
January 29, 2012


I thought I was going to be interrupted to share these awesome photos in here LOL!
First I want to say please give credits if ever these photos in my blog are going to be used with other scandal pages out in facebook [I was just saying "if ever"] LOL!
Though these photos have watermarks, I can give to you the original photos if you guys want to :) If I got lots of request to upload then i'll upload the original ones..
By the way I WON'T UPLOAD all the pages, don't ask why.. ;)))

Other than that, I have another announcement :))
I officially made a facebook page for my blog, so if you haven't seen it yet.. it's here: [KP3P] keismagic
Do "like" it if you wanted to get variety of updates from my blog. 

So then, here goes nothing.. XDD


January 25, 2012


Dammit, I just got home, then these pictures came out suddenly to my face.. and I was like.. *FAINTS* LOL!
Seriously I almost died with the hotness of SCANDAL over here.. augh.. I can't express how happy I am with what they've become today.. oh.. nostalgia... TT^TT *so proud*

Before leaving our home.. I saw my co-admin ab post the preview of Harukaze.. The 1st time I saw it.. I feel like wanted to cry.. I feel like I can't wait anymore to see the FULL video.. That MV for me is one of the most sentimental video I've ever seen.. why did I say that? Im just exaggerating!! LOOOOL! No! Seriously it's sentimental for the reason that it came out earlier as they will perform in every artists' dream... the BUDOKAN.. it felt like it's the mark, symbolism of looking up to SCANDAL.. the setting of the video gives you that feeling.. *well that's what I felt* THE NOVELTY and PRESTIGE feeling..  LOL or maybe I'm just really exaggerating things.. :)))))) hahaha!

Here's the PREVIEW.. (I soooo love their transformation nooooooow *heart*)

then, these photos...
augh!! TT^TT
*this is super happinesssss* LOL!

January 23, 2012

SCANDAL having boyfriends?

I seriously am getting crazy while doing this Olympic stadium.. fuck.. why does it have to be this HUGE.. I honestly wanted to just put this project aside so that I can have my freedom.. but I can't since it's a group project.. My partner (note: yes we're not a group, because one of our members i think got tired of our childish acts.. LOL) would have gone crazy too if I'll leave him behind. XD
anyways, I still am on my proper mind so I wont do such irresponsible act.. yeah!

But of course having a break and do some blog entry wont be a hindrance on my school work right? haha! ANYWAYS, admin from a scandal fan page, asked if MAMI has a boyfriend and who was it.. and I commented on that, it's TOMO! LOOL!.. haha YURI MODE! XDD

2pm (The Hottest) Fever

While doing my plate for Olympic Stadium, Being a fan girl isn't a hindrance! LOL! OMG, I just love doing everything in design subject while listening to my favorite artists. Yeah I'm not listening to SCANDAL for a few months now. T^T I dunno why, maybe I'm too much obsessed with them.. that i ended up over them?? NOOOO!! Dont worry I'm still a huge fan of SCANDAL band.. although I think this time I'll lie low for the moment.

I was listening to 2pm again, searching them in youtube again.. OMG!! I never thought that I already missed out a lot of MUSIC VIDEOS from them.. I was totally shocked with few of them.. They are really the HOTTEST!!! I'm proud to be fan..
Let me share some of my favorite NEW videos that I recently watched.

January 22, 2012

Introduction to Architecture

Photos of Suzy from her coming MOVIE, Introduction to Architecture.
It's really ironic that Su Ji (my favorite singer for the moment) is now taking part of a movie that has title of Architecture in it, which is now the course I'm taking in college. haha! Pretty cool incidence. love it.
movie is coming out this (March 10, 2012) 
aw, Im so jealous to see them sweet LOL! *CRIES* :))

January 16, 2012

I dont want to REVIEW for exams!!

Yeah the title says it all.. AAAGH no matter what I do I just can't concentrate! Nothing's going on my head because I'm thinking too much of what to do next!! There are sooo many things to do and I dont know how will I be able to face them all, when I'm stuck here reviewing for the exams!! AGH! I'm going crazyyyyyy.. I need a doctor! LOL!

Sigh, I want to breakfree! that's why I'm doing this blog entry... I want to share my feelings.. LOL! Seriously If only I was born to be a genius and has this photographic memory, my life would have been easy. I should have spent my whole life doing things I wanted... But well, that's life for me.. We can't get anything we wanted so easily, we need first to sacrifice our leisure and work hard enough to achieve our wants and needs.. Augh, growing up is soo stressful! Omy! I miss childhood.. *cries*

Anyways I'll post RANDOM photos that I wanted to share, so standby and enjoy looking at the pics.. chyeah.. fandom alert! 2pm, MISS A Suzy, and Kim Soo Hyun *saranghae* :))))
I need inspiration, so please come to me,.,....!!! = =

January 15, 2012


A-suke, Eisuke. whatever that is he's called all I know is that this guy is my husband! LOL! I'm just kidding dont kill me. XD
thanks to my co-admin aeon for the share of that information. uwiii... XD

I'll be sharing a few information about SCANDAL's manager.. and I hope that I can give this post to have enough justice wohohoho! So then let's start this..


Seriously why didn't I bookmarked this date? T^T I still remember last year's January 15th wherein I was really looking forward to it since I knew it'll be MIO's day.. Even my classmates were all informed by me and they taught I'm crazy because I was telling them about the day OVER and OVER again. HAHA! I think I began bragging up MIO's day the whole day of January 14th to 15.. :)) and when 15th of January arrived, all my friends that I'm with on the 14th greeted me HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIO AKIYAMA! ahahahaha!!! I find it really cool.. oh well.. can't believe I only remember this precious day of 2012 by seeing "I LOVE ANIME"s fb post.. waaah.. but anyways thanks to them.. I can celebrate again *heart*

oh I miss K-on already. Haven't seen the movie yet too.. I hope someone can upload it.. LOL!


January 10, 2012

RINA's Coming of Age Ceremony

Recently, Rina blogged about her participation of coming of age ceremony. (For those who have no idea what that ceremony is, here's a detail for you! Coming of age ceremony,specifically in Japan, are those people who reached 20 years of age. They are brought to a government building have seminars and all to have knowledge about the adulthood. Usually in Japan, they celebrate or commemorate this event by the second(week) Monday in January.) whew! I hope my explanation got into your mind XDDD LOL!

Anyways Rina had a very nervous day for that event, but everything became well as she met few of her grade-school friends.. (Wow! Reunion LOL) as stated on her blog post.. she said she came to the coming of age ceremony at Nara, Osaka which is her hometown.. well it's good to know she had a break for a while and came to this very precious stage/event for her transition from childhood to adulthood. :)
And to elaborate these info from Rina's blog post, She said that she discovered a lot of people from her friends had been listening or knew SCANDAL.. which made her happy and surprised. yey for SCANDAL :)

Rina also reminisced few memories from back then as she read a letter from a Little Mermaid envelope.. (cries*) aww.. I also discovered that Rina was like any other, she also is hoping for a shortcut (to future, I guess) throughout his childhood.. maybe she's also getting through a lot of trials and problems.. well.. that's LIFE for us..
I'm so happy for her, that despite those hardships, she now reached one of her dreams that A LOT of us had been dreaming of.. :'(
(Let's make RINA our role model)

Here are few PICTURES from the event!
From RINA'S blog entry...

True friendship: IU & Suzy

Sigh, one of the things I hated about this course of mine is creating a huge project. T^T and the feeling of not enough time to finish it.. waaah.. scary..

anyways I did some fan girl mode again despite the HUGE amount of works to deal with.. XDDD

"SUZY: If I'm the N side of a magnet, IU is the S side of the magnet ♥
I keep on wanting to see her..aww.. that's so sweet Suzy.. I just love the strong friendship IU and Suzy has.. true friends are hard to find.."

January 9, 2012


It's kinda late for me to brought this up.. well you can't blame me if I wasn't updated when my laptop got broken. T^T haha! anyways, I'm so happy when I saw this news.. I was too happy, I ended up fangirl-ing over this couple again. LOL!

January 8, 2012

Expectations about Fandom (year 2012)

Hello world! XD whew.. it's been a long time now since I last posted in here.. It's so good to be back. XD Although I have tons of things to work on with.. I still chose to do some blog post 1st.. Yeah, my laptop got broken and I need to leave my laptop on some LAPTOP REPAIR shop for about 3 days.. I just soooo miss my laptop.. Feels like I can't do a single great thing on my school works without my laptop.. :((
I just can't hide the feeling of joy over this special event now that my precious laptop is back! yaaay!. LOL!

Anyways XD this is my 1st post for the year 2012 as well, let me all greet you guys a HAPPY NEW YEAR first..(even though it's too late).. Well year 2011 for me is not that bad at all.. but I dont think it's my year as well.. Hopefully this will be a great year to overcome 2011.. and of course I needed to change some few negative habits of mine before anything else just so to make my year a successful and happy one. I'm not used to new year resolutions or anything but oh well.. Must try for this year.. :))

What are the things I'm expecting for year 2012's korean-japanese entertainment industry??
of course I want to see more SCANDAL activities in the future.. I also want to see them LIVE.. (hoping).. I wish they can have an ASIA TOUR that will definitely be called an "asia tour" by going to different location/countries in Asia.. not just 3 or 4 countries.. Hey SCANDAL we're in Asia too!! *LOL*

More successful albums and singles for them to come.. and few concerts to look forward to :)