
June 23, 2013

MTV: Video Music Awards Japan '13

The red carpet as well as the awards ceremony was held yesterday but the coverage on tv will be air today at 8. Probably JST.

What else is there to say?

When Different Worlds Collide:Good or Bad?

Okay I have something to share that happened to me this week. Apparently there was a fangirl as well at our office, aside from me. Of course since I'm just in my almost 2 mos. at the office, I'm hiding some things that aren't supposed to be leaked yet. And to be honest I was not really aiming to let them know about it at all. But yeah since fans are prone to sharing things about their fandom, I wasn't able to stop my fcking excited emotions on a boring day at the office. There was a time the other fangirl at our office talked about her kpop fandom revolving around bias, otps and etc. And automatically I bursted out my biases. Lame right? Ah I need to control my feelings, help! Atsuko, you're not helping.

June 16, 2013

22nd Japanese Movie Professional Awards Ceremony: Best Actress Maeda Atsuko

What else is there to say? Congratulations, Acchan! Just like what Takamina had said several times, hard work really pays off.

Atsuko receiving another recognition, I'm very very happy and proud of her. To a woman who had sacrificed a lot in dedicating herself to acting, a "BEST ACTRESS" from the 22nd Japanese Movie Professional Awards surely is remarkable and deserving.

June 12, 2013

Gotta Catch 'Em All!

Yesterday (6-11-13), there was a press conference held for the new Pokemon film. And because Atsu was a narrator of the said movie, she was also present at the event.

Isn't she the cutest with Pikachu? The fluffiness level is immensely high!

June 9, 2013

AKB48's 32nd Single Senbatsu Election (5th SSK)

Okay.. There were quite a lot of surprises this election gave us, don't you think? There are also quite a lot of expectations from the fans/wotas which a few of them ended up being disappointed. (including me?ww) But what's done is done, so all we can do is just react over things and share our opinion towards that event and then accept later on. (vise versa www)

Witnessing  the election through live stream was already enough for me to observe small and big things at the same time. I just wanted to elaborate and share my opinion over things that had happened. A few things that I find very essential to me. So let me start this.

June 3, 2013

Kuroyuri Danchi Stage Greetings

I'll put the pics here from the Stage Greetings last June 1 (Saturday) to serve as a storage. Also I wanna congratulate Atsuko because Kuroyuri Danchi was a real hit! And I read everywhere else that the the horror movie will also be seen at overseas' cinemas like Singapore, Korea and others to sum 25 countries in total. ohhh Atsuko is bigger than evah, you international staaar/actress www Hoping my country will be lucky to be part of that 25 countries. orz

Congratulations my dear Atsuko. You deserved it all. (heart)

June 2, 2013

Preparations for Maeda Atsuko's 22nd Brithday

Since I love Maeda Atsuko very much, I've decided to prepare something big for her birthday. I know some of you might think that it's still so fucking early  for that but you know, I'm a busy person and time flies by so fast when I'm working. So in order to do not let her special day pass by like any ordinary days, I'm preparing in a much earlier time.

So here are my plans... I hope some of you who are interested will participate to answer some questions and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Plan #1: Party!

Of course like any other birthday celebration, a food preparation for that will be granted. I shall be making my own party here at my house and well, I'll try to post it on my blog as well. That's for July 10 exactly. If you want to celebrate it with me then that's fine.. let's meet! :))) But heck that's a working day, maybe at night? XD

Plan #2: Gifts!

June 1, 2013

Patience Is A Virtue: Atsumina Love Story

Sometimes the title of my blog entries are just so exaggerating, don't you think? lol Anyways we need that to arouse atsumina shippers with their hopes and dreams about their OTP right? And then later on, they'll be disappointed on the content of that fcking exaggerating title. wwww (congratulations! you've been fooled!) Just kidding.

Patience is actually the real key in shipping an OTP. (Am I really going to elaborate this? lol) Just like my experience with my AtsuMina. After Atsuko graduated everyone kept on saying this heavenly couple will  fade sooner or later. But anyways I don't give a fuck and just use my fcking small amount of patience in waiting for them. And as time passes by, bits of atsumina marks are slowly showing up. www  Just be patient because in the end you'll see your OTP's real shippers like Mariko sama who first posted again a picture of them together. (Thank you Mariko-sama, you just don't know how grateful I am that you were born!) Then later on the couple will reveal themselves. Returning each's love confession (exaggerating) through twitter and blog entries. wwww Oh just get married! XD

Okay seriously I am really happy that my ship is sailing again. Thanks to the fans that keep on pestering Takamina to post something about her meeting with Atsuko. (handshake events) www But of course our little shy midget general manager didn't tackle the details instead she put something in general. Like literally saying she just met Atsuko, but at least she said it was last last week or whatever. lol Anyways I'll just let that pass since Takamina is so private about their relationship friendship. love love

Thanks for the wonderful photo Taka, next time get closer okay?