
August 24, 2019

Ahn Jae Hyun and Goo Hye Sun

I honestly do not want to talk about this in the blog but it's been out there and it's taking so much of my time reading about them in a day. It's saddening to witness a once so full of love partnership/marriage turn into a trending mess like this. There's so much going on and we do not know which one is telling the truth. But who are we to judge right, it's not like we are their parents or closest friends. lol I just wished that they have taken this situation like how the Song couple dealt with their divorce. It stirred up the whole world for a few days and died down later because media nor the fans are left unknown to what's the real deep cause behind the divorce. But perhaps the emotions that the people involved are of a different scale that we cannot imagine. Who knows.

We cannot really blame the public figures being swayed by their emotions as they are also humans like any ordinary persons out there. But since they are celebrities people tend to generalize them to act every time as if everything's flawless just because there are eyes watching over them. It's pitiful, right?

I thought that they were really one of the cutest couple out there. Displaying the sweetest acts any couple would aspire. Which perhaps why people are so hooked up with them, they cannot accept the fact that they are splitting. Just because they felt betrayed from the fantasy that these celebrity couple created within themselves. lol Delusional fans really are toxics. I wonder what more would Goo Hye Sun feels in the current trending situation?! Damn!

August 23, 2019

Taylor Swift is Back with Lover!

I'm one of those fans out there celebrating this precious day wherein Taylor Swift releases her newest album and music video for Lover! This might be new to all of you but I do have this burning fangirl self when it comes to Taylor Swift's music. And it's been there from the beginning along with my madness for Japanese artists as well. Though let's all be honest here, Taylor is reaaallyyy talented and her music is priceless!

Somehow her songs nurture my imagination when it comes to 'love' for whatever reason. Maybe it's because her songs are way too idealistic. A lot of songs from different artists also cater this kind of style but for me it's always Taylor that's very consistent when it comes to this. Her lyrics, the melody of her songs, ah I just love her talent and music! This is giving me so much good vibes today.

So far, as of today, my favorite songs from her album are as follows:

Of course, this cannot be omitted from my favorites. Listening to this the first time the lyric video came out just makes me so excited for the whole album. It actually made me wonder if there would be a real person out there who could bring in this type of feeling or situation being described in her lyrics. The music itself is giving away how too idealistic this song really is. At first I thought that this song describes only the honeymoon stage of love, but as the music and the video progresses I was proven wrong. Since the couple had a happy ending. Very fairy tail-like idea and I like it a lot!

Official “Lover” Lyrics: Written by Taylor Swift

August 10, 2019

HAPPY 31st BIRTHDAY Haruna Ono!

Hello everyone, I am back after a while coz today is my favorite japanese band's frontman's birthday! And that's no other than, SCANDAL's Haruna. 🎉🎉🎉

Wow!! Just how many birthdays of her exactly that passed by without me knowing?! How many years has it been that I didn't greet her!? I commit a sin to this fandom, I confess. lol

Well let's all be honest here fellow fandom friends, birthdays of our favorite idols/band members/actors/actresses/etc have this kind of Christmas and New Year effect on us. We're one of those people doing countdown like crazy. Adjusting our time zone for them wherever they are and wait till it's 12:01am to greet them on facebook or wherever in social media. We're like competing who'll be the first one to greet them happy birthday. It's crazy I know that we're so into people who doesn't even know our existence in the world. lol

Anyways there are a lot of ways to celebrate this special day of the year, right? Some people I know have their own altar for their favorite idols/band members and putting cakes in front of them and started singing the happy birthday song. Putting cakes in front of their computer's desktop with that specific birthday celebrant's picture as the wallpaper is one thing also. Extreme right? But as for me, I didn't do those things at all. What I just did was just to put an all-nighter and create a fan video tribute for their birthday. Hahaha! You might have thought that I was a normal fan out there for a second right? No I was not. I was once an extreme fan out there also ready to dedicate my whole time for my favorites and not care about anything in the world but them. So to you fellow fandom friends, I know how you feel. Been there done that!