
April 30, 2024

Lee Bo Young Fought for What is Right Till the End in Hide Episode 12

Another drama that has ended last weekend was Hide starring Lee Bo Young, Lee Mu Saeng, Lee Chung Ah and Lee Min Jae. Due to the popularity of Queen of Tears, the drama got overshadowed by it which is such a shame 'coz I found this drama to be good too. This is why I've committed myself to write a post about the finale of this drama no matter how late it may be because it's deserving to be talked about. 

Watching episodes 11 and 12, made me really laugh at the whole family of Lee Sung Jae. Seriously, how can they think that they would be able to get away from doing crimes until the very end? Oh, yeah, the dad and Sun Jae are lawyers so it's understandable that their knowledge of the law made them create alibis that would cover their crimes. This is the main reason why they're confident and made the whole police and prosecutors go through difficulties in catching them. All family members are wicked and selfish in their own ways. Sun Jae doesn't want any responsibilities and wanted easy money and even made his mom as an accomplice to his crimws then the dad will do everything in his power even abandoning his family for him to achieve his own goals as a politician. His reputation is everything to him. They are all sick in the head and I'm glad that Moon Young and Bom are finally free from them. 

Can I just also talk about how brutal their punsihments were? It's more like karma finally happening to them, making them suffer to the fullest. Sun Jae, who likes run away from his responsibilities and crimes was made disabled and ended up missing his own family. The mom was captured by the police and became unknown with the status of well being of his son nor his whereabouts. It's her punishment for tolerating her son even with his henious plans and crimes. The dad suffered humiliation and abandonment by his runningmates in politics. Everything they all didn't want to happen to them, happened. That's definitely the most satisfying ending for the likes of them. 

Meanwhile, Director Joo. Tch. She was way too focused with revenge against Na Moon Young because she felt like Moon Young stole everything from her. Her dad, a beautiful family and a career as a prosecutor. Sheesh. If only she stopped playing the victim and actually focused herself on achieving her dreams, then she would've been a successful prosecutor. This is why the best revenge is always making oneself improve their living and not bringing someone else down because nothing better comes out of it. Tsk tsk. 

As for the best squad, protagonists, Na Moon Young, Joo Sin Hwa, Baek Min Yub and Do Ji Woo, I'm so happy that they all ended up working with each other in a law firm. And it's Sin Hwa's law firm at that! Hahaha! I'm so satisfied that they ended up this way because I'm relieved that they all stick with each other till the very end. They solved and fight against the big names, they did it even when their job and lives are on the line. Ain't they so amazing?! Gosh, I'm gonna miss them. It's just sad that Moon Young and Jin Woo didn't end up together. Hehehe I'm shipping them so hard! 

April 29, 2024

Kim Soo Hyun, Kim Ji Won and Everyone Else Got Their Happy Ending In Queen of Tears Episode 16

That was a beautiful ending, I wouldn't ask for more. I think I finally understand why the writer made episode 15 that brutal, it's just a metaphor how life could be not only to Hyun Woo and Hae In but for all of us watching. It's like, living in this world, life can throw us non stop problems and it's up to us how we'd deal with it whether we fight or we lose hope. Hyun Woo fighting against all odds to be with his happiness/Hae In, that's how life should be. If we don't fight for our happiness/wants/needs, then we wouldn't experience the best of life. That's reality.  That was beautiful isn't it? Life can be cruel but also beautiful. 

Hae In and Hyun Woo realizing their faults to their broken marriage were manifestations how they've grown. They finally understood that ego won't do them good because ego hides, worst, break the love they have for each other through time. Marriage is all about acceptance of each other's imperfections and differences then compromising in the middle if found can't be done. That's love. That's how love would survive. 

The ending where Hyun Woo was visiting Hae In at the graveyard, that made me really sad because after all the things they've gone through, they will still be in that position in the end. It's the finish line of life. So when Hyun Woo narrated that time slips and we can't do anything about it and making the best out of whatever life grants us made sense and clear. 

Everyone got their happy ending and I'm also happy with it. This drama, I'll HIGHLY RECOMMEND it to everyone. It's definitely one of the best kdramas out there and it's sad to say goodbye to the characters who've grown on me so much. Waaaah! 

April 28, 2024

Kim Ji Won Reads Her Diary About Kim Soo Hyun and Cries for Him in Queen of Tears Episode 15

That last scene got me speechless where Hyun Woo got hit by a car that Eun Sung was driving. The heck was that?! The writer really wanted to torture us with all these heart wrenching events. First, Hae In got a life threatening illness where they made us believe that she only has 3 months to live, then she got a chance to survive but will lose memory and now this with Hyun Woo getting hit by a car!! What the heck was that?!!! Too much! Just too much now, writer-nim. What is wrong with writers recently, wanting to make their protagonists suffer a never ending misfortune for almost the entire series and make the antagonists pay for their evil deeds ONLY at the last episode. Where's the satisfaction there?! This is unbelievable, I want to cry! 

For the first time ever though, I didn't cry that much in this episode. It's a laid back one considering the intensity of emotions released for episode 14. It's true that it tugged my heartstrings during that 'first meet' of BaekHong in prison up to the scene where Hae In finally reads her diary but it was the scene with Soo Cheol fighting for Da Hye is what made me cry for real here. They are the winners in this episode for making me cry. Lol 

Seriously, Eun Sung, I regret saying now that I wish you'd become Tae Suk (Autumn in my Heart) in this drama. You're just an evil scxmbag that beyond saving. I hope you rot in prison together with your witch mom!! You're no longer pitiful in my eyes, you're nothing but a kxller to me! Ugh! And him taking credit of Hyun Woo's deeds of punching the car glass window to the point of breaking it was so cringey of him. This is really him trying to live like Hyun Woo when he hates him in the first place?! He's a trash! 

Anyways, episode 15, I'd say it's way over the top already with the unfortunate events happening back to back to the point that it's already becoming ridiculous. Everything was so good until that last scene coming. I mean the cringey 'concept' of losing memory and remembering the lover again was tolerable but adding that car incident at the end made the whole series lose its charm and predictability (at least to me), but I hope the finale episode could redeem the whole series again.

April 27, 2024

Lee Je Hoon Leads The Whole Team on a Successful Mission In Chief Detective

Our new heroes are here! But it's so frustrating that after all the hard work they did, it's superintendent Choi and Dae Sik's unit who are claiming the rewards. Sheesh. I hate them, they're worst than those bums on the streets, tbh. They are all working for instant big money and they don't care whether banks are gonna get robbed, peope may get robbed or killed. They're the worst ever. 

Thankully we have Yeong Han and the others doing their real duties as cops. Now we get to see how they plan as a whole team. Yeong Han, being the oldest of the 4 members, is definitely the leader as he's the one commanding the members with their duties to execute their plans to get the criminals. 

The robbers failed to steal from their bank where Jongnam police are stationed all thanks to the quick witted cops like Yeong Han, Sang Sun, Gyeong Hwan and Ho Jeong. 

My favorite part of this episode is that, they all thought that their first mission dealing with bums around Jeongnam market was meaningless but they became the key persons for the whole gang to solve this case with the bank robbers. They became their informants/spy throughout the mission. I found that really cool! Also the fact that there's progress between Yeong Han and Hye Joo made me really giggly because of them. Aren't they cute?! 

April 25, 2024

Byeon Woo Seok Got Rejected by Kim Hye Yoon in Lovely Runner Episode 6

I feel like this drama every week is making us happy on the first episode then sad on the next, like what happened this week where the comedy was hilarious in episode 5 and it made us all sad in episode 6. I really do think that episode 5 was well done making us all laugh, it's like every scene was made to do that back-to-back. I was beginning to be happy about it then it fluctuates in episode 6. Hmmm.. was it intentionally made like that?! 

Anyways, if I were Im Sol too, who's very much into 'protecting' Sun Jae, I would not accept his confession either considering that I'm not from that world! Eventually I'll come back to the future, and it'll leave Sun Jae alone and broken since my old self is madly in love with someone else. The fact that the date of her original accident slowly approaching too is like a reminder to her that she couldn't have Sun Jae too. Perhaps it's also because she didn't want Sun Jae to see her in a pitiful situation. 

Did I missed it out or it wasn't revealed yet about the reason why that 'taxi driver' was hunting down Im Sol?! What's his reason again?! Or was he just some maniac out there? Anyways, I hope Sol would be okay after she got abducted by him. Sun Jae, please save Sol!

Gong Yoo and Song Hye Kyo In a Contemporary Historical Drama Soon? Gong Yoo Considering the Offer

This news is only about them considering the role and it already has stirred up the whole Kdrama community what more if this drama with them really happened?! Mind blowing! I really do hope that Gong Yoo would take this role positively as I really am wanting to see him with Song Hye Kyo in a drama. I'm not really sure how they'll do it but I'm curious as to how the both of them would make the drama work out. At this point, they are considered to be living legends in the industry (at least by me) since they've come a long way and their names up until today are still trending. Longevity is hard to achieve in their field considering that every year there are rising actors/actresses being known powered by social media but here they are still relevant! 

The drama is penned by award winning screenwriter Noh Hee Kyung (That Winter, The Wind Blows) and will be directed by Coffee Prince Director Lee Yoon Jung. If both actors are going to accept their respective offers, Song Hye Kyo will be reuniting thrice already with the screenwriter and Gong Yoo will reunite the 2nd time with the director. 

The said drama, unnamed yet, is a contemporary historical drama that will be about individuals in the showbiz industry. 

April 23, 2024

Kim Hye Yoon Finally Heard Byeon Woo Seok's Confession in Lovely Runner Episode 5

Woooow! I got goosebumps at the ending scene wherein Sun Jae asked Im Sol "selfishly" to break up with Tae Sung and then the recording comes in with Sun Jae confessing that he likes her! Ahhhh! That was a good scene. I'm so glad that I still decided to continue this drama if not, I wouldn't be able to witness such amazing moment of Im Sol and Sun Jae. 

I know that this is how the typical "romcom" should be, that lively, funny and chaotic scenes where characters were like caricatures with their exaggerated facial reactions and voices. However, previous episodes made me cringe over it especially the 2 side characters/ side couple. When the fire hits the house of Im Sol, the brother was so stupid as fck that made me cringe at his behavior and same goes with the girl having constipation after the encounter. Like... wtf was that. So, I decided to not react about the previous episode through a blog post because I don't have the energy to do so because I didn't like it. I love Im Sol and Sun Jae though; I love how everything's progressing between them and also the budding love triangle with Tae Sung. 

After watching episode 5, I've decided to continue watching this because Sun Jae is just so adorable acting nonchalant in front of Im Sol when in fact, he's such a sap and overly in love with Im Sol! Hahaha! I can't resist watching Byeon Woo Seok doing such a character. I can't just abandon this drama just because I didn't like the side couple. 

How about you?! Are you enjoying this drama so far? I think it's the 2nd popular drama right now next to Queen of tears. Is everybody tuning in to this show?!

April 22, 2024

Lee Bo Young Outsmarted Lee Chung Ah and Lee Mu Saeng In Hide Episode 10

Seriously, Hide is one of the best on-going dramas right now but sadly only a few knew and are tuning in to this. Anyways, episode 9, Na Moon Young told the general public about the Ha Jae Pil she's representing in court is actually his father Na Seok Jin who stole Jae Pil's identity when he 'murdered' him 25 years ago. It turned out that the Ha Jae Pil that fell off the cliff was actually Ha Yeon Joo's father and it's the reason why she holds huge grudge against Na Moon Young. 

Na Moon Young, publicly apologized to Ha Yeon Joo too but she didn't accept it at all. Yeon Joo considers Moon Young to be her father's ally since she also lied about the identity of the corpse discovered by the police. Geez, Moon Young really brought this upon herself because she didn't expect one lie to escalate this negatively and gravely to her future self when she decided to save her father wanting to abandon her and start anew. 

Seriously, Na Seok Jin is same asxhole as Sungjae. They can never be called father with such tactic of wanting to start anew by stealing someone else's identity and abandon their own family. Speaking of Sung Jae, finally in Episode 10, with the help of her friend and prosecutor Sin Hwa, detective Baek Min Yub and Moon Young's newest prince charming Do Jin Woo, they were able to make a plan to arrest Sung Jae after 10000 years. Seriously, I never thought this day would come! Lol He's so good at making alibis that makes him a free man for a long time! It's crazy! 

Ha Yeon Joo's secretary no longer answers her command in the ending scene of Episode 10. Do Jin Woo was so cool at that moment but I have a feeling this secretary disobeying Yeon Joo has something to do with Geumshin's CEO Choi Woo Sik. In the preview for next week's episode, Na Moon Young offered a deal with him in eliminating Ha Yeon Joo. Nice! Someone big behind her now, finally! 

It's time for Ha Yeon Joo and Sung Jae to meet their bitter ends and punishment next week! Yassss! And of course, happy ending for Moon Young and Bom and probably with a new dad? Do Jin Woo, come on! Don't let me down! Haha! 

Kim Ji Won Remembers Kim Soo Hyun's Name Despite Park Sung Hoon was Present in Front of Her In Queen of Tears Episode 14

This is really crazy! I regret having sympathy over Yoon Eun Sung in the previous episodes of this series, he doesn't deserve to be understood anymore nor forgiven. He is a fruit of his evil mom so what did I expect?! He's also the same evil as her! I'm totally frustrated with him now! After all the efforts and heartbreaks pursuing Hae In to go through surgery, Baek Hyun Woo was suddenly out of the picture when Eun Sung came in. I honestly had a feeling that Eun Sung would put the blame on Hyun Woo when I saw the news flashing about the murder of Pyeon and it really happened. Hyun Woo getting wrongly accused and got arrested right after Hae In's surgery. lol What a timing! Tell me it's a kdrama without telling me it is. hahaha! It's supposed to be a sad scene but I can't help but giggle at the thought that it's way too unrealistic to happen. kkk 

Anyways, when Hae In opened her eyes after the surgery, Eun Sung happily welcomes her but the only name Hae In could blurt out was Baek Hyun Woo's name. Omg, this is the power of love! She tried to hold on to the memory of Hyun Woo even if it's just his name she could remember! Waaaaaah! And this Eun Sung trying to hinder their love?! Fudge, go to hell you asxhole! I'm so mad at him right now. I can't wait to see his downfall together with his mom. 

Hae In and Hyun Woo watching the first snow of the year separately was so sad. I really pity Hyun Woo's situation right now and Hae In getting suddenly lonely without any memories.. lol tell me it's a kdrama without telling me it is again kind of scene. hahahaha! Wait, I'm supposed to be sad here! But in all seriousness, I did cried a lot watching this episode. It's the reason why I remained awake from 1am till 4am.. horray! We got a zombie in the office once again! 

So, last 2 episodes next week! I know there is an extra 2 special episodes but for sure the main plot is over after episode 16, so I'm considering next week to be the last week of Queen of Tears. Wow, we're already at the finish line and I realized that there's really no boring moments for this drama, for real! Deserves to be drama of the year! kkkk 

April 21, 2024

Lee Je Hoon's Chief Detective 1958 Sets The Highest Viewership Rating for a Pilot Episode in the History of MBC Friday-Saturday Drama

No more Wonderful World every Friday-Saturday of the week but we got a replacement to quench our thirst in watching Kdrama as Chief Detective 1958 has taken on its time slot. This is a drama that revolves around Park Yeonghan who is a detective from Hwangchun Police Substation and was transferred to Seoul to catch the gangsters led by Lee Jungjae and Im Hwasoo alongside their unit chief Yu Dae Cheon (Choi Duk Moon). Yeonghan has high hopes to make the world a better place by catching the bad guys only to end up disappointed when he couldn't restore peace in Seoul due to corruption inside the police. That's when he, with the approval of unit chief, decided to recruit people to set things right in Jongnam. That's how he met and added the biter Kim Sang Sun (Lee Dong Hwi), strong guy Jo Gyeong Hwan (Choi Woo Sung) and smart guy Seo Ho Jeong (Yoon Hyun soo) in their team. 

After watching the first 2 episodes, I already am willing to stick with it till the end because of its promising start. I know that if it's Lee Je Hoon in the drama, it means that it's all worth watching! For real, I have high expectations for this one and so far I am not disappointed. 

The first episode recorded a remarkable 10.1% nationwide viewership ratings which became the highest rating for MBC Friday-Saturday drama history. Ain't that fantastic, setting up a record on its first episode! wow! However, 2nd episode went lower since it's competing to a giant drama who has a lot of following which is Queen of Tears. Still, 7.8% nationwide viewership rating is still high! I can't wait for more episodes to come out every week for me to watch! yay! 

Kim Ji Won Has to Pick Lesser Evil In Queen of Tears Episode 13

Hae In will lose all her memories if she gone through surgery but will die if didn't. To pick lesser evil was really difficult especially when we put ourselves in her situation. As much as we all want her to live, her reaction to the side effects were definitely negative. I mean, I'd go berserk also if I found out that I'll be able to live but without any memories. I feel like I'll suffocate from the idea that I'll live with strangers and knows no one around me. It'll be difficult to use the word 'trust' in this case either because she has no basis or memory whether she can rely on anyone at all. I could only give her an understanding what she's feeling right now but what can we do? It's either she picks herself (to not let go of her memories) or to pick the people around her who wants her to live. Waaaaah! 

If ever Hae In really undergo surgery and be successful about it, I'm quite scared that Eun Sung would take advantage of Hae In's memory loss and would made up lies to get to her. That's the scariest part of all these especially when we all know how delusional he really is! It's really frustrating!

I hope that the whole family would be able to protect her this time. And I hope that Hae In would pick what's best for her and everyone else. Shocks!

April 18, 2024

Jo Jung Suk Is Back In The Silver Screen with Pilot and Cross Dresses as a Woman

From being a star pilot Jo Jung Suk's character Han Jeong Woo in the upcoming film entitled "Pilot" became unemployed overnight. On the bright side, he successfully found a job after transforming/cross dressing into a woman and called as Han Jeong Mi. The said film is to be released this coming July 31st and will also star Lee Joo Myung, Han Sun Hwa and Shin Seung Ho. 

Pilot film will also mark Jo Jung Suk's comeback to silver screen after 6 years when he did the blockbuster film Exit (2019). 

Jo Jung Suk surely is versatile when it comes to acting but he sure did enjoy cross dressing roles this year as he returns to Hedwig musical this year and now this, Pilot. 

Read more:  Cho Jung Suk to Return in a Musical as Hedwig for the 5th Time!

Watch the trailer of Pilot movie, here:

April 17, 2024

Lee Bo Young Found Out That Her Father Is Still Alive In Hide Episode 8

Sung Jae is literally the worst husband any woman could get and Moon Young realized it way too late. When Moon Young was feeling sentimental over the old version of Sung Jae that she once knew, I can really feel her sadness. I mean it's so relatable because it could happen to anyone that the person we have loved and thought we knew become someone we no longer recognize. Worst is, they turned out to be the worst version of themselves. 

Moon Young has tried her best to save Sung Jae, despite the obvious bad signs that were becoming prominent as she discovers more of his crimes, because she was holding onto the good memories of him being a good partner, husband and a dad to Bom. I feel so bad for her, she let her guard down because he was her husband. Nobody would know anyways. Sheesh! 

Episode 7, Na Moon Young together with her friend prosecutor Joo Sin Hwa and Do Jin Woo, busted Ha Yeon Joo and Cha Sung Jae's plan to flee with the 80 billion won that they stole. The scene where they got caught was so satisfying especially when Moon Young came into to the scene like a bad btxch hahahaha! It's like saying, "that's what you get for playing me" to Yeon Joo. Sung Jae got corned by Jin Woo too! Best duo!!! 

However, in episode 8, Sung Jae and Yeon Joo's case of stealing the 80 billion budget got dismissed easily because CEO Choi Woo Shik backed out in pursuing the case. The eldest son of Chairman Choi Mu Won was not an ally but an enemy because he's the one who ordered Yeon Joo to hide the chairman. Waaah! Moon Young is in danger for fighting these crazy tycoons! 

This drama is very suspenseful which makes it worthwhile watching. The more episodes unlocked,however, makes the turn of events more complicated. For example, the last scene in episode 8, is Na Moon Young and Ha Yeon Joo sisters are sisters for real? Because they turned out to have the same dad?!!! The father that Na Moon Young thought was already dead was actually alive!!! This is crazy!!! Ha Jae Pil is Na Seok Jin! 

I highly doubt that they're sisters though. Maybe Yeon Joo made Na Moon Young's dad to do dirty work for her. And this is just part of her revenge but what exactly is it thag makes this woman so mad at Moon Young?! Hmmmm... 

Poor Na Moon Young, her dad turned out to have pulled Sung Jae's ridiculous thing about dying in order to save them... wtf! They lied to her and abandoned her  for their own benefits! Waaaah!  

April 16, 2024

Kim Hye Yoon Left Byeon Woo Seok and Came Back to Present World In Lovely Runner Episode 3

After stressing out with Queen of Tears on the weekends, we'll get more misunderstandings with Lovely Runner Kdrama with the time traveling going on in the series! Hahaha! Great way to start our week! Im Sol continues to stay by Sunjae's side and tries to prevent all bad occurrences that happened in the present world to this 'past' where Sunjae is still alive. But it seemed like it can happen only if it does not involve Sunjae. Remember when Im Sol tried all possible ways for Sunjae not to swim in the competition? The shoulder injury went worse in his training instead. And it also became the reason why Sunjae has to retire from swimming. On the other hand, the fire escalating in their house got prevented by her. This is why I had the idea that Im Sol can change/alter fate only when it does not involve Sunjae. But I guess it's still early to be sure of it since there may come a time that the fire would still exist in the near future like what happened to Sunjae's situation. What's bound to happen will happen after all. Unless this drama is like Marry My Husband wherein Kang Ji Won made her unfortunate fate get transferred to another character. By then I can see hope how Im Sol would be able to save everyone. lol 

I already have a feeling that Sunjae and Im Sol are actually a couple in the present world. I think it's Im Sol's accident that caused her to do not remember Sunjae any longer. But the thing is, why does her mom keep this memory a secret from her? What exactly is their past?! Hmmm.. maybe to protect Im Sol from Sunjae's avid fans since he has possessive fans who wants to keep him away from relationships? 

About Im Sol's watch making her travel back to the present world, I'm not yet sure but does it have something to do with Sun Jae getting hurt? or experiencing pain caused by her? Im Sol's main goal was to save Sunjae from loneliness to prevent the future's suicide thing, and since Sun Jae witnessed Im Sol getting asked out by Tae Sung, he probably got hurt by it and may have caused Im Sol to travel back to the present. Hmmmmmm waaaaaah!

April 15, 2024

Kim Ji Won, Kim Soo Hyun and The Others Were Shocked By The Chairman's Passing In Queen of Tears Episode 12

This drama is seriously testing our endurance with pain and sadness, how can they torment us so much like this?! Waaaah! The moment Hong grandpa moved his wheelchair in front of the stairs, I already felt his desire to end his life right there and then. He did use Hae In's pen to record his last words though and it makes me want to cry imagining Hae In and the other's reactions over it. 

Beom Ja's reaction when she found out about her father's death and the way she lost it when she looked at her father's face in the ambulance broke my heart for real. It's like the pain of losing a family member comes back to me. It's so heartbreaking and that pain was conveyed believably by Beom Ja and the others. Fudge, watching Queen of Tears surely is like a torture to me! Waaaaaa!

Hae In's illness is slowly deteriorating her mental health and still had to go through depressing moments like losing her grandpa. Now tell me why we're watching this again?! The things I had to go through to see Hae In and Hyun Woo happy again is this bad, huh?! AAAAH! But nope, I won't leave them. The moment I've watched the first episode of this drama and found out about Hae In's illness, I've already committed myself to watch Hae In recover from her illness and have a happy ending with Hyun yes, let's all cry hard and stay together till the last episode!

Anyways, Moh Seul Hee and Eun Sung seemed to be working together now after she blurted out how she protected him 'illegally' from those who have abused him. Seriously? Protecting her son by killing people?! What a devil she is! As much as I wanted to pity Eun Sung and be hopeful that one day he'll change, there's a limit to all of it. He kept lying and doing evil things just to get Hae In and now he's working side by side with Seul Hee... I'm sorry Eun Sung but my hope for you ends here. 

On the brighter side, Soo Cheol got his family back. I'm happy for him on that matter, I just hope that Da Hye won't betray him again in the end. 

Hyun Woo proposed to Hae In again, proposed to take back their divorce. lol But as usual, Hae In had to decline because she's thinking that Hyun Woo might only get hurt more if he stays by her side during her last days when her illness becomes uncontrollably worst. Sigh.... Even so, Hae In surely was happy with the thought that Hyun Woo still wanted to be by her side despite it all, but since she was caught trying on the ring she had to made up some excuse that she's only checking it out because it was a trendy design. kkk oh, Hae In.... 

April 14, 2024

Kim Nam Joo Receives Justice For Her Son + Cha Eun Woo Pursues Medical School In Wonderful World Episode 14

Oh wow!!! This drama really got me speechless with all that twist and turn of events infused in it. The whole run of the show has depressing moments, for real, but it was all worth it in the end! It's actually a drama that made me question so much of its title like 'why wonderful world' when all that's happening with the female protagonist from start to almost finish were all drastic but now that it ended with the main problem being solved and that everything that got affected by it were all settled, it made me realize what the show was trying to convey to the viewers. Just like what Soohyun had said in the last scene, "I hope a beautiful world will come while you overcome your pain". It's about being hopeful that someday after battling to survive this cruel present, a better world is waiting ahead of us because we didn't gave up. This drama is indeed wonderful! I love it!!! 

It's now very clear, that the one who left the gate open was Soohyun herself. lol We had so much speculations on who opened that damn gate and yet it was her after all. hahaha! Made me laugh but it made sense now why Suho stopped doing his plan to take down Kim Joon from the beginning and it was all because of that fact. At that time, Kim Joon still has a lot of power and people are turning their backs on Soohyun for killing the driver and because Suho didn't have any power back then, he had to step back from his plans of taking Kim Joon down to not add more insults to Soohyun at that time. He knows it would backfire at them if he fight without any back ups. 

Speaking of Suho, I'm really impressed with him now that I fully understood the whole picture on what he had planned. That live broadcast really gave me goosebumps because he's doing the right thing for the first time in his life and Soohyun and the whole SK probably had seen it! Now that's a real man right there! But have I forgiven him for cheating? Hmmm.. that's another story!

In that span of 6 years from that trial Soohyun had won against Kim Joon, a lot of things could have happened. There's her mom who had succumbed now to the illness of Alzheimer's and was stuck in happy memories. I honestly don't know whether I should be happy about it or sad but all I know is that, I'm glad that Soohyun's mom is alive and is happy with the memories she could remember. Some wounds also had healed up and that's how Soohyun was able to forgive Yuri too. Soohyun's brother in law is now also together with Seon Yul's lady friend. 

Seon Yul on the other had pursued medical school and I'm so satisfied with the fact that he's finally moving forward with his life just like Soohyun. Gosh, I love them all so much! These characters really grew on me as I watched all those 14 episodes. I really am gonna miss them so much!

Seriously, this drama is a masterpiece and I'm so glad that everything went well in the end! Now, would I recommend this drama to everyone? DEFINTIELY YES!!!!

Park Sung Hoon Took Advantage of Kim Ji Won's Current Mental State To Take Her Away From Kim Soo Hyun In Queen of Tears Episode 11

The Hong family's bond finally is intact and getting better but Hae In's health condition continue to worsen. Thinking of this, isn't is so scary how life can play all of us little beings in this universe with the timing of events that we're all experiencing? Some part of our lives gets better but some part gets worst, there's just no single direction. Will it make us greedy for wanting only good things to happen to our lives? Hong Hae In, can't she just experience both? A happy family that cares for each other and a good health? But then again, I still believe in this cause and effect principle that affects us. For instance, the cause is we might have been too focused on only one thing that made us ignore others and the effect is that our relationships, health and other factors that composes our life deteriorates. Just like what happened to the Hongs. They were too focused in prospering their wealth and power that they didn't given time to take a break from it and prosper their health, well being and relationships. And this doesn't only happen in Kdramas, people, it's a real thing in our reality too! We get the lesson now, writer-nim, therefore make sure to let Hae In survive her illness so we can all not take our lives for granted altogether! lol

As for Eun Sung, omygoodness! He's just really crazy and obsessed with Hae In! After all the rejections and problems caused by Hae In to him, he still doesn't know how to give up on her. I guess this is the effect of being an abandoned child by his mother and since Hae In gave him that attention and care once before, he was moved by it and begun to seek for more of it. He's been deprived of love and care, and so the good feeling that Hae In gave him through her act of kindness was something new to Eun Sung that it made him confused of what exactly that feeling was and that triggers him to want more of it. And that's how Eun Sung probably developed an obsession towards Hae In. If we're really going to look at Eun Sung's past, we'll be able to understand him and how lonely he had been but his evil ways to achieve love and care in the present just voided any sympathy towards him. I hope that he'll be able to learn his lessons real soon and stop acting like a child trying to get a toy away from Hyun Woo. It's funny how the last scene looked like that but it just proved strongly that childhood traumas really affect the way we live in the present. Eun Sung took advantage of Hae In's situation and run away with her as if he could get away with Hyun Woo. lol

Anyways, how many moths, days left for our Hae In? When they were in Germany, she said only 2 months left and with a lot of recent happenings, does that make it only a month or less for her to live? Gosh and we're almost near the end, episode 11 now... I'm scared of what might happen but I'm really holding on to Hae In surviving her illness. Pretty please!