
June 27, 2012

My ever Favorites at the moment!

I just LOOOOVE FANDOM!! Gaaahd!!!

I totally feel like I'm now a FULL Japanese~~~ [yeah japanese at heart, when talking about fandom and not by blood okay? lol]

I love I love I love!!!!!! JAPAN!! Dammit! Wait for me and I'll meet all my favorites out there. Just a little longer!!! As of now let me give you an insight about the status of my heart when it comes to my fandom. [trolololol!]

My goodness!! Recently my craziness over Haruna Ono.... [okay am I really going to say it now? I'm not sure either ? lol] was now FULLY REAWAKENED! Gaaahd! Why YOU SO PRETTY HARUNAAAA! I love your new hair style now. I'm getting used to your short hair but I don't mind if you plan to grow it longer though!! Heee! [Love! love!] I want to hear your voice now!! [Scandal Mode] 
I really like now the color of her hair!! She looked FREAAAKING AWESOME!! 

Fired Up!

Yeah, the title of this blog entry could give me the chills already. Recently, I've been chillin' out even if my other classmates are totally givin' out their whole time to their thesis. Honestly, I'm makin' the fool out of me, saying I'm busy and all but the truth is I'm just wasting my time to the things that are not on my priority list. Even though I tell myself to get serious with my thesis, I'm still here chillin' out giving craps for presentations we're havin' all this time. And as time passes by I can truly realize how stupid I was all this time. What am I doing? Why am I not that serious with this? This thesis is the beginning of all, to prove everyone that I've spent all these four years and now fulfilling the 5th year having to be all worth it. To spent a lot of money and time for those years, how can I not be serious on the last one? Gahd! I'm fully fired up now.

I'm so proud of my thesis adviser. No matter how lots of people are afraid of him, [I included myself on these people but that was from before] I can sense his professionalism and yet "CARE" for us his students for thesis. No matter how loud he talks to us in the classroom just to give out advises, there's this inspiring words coming out his mouth. He's not just blabbing on us or anything and I can really assure myself that he will not let go of us until the very end. He's willing to help us as long as we do our best and show A LOT OF EFFORT on our side. And I can fully understand everything. Thanks to him, I'm so inspired that I'm willing to give now my HUNDRED PERCENT! I want to receive his praises!!! This will be one of the greatest achievement I could ever have in my entire career as a future architect. He's so high!!! I want to reach his level :)

I really appreciate all his words, I can actually cry not because of fear but because of appreciation. He's so nice to give us his words. He's so awesome. Since he is that high I wanted to make sure his words to us will not be put into waste, of course we need to work hard! WOOO! 
As of now, we are done with conceptual analysis. My concept and building form are now accepted all I have to do now is make it more elegant and functional as we go to the site development plan and floor plans! Heee.. GANBARE KEI! 
Since I'm in the good mood today, lemme share with you photos I collected from my different sources of SCANDAL news and photos. Erm.. please do give credits to my blog if somehow it's your first time to see all these photos. Hee.. well that's if you're going to share them. Anyways have fun and thanks for reading my blog entry, I bet you guys are not interested with it but hopefully you'll get fired up as well in whatever you do. Think that there are times you need to get serious and let out your 100% on everything to do not regret later.

June 25, 2012

WOWOW x Scandal Band

My haruna-fan girl self is awakening inside my body. Oh goodness, she's so freakin' pretty on their new single outfit! Yes! the white one. GAAAH and on the handshake event, she's totally stunning!!!! waaaaahhhhhh [heart! heart! lots of hearts!]

Lucky girl! whoever Haruna's staring at the pic. you may now leave the earth you lucky one!! [lol]
Isn't she the prettiest, I know I know she's my bias.. but gahd I'm so glad she's back! Even if her hair is not that long as before, I don't mind it anymore. She's so prettyyyy.. She's like she's about to kiss the girl. [trolololol] I'm sorry for my hallucinations, I'm just exaggerating. Oh I miss haruna Ono already. I guess I'll check out some vids or photos of her on my collection. Hee.

June 21, 2012


uwahaw! It's been a long time since I last updated here. Hmm.. sorry minna you guys can't stalk at me for a while. LOL. I've been very busy lately with school stuff, I can really feel that this is really the thesis year! I'm stressed! But of course my fandom is still there to cheer me up. Lately I've been reading and now writing fan-fics of my OTP  in AKB48. Ohohoho~ you know who they are [lol] And I'm going to post it in the forum wherein I'm so entertained so much. People are really nice there too, so far the best forum for me? [haha] Yes, it's JPHIP!!  Visit them and join as well! It's really a big community so I bet everyone will not be bored there.

I might say I'm proud to be a member in there. Finally I found myself a forum that will keep myself active there. Yeah if you can't see me trolling around here on my blog you can see me there. I wonder if you'll be able to recognize me, but it's really obvious on my name there. Hahaha! I won't give direct link to my profile, catch me if you can. [yes I'm just assuming you'll stalk me, trololol] 

Anyways, that's all folks! I'll update this blog as much as I can if I have something more interesting to say. hahaha! Ciao~ For now lemme show you some pics of Acchan I've been drooling. She's so cute! Kyaaaa


June 12, 2012

Taiyo Scandalous PV Review

Okay, seriously.. can I ask this question again which is bugging me all this time now? "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE WORLD?" [lol]
TAIYO SCANDALOUS PV is out, I saw it immediately and just let the time pass first before viewing it. I don't know I was not really that excited. Everyone seemed to be very happy, and I was like.. Okaaay...

So why did I reacted that way? Well honestly, I had the feeling that there is something!! something that would actually give a negative vibe coming out on that PV. [lol I was really that nega? haha] Well to what's happening now to SCANDAL, I don't know what to expect any longer.

PV???? It's great if only they've taken a better concept. [lol]

I don't fucking CARE to those people who would find this blog entry a bit offensive to you guys, I don't really care! I just want to release this anger which is raging enormously throughout my body. I don't give a damn on you people who are truly happy and crazily liking the PV! I really wanted to comment back "negatively" on your joyful celebration towards your enjoyment over the PV, but I restrained myself because I don't want to awkwardly destroy your celebration. I did that because we all have different perspective on it. I give way and that means I respect your thoughts. So yeah I'm just going to release everything I have on my mind now on this entry. So I hope you guys will also acknowledge that there are some people who have some different ideas towards the pv, and if you wanted to comment on what I've written here...just say it in a respectful manner.

I know it's going to be very dramatic again. [lol] But what can I do? SCANDAL is pushing me to write this kind of thing. And maybe some of you think that if I'm really against the PV then why should I have to make some noise and distract everyone? Why can't I just shut my mouth? Well I really can't!! LOL! If you don't want to read my blog entry then go fuck yourself and get away in here. Or if you want you can kill yourself too. [trololol]

So then here are my reactions towards the PV

June 10, 2012


Hmmm.. When I say sub units I'm pertaining to DOBONDOBONDO and HARINA tandems okay?
I think everyone knows that already. It's just my 1st time to hear the songs from their newest single.  And I saw their concept of their sub units the 1st time the photos were distributed everywhere. My 1st reaction was..
"WOW! Kakkoi desu ne~ Dobondobondo are so cool! They really give great justice to that hiphop concept!! AMAZING!! I LOVE IT!" Then when I saw HARINA concept.. "FUUUUUUUUUUU!, WTF!! Weird costumes, weird effects on the photo." Rina does not looked bad, but it's still quite disturbing.. as for Haruna.. damn!! What is happening to the world? [lol] I don't understand that concept, Haruna looked like she's portraying to be Spiderman's enemy.. yeah the octopus man.. trolololol! I'm really sorry but that was just my 1st impression, I seriously got that thought! Maybe it's because of the weird thing surrounding Haruna.. what the hell was that anyways?? = =
CHERRY JAM CHERRY JAM!! Kyaaaaa! It's so cute!! I find it really cute!! GAHD! I love this duo forever and ever. Can't wait to see their PV for this. Oh yeah! Can't stop giggling just because it's too cute and adorable to listen to. Gahd! The genre is really not my type but because of dobondobondo, they made mE love it for a while. wahahaha! I find it really funny too.. :)))  Cherry Jam~~ :)) [heart]

June 8, 2012

Inspiring words from AKB48

I'm having a hard time now on my thesis, everyday's schedule is fully loaded always since the start of the school year. Our thesis adviser also has given us the dates of submission on every volume for our thesis book and as well as the drawings. There are no breaks at all. I can feel now the pressure on my shoulders. My thesis adviser is one of the greatest and outstanding thesis adviser of all time in history [lol, exaggerating but true]. He's expecting a lot from us which gives more creeps. He is not the ordinary/typical thesis adviser, people consider him as the GREATEST! People respect him! Students are scared of him! Scared not because of his appearance! SCARED BECAUSE HE IS A GENIUS!!! He knows what you are thinking! He knows what to expect from you! He knows everything!! And the scary thing there is what if you can't give back those knowledge on him! What if I was unable to support ideas on my thesis? What if I can't make it on his HIGH standards???

Those are the things I'm scared of right now. I'm saying this with all honesty, I'm really afraid of what could happen. And I think all of us are afraid of what's going to happen in the future. But we can't just stay always on our comfort zone and do nothing and wait for the future to come. It's like you're waiting for you hopeless life to end. And of course I do not want to be like that! I want to move forward no matter how scared I am today.

THANK YOU to AKB48's Mariko Shinoda and Takahashi Minami's encouraging words. I feel like I can totally face anyone in the future. MORE CONFIDENT and MORE ENTHUSIASTIC!! I feel like I'm bursting with energy!! They are so inspiring! They are the ones who have given me the RIGHT WORDS to believe in and to hold on to right now till the very end. I feel like I can do anything without fear!! I feel like they are my companions when it comes to having hard times, I feel like I can trust their words because they themselves are trying to hold on to their own words.These words!! They too are having a hard time and expecting for a light to come out in the end of this darkness!!! I LOVE HOW MY FANDOM HELPS ME ON THIS KIND OF SITUATIONS!!! This may look very exaggerating and somehow dramatic but these statements I am saying right now, are definitely full of appreciation towards the fandom. I LOVE AKB48!!! Thank you Takahashi-san! Shinoda-san!!!!

One person said our effort will not be always rewarded.
She may be right. Maybe not all of our efforts will be rewarded. We may need a good luck. 
But without effort, you will get nothing.
For me, effort means unlimited possibility.
I'll prove with my own life that effort will definitely be rewarded.
---Takahashi Minami on her speech from 27th Single Senbatsu Election
Inspiring words as expected from the Captain. No words can be more truthful from the hardworking captain herself. 

Some people might say "Give over your seat to junior members."
But I think members who can't forge their own path unless someone hand over positions to them will never win others
I think a lot of you (talking about her juniors) are feeling that injustice to oneself. (bitterness)
But turn that into power to move forward, and challenge us, your seniors with that power. Challenge us with determination to crush us.
---Shinoda Mariko on her speech from 27th Single Senbatsu Election
Yes she may be a TROLL every time, but her "serious" words are always really straight to the point and very encouraging! Expected from a mature woman. 

Yeah I know, I said I am busy but I wanted to take time for this inspiring words to spread to everyone having hard times. I think it will also help you guys! If only you will find yourself within these words they have said, you will FULLY UNDERSTAND how these words became so inspiring!! I find it really useful. Now I will hold on to these words forever!!! 


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June 6, 2012

Congrats Oshima Yuko!!!

AKB48's 27th Single General Election 2012 a.k.a 4th Senbatsu election 2012 recently just ended. As expected [and I do really believe in here], Oshima Yuko hit the #1 spot! The NEW AKB48 CENTER!!! Congratulations Oshima-san from the bottom of my heart! You are the "MOST" deserving for this spot [other than TakaMina, for me]!!
Oshima Yuko (Team K) 108837
 I'm really happy about the result of the no. 1 ranking. I'm so happy that I could burst into laughter and laugh hard on those people/wotas who were rooting or worst even insisting that Mayuyu was going to be the next center. Haha! Fuckers!!! No one can be greater than Acchan except Yuko! Yuko deserved this no. 1 spot MORE than anyone! I don't hate Mayuyu so don't get me wrong here, but I just can't hide how MAD I am to those people keep on telling everyone and me that Mayuyu will be the next center because of the PV Manatsu Sounds Good. They say also that it was a prediction, that Acchan was with Mayuyu on the Pv. Like she's passing the throne on the girl.. I say Wut THE FUCK??? Seriously I want to slap their faces for saying that, what's with the PV? They're just acting!! And whatever else their reasons for telling that, I don't care anymore!!! Augh. If I have a gun here and with unlimited bullets I'll definitely shot all those people fighting for non sense about Mayu first before Yuko.. [sigh] That's SO IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

June 4, 2012

Happy 21st Birthday!! Big bro!

Oh before I forget, I also wanted to say "Happy Birthday" to my dear big brother. He's now 21 years old :D
 and I'm 19. We're really close siblings out of all in our family [maybe because we have a small age gap? that we both think the same way]. We grew up being together always, we fight as well due to some misunderstandings, but all in all we're partners in all the problems we are experiencing. We share to each other both great and sad moments of our lives. We tell each other everything that we can't tell to our family or even to our friends. We take care of each other too [most likely he's the one taking care of me he always even prepare my milk and food every night! HAHAHA but of course I take care of him too in my own style wahahaha] We are really that close! For me he is not just a big brother, but a BESTFRIEND as well! My big brother is the best! I wish he would not get marry yet so both of us can tease and laugh at each other WAHAHAHA!!!

I already greeted him personally, [of course! we're siblings duh? haha] but these cheesy words I'm writing now in the blog I can't say it to him. Hahaha! He might be crying or worse laugh at me, wahahah! So never mind. =)) That's how much I love my big brother, I can make blog entries for him in here and tell everyone that he is the best!! He's a cool brother!!!

Too Adorable to be Ignored! TakaMina

Ola! Ola! Howdy!! [lol]
Oh God! I miss writing on this blog. Haha [As if it was a long time ago since I've last written in here] lol

Anyways stop with the drama, I've passed my whole thesis proposal to my adviser now which is why I'm trolling the whole day. [lol] Finally! At this point of time I feel unburdened with it. haha! Yeah because I'm just waiting for a reply, hopefully there are no "harsh" comments.. I'm not yet ready to encounter them {T.T}
Since school reopens tomorrow, I'm enjoying every moment of this day to bits. I'm trolling around, editing photos, watching AKB vids and downloading all of them. Hee. Oh I'm also playing the guitar, I already have plenty of new songs which I already finished learning by ear. You'll hear them all soon, oh yes! My own arrangements! Hee. [been used to that expression] = =

As you can see, I've edited some parts of my blog. Like the header and the colors of texts. [I think that's obvious?] I'm not good at editing but I think I've given enough justice on my header photo. I think it does really look nice [assuming] maybe because of Acchan's beauty? She looked really stunning in there! [Blue! blue! blue!]
I also made 1 for my FB fan page [Not really edited]

June 2, 2012

The Power Of AKB48!

Witness the awesomeness of this amazing group!!! This is just one of their outstanding achievements.. AKB48 is phenomenal when it comes to breaking new records! Search for yourselves! I have no time in putting it in here. Whahaha! But if I had that time I will list down all in here!

For now, let's rejoice!!! All Hail Queen Acchan for being no. 1. ALWAYS! Well who wouldn't get attracted and well entertained with Bukiyo (Clumsy) Photobook of Acchan? I bet all of her fans fainted due to HEAVY nosebleed. They run out of blood. Hahaha! My goodness even I myself was shocked when I saw the photobook.. [okay let's change topic, everything's going to be really dirty here.. now now.. Must stop saying mild adjectives for that photobook!! trololol]