ending. The whole family were separated but still has a bond that nobody can break. Hong Sa Gang left their home and lived in the woods with her trusted companion. She's still working as a novelist and had her latest work published called 'Bitter Sweet Hell', yep, it's their story made into a book.  Do Hyun on the other hand is now living abroad with his classmate and boyfriend. Jae Jin and Yeong Won may still be married but they decided not to commit their lives to each other. Now, they are choosing the life they wished to live for a long time. Jae Jin's license to practice as a doctor got revoked while Yeong Won still worked as a doctor but to counsel people in prison. There, she wanted to help and save those who are having mental health problems like Oh Tae Hwan or also known as Moon Tae Oh. Lastly, Dr. Oh became a changed person all thanks to her confrontation with Hong Sa Gang. They got reconciled and became a family that Dr. Oh had ever wanted. Dr. Oh is still with the kind detective and that's really splendid!

Overall the drama was good! Will I recommend it? Definitely YES!