
January 23, 2013

AtsuMina Fever Lives On

As far as I could remember it has almost been 6 mos. since Atsuko graduated from the group AKB48. But despite the absence of the previous ace, memories and trademarks of the girl are of course strongly remembered. One of the most undying memories of these is obviously about the firing love between the heavenly 'couple/OTP', AtsuMina. 

At first I'm quite giving up on this 'couple' as there are almost nothing new about them. I have thought, but most probably paranoid, that they are totally over. Yes you can accuse me for being delusional over their relationship, exaggerating everything, but I'm certain I'm not the only one. I'm using too much of my patience over them as I love them so much that I'm going crazy by this quiet atmosphere between Atsumina. This is one of my fears before Atsu even graduated, and my heart is breaking as it comes to reality. My Atsumina, no more public sweetness, jealousy, skinship, sexual harassment and more intense love actions (if there are more to beat that). I'm not used to it, WE are not used to it. But of course in order to tame myself over this hunger towards my heavenly OTP, imagination is my companion. Lost in my own thoughts, I have claimed that they are privately meeting and to satisfy me more, they are privately dating. 

Seriously, my Atsumina feelings aren't fading away even though they've been like this for months now. Away from the cameras, and this feeling is being fueled as several photos are being revealed. To add more in my craziness, the new Documentary is coming this Feb, and now I'm dying to see more what had happened backstage back then. How much more tears the members had shed for Atsu leaving the group and to make that 'members' specific, how much more tears Takamina had shed. 

Ugh. I miss my Atsumina and these few fan fics lately aren't helping anymore. I wanna rage on Atsu's twitter seriously, just to tell her go have a sex date with Taka. But of course I don't wanna be blocked if it's possible. lol My everyday sweet confessions to Atsu will be ruined if I do this kind of things to her. So yes, I need to tame myself and just stare with these Atsumina pictures forever. Ugh. 

Here are a few pictures that came out just earlier. And a recent news about Atsumina. Oh my Atsumina feelings, my heart.. Oh... zzzzz
From the new docu

January 17, 2013

Random Post of 2013

Hey! Uhh.. Nothing.. I just wanted to write something today. XD
I'm bored reviewing my notes for exams tomorrow.. It's just for 3 subjects yet I'm so lazy about it. Ugh. What a life. But hey, yeah I need to be responsible just like what I've written in my previous post. [Okay I never thought it would be that hard to comply with. Reasons I hate new years resolutions..]

Anyways done with our Final Endorsement and I'm ready (not so ready) in rehearsing our thesis defense this coming Monday. Hopefully I can revise all things needed to be revised on time. A lot of things had happen just the start of this year but I'm still in good situation so yeah, I'm still in control. Yay.

About my fandom... my time for it decreases as  I'm getting all focused with my thesis.. BUT! as much as possible I still say my confessions to Atsu everyday on twitter.. and uhh.. looking for some of her new photos.. and yup praying that there'll be new atsumina news [which I'm disappointed as nothing came out].. Atsumina fanfics are still there.. as much as possible I want to read awesome ones from awesome writers, but I rarely find a good one these days. Oh geez what's happening? ;A;

January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013!!!

Hi guys! It has been a while since I've written something in here. Yup, quite busy with a lot of stuff. And was sick for the previous days! Can you believe that? 2012 was not really a good year for me. How about you guys?

Seriously 2012 has become my scariest year of all. (And I'm not expecting more worst than that in the future). It was hell!

But 2012 is so last year, so we better move on. I don't want be stuck on that crappy year and memories anyways. Hah! I'm quite excited with 2013!! A new year! A new beginning! I'll do my best for this year.

Well I don't usually do "New Year's Resolution" nor believe in it. But this year I'll give it a try. So my New Year's Resolution is to be more responsible. Yeah if I will elaborate the meaning of that phrase, it is about being responsible to self (taking care of myself more), responsible to the things I do (Stop cramming, stop being lazy). Okay those are my priorities this  year.

And of course, to love Atsuko forever! lol Ayyy Happy New Year everyone!