
January 31, 2020

Congratulations, Red Velvet for Winning Bonsang Award at SMA 2020!

Well the title says it all. I watched their SMA performance too, and it was all just perfect if only Wendy was included. I am very much happy that they won an award consecutively since year 2016 till this year and that they did their best filling the position of Wendy while she's away recovering from her injuries. But if I'll be honest, I really do miss Wendy a lot. And not hearing her voice or seeing her face just brings me massive amount of sadness during all these performances that she's absent. And I know very well that all Wendyluvs out there feels the same, mostly if not all.

January 5, 2020

Appreciation Post for Red Velvet's Wendy #1: Amazing Vocalist!

So recently I've been really into Red Velvet. I honestly looked crazy all day long every time I search and fangirl about them everywhere like in youtube, google, tumblr and twitter coz they all made me laugh. And I just hope they all stick together till the end for a very long time. Although I'm kind of worried with Irene, coz she's now 28 that she might have a mind of settling down or perhaps getting uncomfortable with regards to their performances or the people that are judging her for staying inside a young group. I just hope she won't get a negative mind like that and just continue with their promotions as OT5. Please don't disband. *cries in the corner

Anyway, if you can see on the title of this blog entry it says "appreciation post" about Wendy with no. (#) sign in the end because I want to keep counting the reasons why she's an amazing person. I feel like among all the members in Red Velvet, Wendy always got the least spot in popularity and appreciation from the fans. And since I've decided that she's my bias and that I have a blog like this I feel like I need to somehow bring out to the world how AWESOME Wendy is as a person and as an artist. Like seriously, I've been listening to Red Velvet's music from last month until now and I just can't get enough of their voices especially Wendy's. To be honest, I've been repeating the pre-chorus of Psycho all the time coz Wendy's voice just get me all the time too. Kyaaa such an addicting voice!

Speaking of Wendy's voice, let me start this appreciation post about her by sharing a few of my loved songs and performances of her.  Damn that angel surely has a beautiful voice she's so effin' good! Amazing! I cannot. lol Just by reading this blog entry you will know how much time I've spent in searching for Wendy's performances on youtube all these while. Have I mentioned, I still haven't got myself back to my Japanese studies all because of Red Velvet? Gosh what to do with them?

January 2, 2020

Happy New Year!! Hello 2020!!!

Wow the year 2019 surely was a long year right? I mean, with all the hardships that we've gone through the year, it felt like it became even longer than usual. But I'm proud of myself that I was able to become aware of the things that happened. It's really a huge achievement for me. Although everything seemed to be neutral and just fine, I was able to do a lot of things that somehow made my year 2019. Let me tell you a few selected things I've did last year for myself.

1. I was able to start my Japanese language studies by the 1st month of the year 2019. And I'm quite impressed by myself for sticking to it until the end of the year. Although I said that I will blog about my progress, I was not able to do so since I got a very busy schedule everyday. But to make you all updated I am now finished with the N5  grammar and kanji and am now studying N4 level. Hehe It's like I need a whole year to study every level. So if there are 5 levels then I think it will take me 5 years to fully become proficient in speaking and writing the language. But that conclusion is because I am working at the same time studying, so I think that's okay for now.

2. This one is probably my greatest achievement last year. Being able to somehow come back into writing and was able to apply for google adsense. I think that's a bonus. I somehow able to retrieve my enthusiasm when it comes to writing on this blog. It's a big improvement and I'm now able to express myself again. Although I talk a lot about fandom, I usually throw some of my thoughts about life once in a while. I love it that way.

3. I was able to attend one of my favorite artist's concert which is IU's Love, Poem in Manila. I think this is one of the best that happened in my entire fandom timeline coz it's my first ever concert and it was IU's first time to perform in Manila as well. I think we have mutual feelings over the event. She was totally overwhelmed and so do all Maaenas especially me. It was really an unforgettable night. If I knew that it felt that magical during concerts, then I should have considered attending to concerts earlier. But of course I do not regret that it was IU's concert that I first attended. It was an amazing experience.

4. Discovery of different artists to add in my list to fangirl and blog about. I know a lot of you are aware of the artists that I follow from the start, the main ones that shook my world were ofc SCANDAL, Bae Suzy, AKB48 and Jessica & Krystal. Those were the old ones, but in the year of 2019 I was able to add more to follow mainly IU, Yeo Jin Goo,  Ozaki Yutaka and lastly Red Velvet. They all complete my 2019 fandom, I'm so happy about it and so hyped about them. Finally it's the time wherein I find enthusiasm again in writing stuff about fandom all because of them. I'm so crazy about them and their corresponding works. I think that it's better to follow several artists too so there are variety of things to write about as well as I won't get too attached with just one. I like it this way.