
November 1, 2015

Love is "4 Walls" Love is "f(x)"

And when you thought I was gone for good, nuh-uh! I'm back, bishes!!

I just can't stop this blood of a blogger and fangirl of mine as I watched f(x) comeback recently. Damn fcking f(x) sucking me in again to this crazy world of fandom! Their comeback can't be ignored for it's just really amazing! 

It has been like forever since their last promotion as a group, and now that they've finally released their 4th album, it felt like the long wait was worth it. It was a grandiose comeback as their music came out pretty well on different charts. Their music video has reached 4.8M views & their album sales reached 60K in just 6 days!! God is real! I'm so happy for our f(x).

Right now I've supported them by pre-ordering their album, 2 versions to be exact. Also, my comeback as a blogger is all because of them. Been viewing their music video multiple times and even recommending them to friends and even at our office. lol. That's how f(x) ruined my serious life, but I'm happy they did. It's about time to loosen up things a bit and just enjoy this fcking crazy life with some f(x) ethereal music! 

Please vote for them on music shows too. You'll pretty much be successful in life if you do. Try recommending them as well to your acquaintances and all. Ha!

April 12, 2015

[150411] Jessica's Birthday Party

Last night was Jessica's 27th birthday party with her fans, a week earlier to her actual day. The said party was organized mainly by her fans but Jessica also coordinated in giving gifts and packaging snacks as stated to some tweets. And it all went a success and I am grateful towards these fans giving Jessica a wonderful and precious memory to cherish her whole life.

Seriously! Jessica has the best fans and I can say that she's the most generous idol I've witnessed!! Yesterday was a massive tear-jerking moment in my entire fandom. It was like the most gracious point in my fandom wherein I've discovered my idol's genuine self. I know that I haven't been a long-time fan of Jessica, but considering that I've been moved like this by her, I have truly embraced this fandom. Jessica is way too nice! She's way beyond something that I'm expecting from a typical idol. What's there not to love about her?

(Credits: JessicaFanUnion)

March 22, 2015

It All Started Here: f(x)

I guess a lot of you knew that I started loving Jessica right after she was kicked out from her group. That I wouldn't actually meet and try out to search more about Jessica if it weren't because of that issue before. I'm not supposed to be happy about that sad news but my new fandom started from there, and I'll just consider that as a new chapter for Jessica and my fandom.

But! I'm not gonna elaborate more on that! I think I finished explaining things about how it all started from Jessica. Now let's go with Krystal Jung Soojung. Of course with Jessica, there's always her little sister. As far as I could remember, I met Krystal due to Jessica & Krystal reality show. And from there, I search f(x) videos, and just one of it made me a huge fan already.

Good thing, it's Rum Pum Pum Pum that first popped out on youtube. I honestly got distracted by the thumbnail all because of Krystal's red hair. (Damn that attractive lady!) And good thing as well because Rum Pum Pum Pum is from what almost f(x) fans called their bible, The "Pink Tape" album.

March 21, 2015

Krissica (Blanc & Eclare)

Have you ever been in a situation wherein you got so overwhelmed with a lot of data and pictures about your favorite idol and yet you still can't blog anything about him/her? lol That's just me!

I'm completely immobile about this fandom, even though my heart is raging with love for Jessica and Krystal. I guess it's something to do with a massive amount of kpop stans around the world, which completely bombards my head with a lot of unmanageable data. Oh god, this is the reason why I gave up pretty fast in spazzing over Suzy before too. w But I guess my love for Jessica and Krystal is way beyond that, right?  I'm having a fandom shock when it comes to the amount of people and not to mention the aggressive ones too. This is a whole new world for me (oh my innocent mind), damn kpop world invasion! lol

Having too much is also bad!! Remember that!

But anyways, let's get to the point of this entry now... w

March 1, 2015

The Blog Continues

Blog is back again! woot!

Recently, I actually was thinking about deleting the blog and making a new one for a start of my new fandom adventures. And it took me several days to come up with a decision.  (more like I forgot about it tbh lol) You reading this, meant a positive decision was made.

Before coming up with it, I first weigh the importance of this blog to me. Even though I'm completely blabbing about non sense things here in every entries I've published, what mattered to me was that this blog contributed even the slightest of happiness and entertainment to me. It may not be interesting to a huge amount of readers on the internet, but at least it mattered to a few as well. And I've proven that in the long absence of my blog due to access issues.

I opened again my account at JPHIP where I linked my blog and fanfics as well. My account there was already long forgotten but there's something about today that made me miss my works in there. I wanted to see my fanfics' status or if ever there are still people interested with them. It was all about my curiosity and maybe a bit concern for my readers as well.

But what made me quite surprised were my readers' private messages for me. I discovered that there were readers out there who were still patiently waiting for my updates. There were also people who asked about my blog's access. So for me, I was quite moved at their messages. I mean, I feel like just playing around with all these blog entries, fanfics, or whatever else I'm doing on the internet and yet there were actual people who gave interest and appreciation over my products. Wow. Thank you!! *cries lol* I feel like my years as a blogger and fanfic writer bloom all of a sudden again. haha

So I guess there's no need to really delete the blog, instead I'll just have to improve it over the time right? Besides, this blog made it possible for me to publish my writings. Like I've said before, I'm a frustrated writer so the blog means a lot to me. How did I forget about that?

 Rest assured now my readers, the blog will still operate as usual. Its accessible again to the public.

But unfortunately to my readers from way back, this blog will surely become Krystal-Jessica biased. Sorry to inform you guys that my fanfiction and blog entries about my previous fandom (Atsuko/AKB48) won't resurface massively here again. (Maybe just a few when there's time)

January 30, 2015

I'm an Architect!

I am back to inform you guys that I'm not just a mere fangirl and blogger any longer! Right now I passed our licensure examination and I am now an ARCHITECT! At least you can call me that now.

 Being an architect was my highest dream since I was in high school and come to think of it, I chose this because I thought it would suit the fact that I know how to just draw back then. But it was never just drawing when I finally reached college. I underestimated the course, more likely I was foolish. In college since I was unprepared on how everything really works in an Architecture course, I discovered that struggle was real. Haha I thought I was never good and satisfied with 'some' of our design plates, I came to a point where I've degraded myself because of negative thoughts that maybe Architecture really wasn't for me. But eventually, I came to learn how to improve my skills and knowledge about the field. I've tried to prove myself from time to time that this course is for me, I've surrounded myself with great friends that worked hard and are very passionate. And from then onwards, I have become stronger and I passed the course Architecture.

My conclusion over my adventure in college was that, when I was thinking that the course wasn't for me, it was just a manifestation that I wasn't working really hard. Always remember success can never be gained without pain and struggle. So I have to, I needed to improve and work on myself how to deal with everything else.

And from then, I managed to get my 2 years (claiming it lol) diversified work experience in order to take the board exams for Architecture. (a requirement) Oh! When I started working btw, I learned to love this field so much more!! It was really amazing to apply what you've learned from school. It's an awesome feeling especially when your hard work was being paid!!! You know what I mean. lol

Then there's the review. I enrolled in a review center of course, but sometimes there were days wherein you'll find not wanting to attend some class. I was like that, I don't really recommend it but it's up to you guys on how you feel that day. lol I'm telling you, reviewing for months definitely is cruel, you may think that's enough of a time but it's not. Also, there will be times where you can't think of anything but negative. All the pressure, the stress, you'll feel them all twice or more stronger than when you were studying in college. Of course, it's different from college! Your job, your future plans, your family, friends and everyone else rely on this. If I didn't do my best, if I didn't do good enough what would I become? It's more like that when it comes to my thinking. There will be times you'll just gonna cry! It's not weakness, it's normal. So just cry it all out! I remember clearly how I also cried the night before the 1st day of exams. I was really nervous and stressed! haha

All of us who reviewed for the exams for months, we did all the best we could. And we couldn't tell ourselves if we really did good enough. The exams' results may or may not answer that either, I believe so. Of course every examinees wanted to pass, and I bet we all undergone the same pain and struggle. I guess it's a matter of time, luck and God's will. And me passing means it's really my time! I claimed it though and it's really helpful if you demand for it. Prayers do work!

Also, if I have to give yet another tip with this. I'm a hundred percent sure to advice 'always find time to have fun'. Despite having major event in your life ahead, never forget to make yourself happy. As for me, fandom really did took part of this happiness I'm saying. lol I'm a fangirl so I guess that's understood already. It was never a waste of time to make yourself lie low sometimes, it really helps to ease your mind! Yasss!

Oh thank you, my Jung sisters!!!!

And to end up this blog entry, I would really like to thank everyone who had supported me. I already did and I will never get tired thanking them everyday. And of course, to God. I always tell everyone I'm not religious, I don't go to church every week either. But I know we have a connection, through prayers. I know it's not enough but still, I am grateful that I'm that strong to Him! Yeah!


Oh so this is my first blog entry of the year 2015! And also sharing you guys my achievement for the year! I love it!!! Be prepared for my unleashed fangirl side again!!! woo!!!! yeah!!!