
December 30, 2011

Best Japanese Rock Bands - Top Ten List

I just voted in here:, I think SCANDAL should be no. 1! yay!
These were my comments..
"SCANDAL is the most awesome girl band ever! They know how to create music that will inspire and catch everyone! 
They give so much inspiration for those who wanted to pursue their dreams in music. They started as a nobody.. But now they've caught and conquered everyone's heart not just in Asia but all over the world. They are just the awesome band I cannot replace in my heart."

December 29, 2011

So Close (My all-time favorite Movie)

Whew.. I re-watched this movie just earlier today, because someone posted it and i saw it on my news feed. And dang! My tears aren't stopping when Lynn died.. I know that it would happen  while the police are suing her little sister. damn you little sister! LOL! just kidding, I love the both of them.. *sigh* why does it have to be so sad.. :"((
Anyways, I last watched this movie from way back when I was in highschool, 1st year as I can recall? I saw this on AXN and I was maybe bored at that time.. since I'm not that very well known to the outside world movies aside from English ones before. Yes, I started watching this 1st before being so addicted with korean and japanese dramas. This was the mark of my fandom over Asian movies, well yeah I'm not that addicted to our own movie. LOL!

December 28, 2011

Dream High (again & again)

! Hey! Hey!
I'm back, and I'm here to update again. It took me a while to be inspired again to write, and yes because I re-watched Dream High(this time I finished it from the start till end LOL).. I really love this drama, can't stop watching it, it actually is a very inspiring one especially to those who wanted to pursue their dreams in music. I can somehow relate with it.. I really like music, I wanted to know more and play more music... If I had not taken Architecture as my course, I would really love to pursue my dreams in music. I really wanted to be a musician, although I know to myself that I'm not yet capable of creating my own music since I have no background and not that well prepared in it because I dont find a time to study and explore about music. But I know someday, someday, I will find a way to make this dream come true.

December 21, 2011


Woooooot! Yeah we actually got our 1st anniversary.. wow it’s been almost a year since I started this crazy phenomenon by myself.. LOL. Yeah never thought that I would actually create a fan page and tried my best to update what’s happening around SCANDAL. And yeah I know.. I’ve never been this crazy about something before except for SCANDAL, it really is a wonderful experience for me to actually do it and meet SCANDAL fans all over the world. I’m glad to make friends and not enemies.. There are lots of fan pages going out in FB today.. there are lots of blogs and forums as well as FAN CLUBS.. and Im really happy about it.. They are the symbols/ marks of how GREAT and POPULAR SCANDAL is becoming. And I’m so prouuuuud of them!! Let’s go guys we can do it, let’s support them with all our might and on our own ways.. let’s not just forget RESPECT and SUPPORT for one another to make a UNITY of all SCANDAL FANS!! Chyeaaaah!

Get to know the admins of Scandal Magic (2nd batch)

Now here's the 2nd batch of my co-admins from Scandal Magic.. hihi
Scandal Magic fan page wont be the same without my awesome co-admins zidaine, mimi, izumi, ab and aeon.. so today let's meet more about our youngest male admin and our awesome writer aeon. :))
Done with the introduction now let's read some of their words.

Here's admin aeon 1st~
Right now it's freezing and I'm staring at an empty horizon. As I write this, I'm listening to "Only One Thing". 

December 19, 2011

SCANDAL MAGIC: 1st anniv celebration (Video Editing Competition)

Woot sorry to make this blog entry late.. XD
anyways, last December 17, Saturday was the due date of Video editing competition.. even though that it's only one who got the chance to participate, we are still overwhelmed with his effort.

Although there are still others who wanted to submit their works in an extended date, But I and the admins decided NOT to extend it since.. RULES are RULES.. It must be obeyed.  (yes, we are really serious about this stuff). So if you guys are interested with our competitions make SURE that you guys READ the rules carefully and mark the due dates of it.. coz we cannot really do anything about adjusting the rules!
(I just like Rina's photo in here.. LOL)

The winner of Scandal Magic's 1st ANNIVERSARY video editing competition is no other than Mr. Tihamér Bóc!!

December 16, 2011

Get to know the admins of Scandal Magic (1st batch)

Because it is Scandal Magic's 1st anniversary.. Let all of us get to know more about us. The beginning of the page as well as the admins :D
let's first start knowing my co-admin Izumi (Our newest and youngest member of the Scandal Magic family)
and here are her words:

December 12, 2011

Virgin Hall Tour [Baby Action] at Nakano Sun Hall (new photos)

It's sooo GOOOOOOOD that LOTS of photo updates are coming about SCANDAL. Those photos and the more to come are like treasures and are already a complete gift for Christmas from our favorite band.

1st, Zippo Girls, next few photos from the their Salon... now... the whole set of photos from marshall blog! which shows the photos from the last stop of Virgin Hall Tour [Baby Action] at Nakano last December 1, 2011.

I say, OMG few photos are soooooo cute! Just can't stop giggling,,, The videos from Girls Factory and then now the few photos from their tour showing their new hairstyle and looks again... makes me get used to their new looks.. seems like as I'm seeing them more and more...they are becoming cuter and prettier again just like before..AWESOME photos!! CREDITS to Marshall Blog!! arigatou gozaimasu!

Of course I'll start with Haruna's photos again.. :)))
since haru is the leader of course, she must be the symbol of leadership.. that's why she needs to be always on the 1st line.... LOOOOOOOOL WTF am I saying XDDD
*heart* *heart*

SCANDAL @ the Salon (fr. Enami's blog)

After almost killing us from the MOENESS of SCANDAL on Zippo Girls.. here they are again to add a bit more spice on the killing.. <----WTF am I saying? LOL~ just ignore it.. anyways
here are the latest picture from Enami's blog, which is SCANDAL's hair dresser/ stylist.. as well as for AKB48. cute! I think he's popular among lots of other artists.. lucky.. *A*

 augh!! so cute.. haha my 2 favorites.. but yeah MAMI, i mean HARU still is on the TOP!! LOL!

December 11, 2011

SCANDAL MAGIC: 1st anniv celebration (Photo Editing Competition)

The celebration already started, and few photos from Zippo Girls also participated. haha! awesome co-incidence.
Photo editing contest for Scandal Magic's 1st year anniversary competition started December 3, and has ended yesterday Saturday at 12:00 mn.
I'm quite happy with the result of the contest, even though there are only a few no. of people who participated, they made us really proud and gave us a hard time choosing what's the best!!
Awesome competitive works us admins saw.. and we're really happy that they participated. :)

Because I'm happy with the result, I decided to feature all works in here. But of course only the winner still get the other awards :D
And of course the main "icon" for this blog entry should be from the WINNER's photo entry on the competition.. yes the ADMINS of Scandal Magic, had a hard time picking who's the best design...
but here's our winner!
 Okay, what can I say.. this actually is awesome for me. I think the simplicity of designs and the way she played with the colors are so great. haha I find it really cute and lovely.. :D very awesome work patrice!
A very impressive work!!!
I'll talk to you regarding the other prizes!
(See the tally of votes from the admins in the lower part of this blog entry)

December 10, 2011

New Zippo SCANDAL photos (pt. 2)

I thought nosebleed events are already over, haven't moved on yet but photos are still coming from the application of Scandal Zippo.
OMG!! *faints I can't take it anymore too much, gorgeousness and hotness coming from them !! uwaaaaa *A*
You can get the photos through iTunes Application

Here are more of SCANDAL ZIPPO GIRLS photos...

of course I'll start with HARUNA again.. augh... *dies

New Zippo SCANDAL photos

I just love SCANDAL! Everytime  I'm in distress all their pictures suddenly pop out!! They are just the best for me hahaha! TOTALLY MADE my day, even if the day just started! LOL!

All of them are just soooo gorgeous!! Cant stop giggling! *A* almost died with the pics especially Haruna Ono's pictures.. the poses!! *faints

Here are the latest Zippo photos, let me start with haruna.. coz I can't take it anymore she's sooo gaaaaahh, so I need to share them 1st LOL!
:))) LOL! Sorry my fandom just suddenly came to it's extent.. :))

Credits to: SCANDAL THAI FAN :)
Photos from the ZIPPO GIRLS, are all can be seen and be downloaded thru itunes. 
It was stated you need to purchase before downloading, but yeah it was totally for FREE. 
So distribution of pictures i think is forgiven :)

December 9, 2011

Random Artists #1

Just wanted to share a few artists with their songs that I'm listening with in the past few days.
Making my day a bit easier while listening to music. No matter what kind of lyrics they have (korean, japanese, english,etc) as long as they appeal to me.. they are the best! :)

Recently I've been pissed off by someone I know.. and it's quite hard to act like there's nothing wrong.. well all of us are experiencing this,, I would like to say yes, im plastic.. im plastic to someone who's a CRAP and SELFISH through thick and thin!! I say you're a b*tch and you're pissing me off!! LOL!
Okay let's stop this  :)))

Anyways, I'm really happy with IU's EPIC win on Music Bank! ;)
She really deserved to win! Her new song is really captivating, even though that she's competing with a few famous artists in Korea, most especially with SNSD in the final round, she still managed to win it! Yeah! Awesome girl! ;)

December 4, 2011

Park Jae Beom (AOM)

It's been a long time since I updated my media about Jay, loved him on 2pm from before and when he left, my fandom over 2pm became less. I like Jay for being the smallest (LOL) yet charismatic guy on the group. But when he's out of the 2pm.. I stopped hearing his music and reading articles about him. oh well..
CREDITS to iwanttobekorean on deviantart
But hey! I'm back on track with Jay Park. I just update myself with him just today XD
His new songs are really great and very catchy even though he'd been through a lot of shit on his career, he still managed to be an artist he wants to be. An independent kpop artist. But honestly I thought he'll start to sing english songs when he's out in 2pm, because he started covering songs from english artists, as well as he's more like a guy who grew up in the U.S. And as far as I know he was not really good at talking in Korean when he 1st started in JYP entertainment, more likely he's been tutored or just thought by 2pm members. hmm (this data was informed to me through a KPOP friend of mine) whew! anyways glad he's still a hallyu star! wiii

December 3, 2011

Celebrating Scandal Magic's 1st Anniversary

Dec, 21 will be the birthday of Scandal Magic, we're inviting everyone to participate with the celebration.
We'll be going to host games, artworks, video and picture marathon, my blog entries are also in participation.
You'll have the chance to get to know your favorite admins in Scandal Magic as well :)
--kei, mimi, zidaine, aeon, ab, izumi--
 [REQUESTS of TOPIC is now open.. comment in]

we're going to give a contest as well about artworks, a special banner for Scandal Magic celebrating 1st anniversary.. just like this [refer to the image below]
(credits to admin Zidaine for the edited pic)

The banner that will win will be featured as our Display pic at SCANDAL MAGIC FB PAGE and will be featured in my blog as well. The winner will be given a chance to HAVE ACCESS on my RARE scandal  GALLERY and will let him/ her choose 3 RARE images of scandal or his/her favorite member.
If you're interested please submit your works starting December 5, 2011.. end of submission will be ended by
the Saturday December 10, 2011.

for those who will participate in the picture editing contest please be guided by some rules:
-photo resolution is NOT less than 760x576 (although we prefer it to be a much higher reso than that.)
--scandal magic 1st anniversary words shall be seen in the pic
---post/submit your work here in the page
----due date of submission is on Dec. 10, '11.

December 2, 2011

Drink Like There's no Tomorrow

I just like to post this topic since I'm a bit shocked with haru's latest blog entry photo. The one that she's drinking a huge cup of beer posing with her favorite jacket (assuming because we've seen it before).
I was shocked not because of the beer cup size (nuh-uh!) but because she's sooooooooo cute!! kyaaahaha!
HAHA! But well yeah seriously I find her back to herself again with that picture, maybe because the hair is not exposed as much. Oh well.. will not talk about it ANYMORE. XD
Few people are a bit shocked with the pic because Haruna's drinking beer. Come on kids, it's too big for you to problem and understand about mature life, go play somewhere and watch cartoons. LOOOL!
Haruna really likes beer, as far as I can remember. same goes with MAMI. XD
as for the other members Rina is the least person who drinks [actually I'm not sure if she's drinking alcoholic beverages] as for Tomo, she's drinking but not as heavy as the other two [observation from a scandal video].

Reminiscing a Love Story

It's really funny how I ended up watching Love story of Android 18 and Krillin on youtube. LOL! freaking funny but I would say I was really a supporter for this couple when I was a kid,. How cute XD 
I love how android 18 loved Krillin no matter weak the guy is.. weak and SHORT! haha! I was really wondering how their relationship worked until now XDDD (everlasting love? LOOOL) anyways love is really blind and full of mystery. =)

Though just like I said I love this couple from DB, they are just fantastic to watch. And how they blush >////< wahaha! and.. and.. how tough the girl is in the relationship and Krillin is more like the soft one.. the happy giggling moment is when Android 18 gets soften emotionally with Krillin! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa *A* (He got the moves like Jagger! XD)
HAHAHA! Funny! XD wow i'm bringing back an old EPIC anime. I'm a fan of this show, it's just awesome! :)