
November 13, 2022

Kim Hye Soo Is A Queen With A Golden Heart In Under The Queen's Umbrella Episode 9

I can't help but get amazed by this drama every week. It's serving not only of a great plot and wonderful acting performances but also heartwarming scenes that could make you feel human, again. lol I mean, we've been busy being tough to overcome daily trials in each of our own realities so we chose not to feel emotions that could make us weak, so watching good and heartfelt kdramas like this is a good help to pour our emotions that's good for our well being. Say, thank you Kdramas! lol 

Anyways, episode 9 displayed the goodness of the heart of the Queen. Dang, this woman is such a blessing to the whole palace and knowing that she's there could make everyone feel relieved. Being surrounded by hungry souls yearning for power, there's a golden heart that remains in the form of the Queen. Just look at how she looked after Prince Simso! She not only offered him food, shelter and time, she provided her love through her words of wisdom. She stayed by his side until he regained consciousness as well as confidence in himself. Seriously, the ambitions of these royal consorts to achieve power put their own child to danger. Royal consort Ko is the true example of that person who got blinded by her own ambitions and greed that deprived Prince Simso of love. I really pity Prince Simso when he was neglected by her own mother when he seek food to regain his strength. I honestly expected that he'll die in front of the palace if not by the Queen's court maid finding him. Thankfully she did and brought him to the Queen. My heart aches for him when her mother pushed him away by saying awful things such as calling him a disgrace/embarrassment to her family in front of the Queen. And I completely broke down when he tried to take his own life due to the pain he's feeling from those words. Sigh.

November 11, 2022

Kim Hye Soo Threatens Kim Hae Sook In Under The Queen's Umbrella Episode 8

Competition between the princes automatically means competition between the Queen and the royal consorts and so cheating will be inevitable. Of course, the Queen having a huge trust in the capabilities of her own sons, she won't resolve to cheating but these royal consorts will do. The winner shouldn't really come from the results of cheating or else the whole nation will definitely suffer. With this competition alone, we already know who's worthy to become the next crowned prince. 

Anyways, despite the Queen's efforts of preventing cheating, some royal consorts really prepared beforehand out of desperation. They used and dispersed people to find and provide information about the person their sons were looking for in their mission. And we all thought these tactics of the royal consorts were enough to make us annoyed and angry, however Queen Dowager really has no inhibitions when it comes to making our blood boil the fastest. Sigh. Queen Dowager really wanted the crown for Bogeum and tried to eliminate Grand Prince Seongnam by assassinating him. We've been briefed about her grave acts before through the deposed Queen Yoon but witnessing it myself just makes me speechless. She's pure evil, I know that she has conflict with the current Queen Hwaryeong but Grand Prince Seongnam is still her grandson!! Like, WTF?! 

November 6, 2022

Misaeng: Incomplete Life | One of The Best Slice of Life Kdramas | HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

It's been a while since I got myself in tuned with a slice of life Kdrama. Ah, this genre really is my go to whenever I feel down and needed some motivation. Self help books and motivational videos aren't enough lately, so I had to find a drama where I could see how life happens to each character. I know that everything is fictional in a Kdrama but if it's a well written, well directed and has wonderful actors, it will definitely pierce through my heart and will successfully make me feel it's all reality. I really like those painfully realistic set-up of a Kdrama because it makes me so connected to each characters and so whenever they are facing hardships, I also feel sadness and whenever they happiness I also feel the same. When they face hardships, whether they overcome it or not, I will feel the exact feelings the characters are feeling. I think it's really nice to feel sorts of emotions and take it out from time to time. It makes me feel human at the same time feels like I'm not the only one going through something. You know what I mean? However, it really isn't easy to find a good slice of life Kdrama so whenever I find one, I make sure to write in here what I felt about it and share it to everyone else. 

Kim Hye Soo Is A Clever Queen In Under The Queen's Umbrella Episode 7

My admiration towards the Queen leveled up after witnessing her cleverness and bravery she displayed in episode 7. She's a perfect woman in handling her power as the Queen. During the interrogation about who brought the medicine inside the palace, I didn't doubt her intentions when she pointed at the crowned princess as the suspect. I knew instantly that she's only doing that to grant the crowned princess' wishes to exit the palace in order to protect her son, the grand heir's life. The crowned princess begged her after all. And it was clever of the Queen because she saved them without suspicions from her enemies, chief state councilor and Queen Dowager. The Queen knew that they wouldn't doubt her intentions when she says that she wanted to protect her position only because the chief state councilor and Queen Dowager are those kind of selfish people who would do the same. It's funny looking at them believing that, really. 

November 5, 2022

Alchemy of Souls | Part 1| Honest Reaction

I just finished Alchemy of Souls (1-20) and I honestly don't know how to react without hurting anyone's feelings here. I know lots of people loved it, I can see why after witnessing the amazing concept and cinematography, I can understand where the hype came from. The story was set on a period where mages practice magic but forbidden sorceries also exist, and these mages are divided in 4 houses namely Songrim, Jinyowon, Cheonbugwan and Seo. There exist also the royal family that rules the whole Daeho. The royals serve as the balance of the mages but turned out to house sorceries such as alchemy of souls. The late king created a heir thru alchemy of souls with the help of a genius mage Jang Gang. And later, the royals housed the soul of a shaman Choi inside the body of the Queen. Because of alchemy of souls a lot of greedy people became soul shifters that feeds human energies in order to achieve immortality. This prohibited sorcery of alchemy of soul became widely used because of Jin Mu who is also responsible of Naksu transforming into a ruthless assassin. 

The episode 1 was a blast! The badass fight scene of Naksu and Park Jin was an all time favorite of mine throughout the whole part 1 of the show. It's just saddening that Naksu was not given such a fight scene afterwards when she was shifted to a Jinyowon's family member's body, Mudeok. The early episodes was explosive with excitement but could not maintain throughout the whole series which was disappointing. 

When AoS aired, it was in par with Extraordinary Attorney Woo when it comes to popularity. Although I did not watch AoS when it was airing, EAW gave out a whole show without dullness which proved its worthiness of the hype. Therefore, although they're of different genres, I had huge expectations to AoS due to its popularity as well. It's a shame it did not meet my expectations. Showing off Naksu's power on the first episode truly set a high standard for the next episodes. Too bad they did not plan or probably failed anything to outdo that. But maybe that's just that. Naksu's story ended in the episode 1 and the focus transferred to Jang Uk and the other young mages. Naksu was a favorite character of mine, seeing her getting involved with different kinds of relationships really makes me happy considering that she was once loveless and a ruthless assassin. It's just a waste to think that I cannot see Naksu's power anymore. Jang Uk just ain't enough to bring out that excitement at all. 

Wait, she actually got her powers back in the later part but chose not to use it anymore because of her promise. Only when she got controlled by Jin Mu that she went totally berserk. I love that where she's able to use her powers and show us what she's got but it all felt rushed though. Suddenly at the last episode of part 1. Hmmm....

Alchemy of souls part 1, mainly focused on the training of Jang Uk, the development of relationships between mages and masters, the discovery of an existing being with a King's star, the schemes of Cheonbugwan house to gain power and how Songrim tries to correct that, there were small fight scenes after episode 1, and more. These are, what I think, a preparation only to what's about to come in the part 2. It's a minor build up for an explosive part 2. I just hope it won't disappoint. 

Overall, I think it's not proper to rate the whole Alchemy of Souls drama without the part 2. Only then I can tell that it's amazing or plainly just a waste of time. 

Anyways, I liked a lot of characters, Jang Uk, Mu Deok, Seo Yul, Park Jin, Kim Do Ju, Heo Yeom, Heo Yun Ok and finally the crowned prince Go Won. Ah seriously, I thought I was going to hate the crowned prince for being greedy over power and foolish but he turned out to be a wise and warmhearted man. He's really one of my favorite characters and I hope he would not go astray from this path in the 2nd part of this drama. 

Anyways, next part Naksu's gonna be back in her own body!!! But how?????!!! Where is Mudeok!? Now that's really exciting and I can't wait for December 10!!! 

November 1, 2022

Kim Hye Soo Shows Her Authority Against Her Enemies In Under The Queen's Umbrella Episode 6

Now that the crowned prince has died, everyone who desires for the open position starts moving without subtlety anymore. It's not only the Queen Dowager that's ruthless here but also her poons. Damn, no one in the palace can be trusted except the Queen, her sons and her people. They even desire for the son of the late crowned prince to be dead. It's insane! However, I think I'm seeing hope in the palace after seeing the King making decisions in episodes 5 & 6. Maybe, just maybe, the King is actually someone different from his mother. I think he really is wise and has his own integrity when it comes to making decisions. First, he did not listen to his mother and court's demand to depose the ill crowned prince during his treatment, he also did not give in quickly picking the new heir to the crown just short after the crowned prince's death and lastly he genuinely has love and care for his sons and to his Queen. He may be a horny womanizer but actually has wisdom and golden heart. Wait, I won't regret saying that this early right? I hope not.