
October 29, 2012

Welcome Atsuko_100

Yesterday (10-28-12) Maeda Atsuko finally joined twitter!! At first it was Mariko-sama who hinted that username of "Atsuko_100", and when I saw her tweet about it I immediately searched it. But unfortunately I saw other person with the same account name so I thought Mariko-sama was just trolling once again. Then a few minutes later the real "Atsuko_100" ,the person I was really expecting, came out as lots of people including Mariko-sama, Kojiharu and the others started to tweet and reply about her. Yes! It was the real Maeda Atsuko! I don't know how that thing happen, that there's a possibility that she can use a username that was already taken or probably that another Atsuko_100 I saw last night deleted her account immediately. Though that was a bit weird to call as coincidence. 

Anyways, look on the brighter side! It's really Maeda Atsuko! Have you ever saw this coming? Maeda Atsuko on Twitter? Now I can finally move on to the fact that she's not gonna ever update her G+ (as it was already deleted) and blog, although I still am looking forward to that "new" blog they are saying to be published anytime soon.

And so Maeda Atsuko has once again made headlines. What?
Twitter has also proven how popular she really was! As not yet reaching 24 hours she was able to gain thousands of followers. Within 12 hrs or less she gained 200k followers already! Geez.. I knew some "popular" korean singer who opened twitter before but it took her a few days, or weeks I guess, to have that no./amount of followers. Such a lame comparison? Not I guess. Ahh, love love.

First ever twitter profile picture:

October 22, 2012

Maeda Atsuko at the 25th TIFF Green Carpet

Last October 20, The Tokyo International Film Festival's green carpet (opening) was held. Different celebrities came to show their support in empowering the Film Industry. The 25th TIFF will be celebrated from Oct. 20-28, with events like screening movies, competitions and more.

Just in case you didn't know, Maeda Atsuko was chosen to be the ambassador for the 25th TIFF!! Hooray for that! For sure she's so happy to be part of it, it's an honor for anyone to become a representative for this event. And knowing that she's new as a soloist and just starting to grow as an actress, it was probably a shocking news for her when she had heard about it.

Anyways, on the green carpet it was her who spent the longest time doing fan service. It was stated at the news that she spent 30 mins or more with her fans, giving them autograph, taking pictures and etc. Wow, it was an instant fans meeting! lol. I wish I was there to witness her 'goddess' aura, it would be amazing. Just look how beautiful and stunning she was at that time.

October 21, 2012

Kei's Artworks [From Old Blog]

Yo! I was cleaning and organizing my files in my laptop earlier and look what I've found. Haha, old artworks which were published first thru my blog [kp3partsandmusic]. Seeing these old artworks of mine made me realize that it has been a while since I had draw an anime. Hmm, brings back memories. Come to think of it, sharing my artworks and guitar covers were my main purpose in creating a blog. Then it evolved to become a 'fandom' blog which is mixed with my boring 'narration' of my personal life. haha.

So I will bring back and publish these old artworks again, I won't edit out the 'logo' of my previous blog so just deal with it. :)

October 17, 2012

Welcome to Soundcloud

Hello, it's been a while since I've last posted something in here. October 3, and now it's October 17.. ;A;
Geez, some of you might think I stopped already from blogging.. but not really. But I admit I was just not in the mood lately to write something in here, I feel like it's not my zone anymore. So in order for me to get back my love for blogging I think I need to post something.

Lately, I find the internet world most especially some social networking sites as boring now. Nothing's new, and nothing's great. Just sharing stupidity everywhere, and I belong to those people who share stuff like that. Argh, embarrassing. But anyways, I wanted to breakthrough to that feeling so I've decided to create accounts at other sites esp. twitter and now soundcloud. :) yay for this. My first entry, I posted it last night. It was a product of a 'sudden recording' so don't expect much in it. haha,

This was the description or caption for this song on soundcloud:
Because I got bored doing my thesis, actually I'm not doing it.. I'm just thinking about it. And no progress at all. OTL [stressed already]
My brother keep on bugging me to play this song for him, but I always nag about I need talent fee first. LOL Since he didn't agree on my condition and still I'm so super kind little sister... I've just decided to record it for him to listen to. No talent fee means no live performance bro. Deal with my record. Fufufu.
And so I shall put all my craps here. pardon me if I'm not good enough.. ;A; OTL

October 3, 2012

Thanks Mai-chan [heart heart]

Made this blog entry to someone special. Never thought actually that I'll make great friends on the cyber world. [sniff] And look.. I did! Ahh, someone that understands you and your fandom.. awesome feeling. Anyways since I've deactivated my Kei Yurimimo fb account [both I and II] I can't manage to reach out to my friends in there, [sorry, I have to temporarily deactivate it for the reason I'm quite questioning my seriousness in studying lately. My goals are becoming blurry at this moment and when I know I have different fb accounts and pages I ended up doing fan girl things and rage about some topics, my vision on my goals blackened and worst forgotten. I'll surely miss my friends in there including this special person I'm writing about, and of course my undying friendship with Fandom Guild.. ahhhh lol.. Sorry guys really, it's not you it's me. HAHAHAHA LOL wtf?!]

Too much drama... then after 5 days, I'll activate my account? LOL, Ah but I guess this time I'm really serious, or maybe not. I dunno it depends on my mood. I got mood swings most of the time. hahaha.

Okay wait! Let's go back to the real purpose of this blog entry. Erm, just wanna say 'THANK YOU' to a dear friend Mai-chan [am I allowed to say your whole real name? XD] 1st, because of the gift I received for my birthday...
You may said it's not expensive nor a grand one.. but I did like and appreciate it very much. Considering that we're not that always chatting nor sees each other [never from before]... I really really am moved by your action.