
April 22, 2020

Wendy Of Red Velvet Is Finally Coming Back!!!

Tomorrow, our Wendy is finally is coming back to us by being online to chat to 300 lucky fans on LYSN app. The registration to it was already full and closed earlier in like a second or probably less if that was even possible, the people on twitter were saying that. But anyways, everyone is celebrating because finally she's coming back to us slowly but surely. I am so looking forward to what will happen tomorrow, I could only hope that she could upload a few photos of herself just for me and everyone else to see. It will definitely help to subside ReveLuv's thirst from Wendy's absence. To be honest, I am dying to see her face just because I am so worried that the facial injury she got from the accident last December took damage on her physical appearance. I wish there was no need for any plastic surgery to fix the damage. Anyways, I could only hope for her full recovery as that's what matter the most.

Star Chat event on lysn at 5 PM KST on April 23

Hopefully there will be nice people from the chat that would share what's happening just like the previous star chat with Irene and Seulgi. It would make everyone so happy for sure. Wendy! Ahhhh! I am so happy.

Also there's still an event to look forward to this April besides that! It's the Trolls World Tour movie premiere on April 29!! She will be the one to dub the character of Poppy in Korean!!! I wonder if she will still voice out her own kpop troll character, Wani too because she can!


April 19, 2020

What It Feels Like Studying A New Language(日本語)

So I've been busy lately because of my Japanese studies. I really love studying the language, slowly and effectively. I think with this much of concentration and will power I would be able to succeed this time to achieve a fluency that I desire. Well, I know that this is going to be a life long journey (about studies), but I'm really excited to see my improvement along the way. Whenever I see myself improve by understanding (even a bit) the context of what Japanese people are saying or when I can easily remember kanji used in a sentence or in a video that I'm watching, I can't help but squeal out of fulfillment because I know that all my sufferings due to immense studying is finally paying off.

Watching a lot of youtubers (Matt vs Japan, Chad Zimmerman, Kemushichan, and Lindie Botes) doing their thing in studying the language gave me so much motivation and inspiration to do great in my studies as well. They basically give amazing tips that were applicable in their studies as well, which somehow I also apply a few to mine. Their tips aren't a hundred percent effective to each and every single person but it depends on how one takes them. We need to filter out everything that's fitting to our preferences too so we won't feel suffocated trying to follow something that's not even applicable to us. Anyways, for me, just watching them makes me feel like I have companion in studying. It's like the difficulties I'm encountering were also encountered by them and yet they were able to surpass it by how they've become now. It's amazing really, but just watching them isn't enough. We need to do the work, and I'm doing so by using this quarantine period to study all the way through.

Even though I haven't posted a blog entry in Japanese here in the blog, I still am constantly practicing my skills privately. I basically try to improve my grammar, my kanji knowledge at a time. I also tweet in Japanese (which is more convenient for me to access and use since my vocabulary isn't that much yet) and I also try to speak without writing first, it's like practicing how to assemble the words inside my head. And to be honest I find it satisfying whenever I hear myself speak in Japanese. lol

Eventually, I'll be back in writing stuff in here again in Japanese for everyone to see my progress so far.  But for now, enjoy the blog with whatever content you find here.

Wow! It's been a year and 4 months now since I've started learning the language, and so far I really am enjoying every bits of it. Seriously and that's great news!Yey!

Oh let me drop here an AKB48 song, wherein Acchan and the rest of original Kami 7 were present. This is gold, so thank me later. 

April 14, 2020

An Update About Wendy Thanks To Yeri!

Yesterday was a great day because finally we got an update about Wendy's condition through Yeri's instagram story. Yeri shared a screencap of her message exchange with Wendy who sent her a photo of her with the brand she was endorsing. Fans were wondering whether this kind of gesture was also done with the other members, just because it was showing how supportive really Wendy is. 

Original photo:

Translation c/o of @joysjisoo on twitter

Reveluvs, were going wild on twitter yesterday and meticulously checked on Wendy's reflection on the glass shown in the photo. Everyone was eager to see her face and whether she still has a blonde hair, they even bothered to zoom in the photo for that matter or even trace the said reflection. lol It just shows how Reveluvs missed Wendy so much!

Even though that this is really like an indirect update about her condition, knowing that Wendy is going outside and probably doing some shopping or so, we at least know now that she's in a better condition. I feel so glad about this and I can only thank Yeri now that I am relieved. 

April 3, 2020

I Think I'm Starting to Like Twice

Recently I'm listening to TWICE's music and suprisingly they have interesting songs. 

If I listen to TWICE everyday, perhaps I will like this group. 

So far these are the songs I liked.

It happened because of my nephew. 

Once can thank my nephew for this. Lol